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INTERN TRAINING Data Collection. NMMR SYSTEM  Each Map that enters the repository is inventoried, scanned, and put into the NMMR database.  Information.

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Presentation on theme: "INTERN TRAINING Data Collection. NMMR SYSTEM  Each Map that enters the repository is inventoried, scanned, and put into the NMMR database.  Information."— Presentation transcript:

1 INTERN TRAINING Data Collection

2 NMMR SYSTEM  Each Map that enters the repository is inventoried, scanned, and put into the NMMR database.  Information about the mine is collected from the map and input onto a data entry sheet by hand  Information from the data entry sheet is then input into the digital database

3 The Data Entry Sheet


5 Document Number  A document number must have 6 digits  324355  005475  447988  501232  903014  000000’s Anthracite coal fields of PA  300000’s Most states East of the Mississippi  400000’s States west of the Mississippi  500000’s NW corner of the country. Not active anymore  700000’s Kentucky  800000’s Virginia  900000’s West Virginia The document numbers represent different states and areas of the country:

6 Number of Scenes  A scene is either one part of a whole map  Map is too large to scan only one image and needs broken into sections. OR  Map is part of a sequence of maps  Monthly update reports  Scene Number will add 2 additional digits onto a document number for a total of 8 digits.  If only one scene add 00 to end of document number  32435500  01, 02, 03, 04, 05, etc  99 scenes maximum

7 Cross-Reference Number  Any signifying set of numbers of letters found on the map.  Put there by the original source.

8 YEAR  The Year the mine map was created.  Maps might have other years stamped on them from offices they’ve gone through – look for the year the mine map was created and ignore all other dates.


10 State  Obtain 2 letter state abbreviation from map or map source.  Certain states are known for certain commodities  Only Coal in PA – no metals mined.  List two states if mine takes place close to a state border  Border of PA and WV  Border of WV and KY

11 County  Sometimes the county or counties are listed on the map, most often they are not.  Use internet resources to search within a state for the right county where the mine is located.  Use a search engine to query surface features seen on the map such as rivers, streams, creeks or even township names  Open up the mine maps database and use the drop-down menus to search.

12 Quad  Quad refers to USGS 7.5 minute quadrangle map - a USGS topographic map the covers an area of approximately 60 square miles  Each county contains several quads – sometimes more than one county will share a quad.  The easiest way to search for quads is through Search by state and location or by lat/long.


14 Map Source  Who we received the map from  They sent the maps to our office  Colorado School of Mines  They physically brought the maps to our office  Penn-Virginia Coal Company

15 Company  The owner of the mine  NOT to be confused with the engineer who drew the map  Company name is found written on the map  Ex. Consolidated Coal Co.  Ex. Crown Coal and Coke Co.  Ex. Eagle Picher Mining and Smelting Co

16 Mine Name  “Colliery” and “Colly” are other names for mine.  Tamaqua Colliery  Most of the time the mine name is listed prominently on the map, sometimes you may need to search for it.  Located in the title or key of the map or located by entrance of mine in the midst of the mine workings.  If there are multiple mines seen on the same map, each mine name will be a SEPARATE DATA SHEET.  No. 1, No. 2, No. 3  Use the name of the company and a number sign (hashtag symbol)  Consolidated # 2


18 Mine Type  Underground  Look for underground workings  Surface  Look for signs of surface mining  Surface in title of map  Combined  Both underground and surface mining  N/A  If you’re not sure

19 MSHA ID  You will know when you are working with an MSHA map.  The ID will be apparent.

20 Certified  Unless the map explicitly states it is certified – circle NO

21 Final Scan  Unless it is explicitly stated on the map – Circle UNKNOWN

22 Aperture Card  If you are scanning a map, then the document number does not yet have an aperture card made for it.  If you are filling out a data entry sheet for a map that has already been scanned, check the drawers to see if it has a matching aperture card.

23 Scanned  If you are scanning the map, circle YES

24 Color


26 Commodity  The map will usually tell you what is being mined  Ex. Coal, Clay, Zinc, Lead, Gold  Location will give context clues  Anthracite only mined in certain locations  Gold would not be found in PA


28 Coal Bed  The bed, vein, or seam where the coal is being extracted from.  Think of the mine map in 3D  Vertically there are layers where coal is being mined, each layer is considered a bed, vein, or seam  The Coal bed is usually listed on the map in the key or along the bed boundry  Examples: Upper Freeport, Powellton, Orchard, etc.


