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51 Ways to Be a Better Student Submitted by: Chantal E. Fleming.

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Presentation on theme: "51 Ways to Be a Better Student Submitted by: Chantal E. Fleming."— Presentation transcript:

1 51 Ways to Be a Better Student Submitted by: Chantal E. Fleming

2 HOW TO READ A TEXTBOOK 1. Scan textbook before you go to class. 2. Read both for ideas and for details. 3. READ your assignments. 4. Look for main ideas 5. RECALL the material by asking yourself questions about what you have read. 6. REFLECT by transferring the information you read into practical knowledge. (i.e. "Why is this point important

3 WHAT TO DO IN THE CLASSROOM 7. GO TO CLASS.... Every lecture is important. 8. Think about the subject before you go to class so that you can anticipate what is going to be discussed in class. 9. Pay attention the entire time you are in class. 10. Concentrate on the lecturer, not on how many holes are in the ceiling. 11. Focus on what the speaker is saying--tune out the speaker's mannerisms, voice quality, appearance.... 12. Listen with your mind not your emotions. 13. Listen for important word cues that can reveal the professor's emphasis: most important, in addition to, on the other hand

4 HOW TO TAKE NOTES 14.Take complete notes. Abbreviate words and craft a shorthand; leave out vowels (stdy hrd) and use g for ing (wrkng). 15. Get the facts down right. 16. Keep one notebook for all your notes in one subject. 17. Review your notes. Read them over after class to fill in the blanks. Review before class to remember what you've covered and to anticipate what will come

5 TAKING THE EXAM 18. Read all the questions first. 19. Answer the easiest questions first. 20. Underline the important facts and key words in each question. 21. Always take 1 or 2 minutes to think and organize your thoughts before writing. 22. When taking a a multiple choice or ture/false test pay attention to absolutes. 23. Answer the questions you are sure of first. 24. Don't spend a lot of time on any one question.

6 SOME IMPORTANT CAVEATS 25. Don't study for a test while eating dinner. 26. Don't study while straining to hear a football game down the hall. 27. Don't pull an "all-nighter." 28. Don't study while sleepy. 29. Practice taking tests to improve your performance. 30. Turn in your homework on time, neatly done and edited. 31. Practice memory strategies 32. Stay fit and eliminate bad habits.

7 TIME MANAGEMENT 33. Keep a daily "to do" notepad. Put tasks in order of priority. Be realistic. 34. Schedule work demanding high concentration, such as reading and taking notes on a text in 50- minute periods. 35. Always allow enough time for library research 36-51 Get some sleep and repeat steps 1-35.

8 Workshop evaluation 1) List 3 ideas that you will take away from this workshop. 2) Name 1 suggestion that you will incorporate into your regular routine. 3) Please bring the answers to this evaluation by the TRiO Office in order to get workshop credit.

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