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Using A Topographic Map

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1 Using A Topographic Map

2 A Relief Map With Contour Lines


4 What are they? Topographic maps are an invaluable tool for everyone from hikers and campers to county planners and emergency response teams. These maps are used by planners, engineers, outdoor enthusiasts, and many others rely on these to accurately depict the land surface. During natural disasters, such a hurricanes, floods, landslides, and earthquakes large numbers of topographic maps are used by emergency response agencies and to assist recovery. 

5 Map Scales A ratio of distance on a map to the actual distance on earth Ex. 1:24,000 means that one unit of measurement on the map will equal 24,000 of those units on earth May also be represented graphically:

6 U.S.G.S. Maps The United States Geological Survey produces topographic maps of the entire country

7 These maps are called quadrangles and they come in different sizes
1:250,000 1:100,000 1:24,000

8 As we look at a smaller area of the earth, we can put more details on the map so a 7.5’ quadrangle will be more detailed.

9 Most USGS map series divide the United States into quadrangles bounded by two lines of latitude and two lines of longitude. For example, a 7.5-minute map shows an area that spans 7.5 minutes of latitude and 7.5 minutes of longitude

10 New York 10 of Latitude by 20 of Longitude

11 Long Island 7.5’ by 7.5’

12 Map Symbols Are universal so that everyone everywhere can read the map without a individual legend

13 Vegetation is green

14 Water is blue

15 Each road type has it’s own symbol
Secondary Road

16 Ice

17 Orchard Rail Road Use the Map Symbol Key in your text book to see all the acceptable colors and symbols School

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