30 Geolocating a Mine Map  It is really important to take the time to geolocate mines as accurately as possible.  Searching for locations can be time consuming – use helpful internet search tools and any features on the map to find coordinates  Streams, rivers, streets, intersections, cemeteries, township lines, etc.  Use google maps or USGS Quad to match surface features and extract coordinates.

31 Degrees, Minutes, Seconds  1˚= 60” = 3600’  Since we only work Nationally:  Lat: Degrees: 18-85 Minutes: 0-59 Seconds: 0- 60  Long: Degrees: 65-180 Minutes: 0-59 Seconds: 0-60  It is OK to represent Longitude as a positive number  Example: Pittsburgh  40˚ 23’ 26”N  79˚ 58’ 35”W


33 Decimal Degrees  Expresses lat/long as decimal fractions  Longitude MUST have negative sign!!!  Example: Pittsburgh  40.439722  -79.976389  EITHER DD OF DMS IS FINE AS LONG AS COORDINATES ARE FILLED OUT AS ACCURATELY AS POSSIBLE.


35 Datum



38 Scale  Treat scale as 1” = ____ ‘  There will be a scale bar on the map  OR scale will be written with map key/title  You may have to search/scour the map to find this information  Example:  1”= 100’  Special Circumstance: Multiple Scales  Vertical and Horizontal  Put vertical scale on scale line and make note of horizontal scale in notes.  Two separate drawings on same page  Fill out two separate data entry sheets  Same drawing-different sizes (zoomed in)  Write this in notes

39 Map Condition  Circle GOOD if the map is in excellent/pristine condition. All features are easily seen and all data on the map is easily read.  Circle POOR if map is falling apart or impossible to read.  Most maps are FAIR – somewhere in the middle of GOOD and POOR


41 Township, Range, Section  Abbreviated TRS  Created by the Public Land Survey System (PLS)  Uses Prime Meridians and Baselines to create grids. Township and Range numbers are assigned to these grids. Inside Each Township and range are 36 sections. Each section is 1 square mile.  Map will state TRS numbers  Use to find coordinates from TRS data


43 TRS Grid with Section Numbers RANGERANGE TOWNSHIP 654321 789101112 181716151413 192021222324 302928272625 313233343536 1 mi


45 Adjacent Mines  Any other mines listed on the map should also be written in as adjacent mines  A SEPARATE DATA SHEET MUST BE CREATED FOR ALL MINES LISTED ON THE MAP.  Example: Franklin Mine, Miller Mine, and Bethlehem Mine #31 are all listed on the map, they will all receive their own data entry sheet even if all other information on data sheet is the same.  All mines listed on map will receive their own data entry sheet EVEN IF the map title lists only the Franklin Mine.

46 OTHER INFO  The map must be inspected carefully to complete this checklist.

47 OTHER INFO  Assay  the testing of a metal or ore to determine its ingredients and quality.  Listed in chart form on the map


49 OTHER INFO  Elevation  Elevations listed INSIDE THE MINE  Contour lines  Numbers marked with elevation or EL  Thickness  Coal Bed Thickness  Sometimes found in chart form or number with word thick after  Crop Line  Outcrop boundry  Most of the times follows surface contour lines  Will usually have name of outcrop

50 X-Section/Cross Section

51 OTHER INFO  Water  Any water lines in the mine?  Drill Holes  Labeled DH or DDH  Map key will likely show you what to look for – usually a small dot.  Examples:  Gas Wells  Look a lot like drill holes  Are labeled differently on the map  Are labeled differently in the map key

52 Geo Description  Anything that defines the geolocated point.  River, stream, intersection, street, town, city, borough, etc


54 Location Assurance  IF you are certain you found the exact lat/long for the mine then circle APPROXIMATE  TRS data  Defining surface features  IF you are in the right township or general vicinity of the mine but unsure of the exact location of the mine circle UNCERTAIN  Township/Town/City/Borough  IF you are unable to pull any locational data from the map, circle UNKNOWN  Double check your coordinates!  Does the longitude have a negative sign under DD?

55 Remarks  Write description WORD FOR WORD if there is one on the map.  ANY other features OR anything else about this map.


57 Back side of data entry sheet  ALL information must be extracted off of the mine map and onto the data entry sheet.  We do not keep most of the maps that go through our office, they are here for a very short time, even though we retain scans of all maps it is important to pull all information off the front and back of the map when it gets here.  USE THE BACK OF THE DATA ENTRY SHEET IF YOU NEED TO.  IF the remarks section is too small for you to write the entire description of map  NO EXCUSES

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