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Welcome to 2:42 Advent 2006: Incarnation and Expectation.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to 2:42 Advent 2006: Incarnation and Expectation."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to 2:42 Advent 2006: Incarnation and Expectation


3 Incarnation and Expectation Advent: –A time of preparation and active-waiting Preparing for celebration of Christmas Preparing for celebration of Jesus’ return Incarnation: –God choosing to work in the world through the work of his Holy Spirit in human beings. Expectation –Living in the hope that God assures for those who follow Jesus, revealed to us in “Word and Spirit”

4 Put on your Bi-focals Looking Ahead in HopeLooking at Today’s Reality

5 Incarnation and Expectation “It is only when we become heavenly minded that we become any earthly use” –Anon

6 The Bible’s Bi-focals (1) Heaven Philippians 2: Looking at Jesus –… in very nature God –(but) found in appearance as a man –Therefore God exalted him –that at Jesus’ name every knee should bow –and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.

7 The Bible’s Bi-focals: (2) Earth Philippians 2: Looking at Us –Being like-minded, having the same love, being one in spirit and purpose –Doing nothing out of selfish ambition or conceit –Considering others better than yourselves. –Looking to the interests of others. –Continuing to work out your salvation –Doing everything without complaining or arguing

8 Our Bi-focals (1) Looking Ahead in Hope What FUTURE HOPE does this passage spell out for you? What (other) Bible texts give you a “picture of heaven” What’s hard for you in “being heavenly minded” in your life? Looking at Today’s Reality What PRESENT JOY does this passage spell out for you? What (other) Bible texts inspire you as you live day by day? What’s hard for you in “being like minded” in the church?

9 Our Bi-focals (2) Looking At Jesus in Heaven What comfort do you gain about Jesus from this passage? What challenges you about Jesus in this passage? What’s hard for you in seeing Jesus as (quote) “Lord OF ALL or not Lord AT ALL” Looking at Jesus on Earth Who do you look to as a role model of being like Jesus? What aspect of being more like Jesus can you pray for? What examples of Jesus “looking to the interests of others” can we follow?

10 “You’re never alone with a clone”

11 1 2 3 4 1: Praying for unity & love to grow in the church 2: Praying for growing Christ-like-ness in us all. 3: Praying for those who don’t yet “bow the knee” 4: Praying for Christ’s rule to be seen here + now

12 1 2 3 4 1: Praying for people in need 2: Praying for our witness and mission 3: Praying for community needs in our town 4: Praying for needs in the wider country/world

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