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Do-Now How were ideas passed from the Islamic Empire to Europe?

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Presentation on theme: "Do-Now How were ideas passed from the Islamic Empire to Europe?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Do-Now How were ideas passed from the Islamic Empire to Europe?

2 See, Think, Wonder What do you see? Which details stand out to you? What do you think this might be? What do you wonder about this image?

3 Astrolabe Quadrant Used the position of the Sun and stars to record time for daily prayers

4 Do-Now How would you describe the Middle East in modern times? Choose 3 words.

5 How are these descriptions different than they would have been during the Muslim Renaissance?

6 Islam Founded by Muhammed - 610 B.C. Monotheistic – worship Allah Five Pillars of Islam Profession of faith - Shahadah Prayers Contributions to the poor and the mosque Fasting during Ramadan Pilgrimage to Mecca at least once - Hajj

7 Islamic Golden Age 7 th -13 th century Political, economic, and cultural center Crossroads between Africa, Asia, and Europe Made important advances in: agriculture, the arts, economics, industry, law, literature, navigation, philosophy, sciences, and technology “House of Wisdom” in Baghdad - translation movement

8 The Crusades Holy Wars against Islamic faith – 11 th century Jerusalem – holy land in Christian and Islamic religions Turks captured Jerusalem Mistreated Christians Turks = threat to Byzantine Empire Pope called for a war to reclaim Jerusalem from Turks


10 Results People wanted goods brought back from Asia More trade with the Muslim world Contact with Muslim scholars = new knowledge Rediscovered Roman and Greek texts New perspective on the world Middle East was more advanced and well-developed Sparked the European Renaissance

11 Homework Create a list of 10 innovations or accomplishments made during the Islamic Golden Age.

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