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Exploring Different Cultures

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1 Exploring Different Cultures
Columbus vs. Zheng He

2 Background Europeans wanted much of China Silk Spice Gunpowder
Exotic Ideas

3 How did the ideas flow Traders exchanged goods and ideas from town to town. Few traveled the entire route. Each link in the chain increased the price for Europeans who traded with cities in the Middle-East.

4 China did NOT try to come to Europe
1300’s and 1400’s China felt that European goods and technology was far inferior. Believed that Europe only had wool and wine to offer.

5 A comparison of Columbus and Zheng He
Heralded Explorers A comparison of Columbus and Zheng He Photo Courtesy of Photo Courtesy of Zheng He Institute

6 Columbus Childhood Born 1451 in Genoa to a Wool Weaver family.
Assisted father in selling and processing wool. Began Seafaring as a teen. Held various jobs on ships At around age 25, was on ship bound for England that was sank by privateers. Information courtesy of

7 Young Adult Worked with brother as cartographer and book collector
Took many commissions to sail all over Atlantic Ocean including Iceland. Married a poor noble in Lisbon, had a son, and wife died soon thereafter. Deduced that “The East” could be reached by going west.

8 The Quest In order to explore, Columbus needed royal backing. Why:
Fund expedition legitimize discovery conduct diplomatic relations colonize the land exploitation of the riches protect and defend the new colony

9 Funding Portugal passed on Columbus’ missions. Moved to Spain in 1485
Felt it was too expensive Too little benefit Moved to Spain in 1485 Finally, in the last weeks of 1491, Columbus convinced the King and Queen of Spain to support his journey.

10 Missions Columbus’ expeditions are well storied. Here are some factual highlights. Voyage , 3 ships, 90 Men, 32 weeks roundtrip, 1 ship lost, visited modern day Bahama’s, Cuba, and Hispaniola.

11 4 Voyages In all, Columbus made 4 voyages and distinctly changed the European and American worlds with the new contact. Criticized for treatment of natives, either directly, or through subsequent Spanish file:/Users/brianadam/.Groupwise/badam/Client/35153/139894/Columbusvzheng.doc explorers. Information from

12 Zheng He Zheng He grew up in the province of Yunnan.
Province was asylum for exiled members of former Mongol rulers Family followed religion Islam. Elder males in family told tales of travel since they had made the pilgrimage to Mecca. Ming Imperial army attacked province and killed Zheng He’s family. As was custom, surviving young males were castrated, making Zheng a Eunuch. Became a servant to Zhu Di, the 4th son of the Emperor. Majority of information from: Hsu, C. (2004, February 2). The Chinese Columbus? U.S. News & World Report, 136 (7), 56 – 59.

13 Education and Advancement
Received excellent education. Assisted master Zhu Di in strategy. Rode next to Zhu Di in battle. Zhu Di became 3rd Ming Emperor Zheng He named Admiral and commander-in-chief of treasure fleet.

14 Missions Zheng He visited 30 nations over 7 voyages
Fleet commonly consisted of over 60 large ships - some as big as 600 feet long. These were supported by hundreds of smaller ships. He made it as far as Africa Made pilgrimage to Mecca Rumored to have traveled to South America Sheng He can also be written Cheng-ho.

15 Changing Times Zheng He practiced advanced politics and trade tactics to influence neighboring countries. Many places that Zheng He went erected monuments and temples in his honor. Returned to China with great fame for the final time at age 62. A new Ming Emperor did not want to continue the voyages, instead worrying about internal problems. Even Zheng He’s logs were destroyed to prevent future traveling wishes.

16 Direct Comparison - Venn Diagram
Zheng He Columbus Italian Sailed for Spain History well known all over world Changed continents Born into common family Learned seafaring as job Married into Noble family - Connection to royalty Fought to get backing exploited natives Took Credit for discoveries Celebrated Christian Chinese Sailed for China Accomplishments just now revered Muslim Family Killed Servant to Royal Court Appointed by Emperor Ambassador for China Commanded Large fleet sailed out of sight of land Brought empire into contact with new ideas, foods, and animals.

17 Your Assignment You are to compare two explorers from different cultures by creating a Venn Diagram. Explore their: Formative years motivation Explorations Legacy I recommend that you use Nettrekker for research. By saying “different cultures” I mean different continents. If you choose a European, then you must choose someone from a different continent. Only exception, Vikings. If you can create a better comparison method than a Venn Diagram, please approve it prior to turning it in. Expectations: 5 Depth 5 Historic accuracy

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