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COORDINATOR Supervise the school Help teachers Is responsable of secundary grades Organizes activities TEACHER IN CHARGE OF THE SCHOOL BUS Leave the kids.

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Presentation on theme: "COORDINATOR Supervise the school Help teachers Is responsable of secundary grades Organizes activities TEACHER IN CHARGE OF THE SCHOOL BUS Leave the kids."— Presentation transcript:

1 COORDINATOR Supervise the school Help teachers Is responsable of secundary grades Organizes activities TEACHER IN CHARGE OF THE SCHOOL BUS Leave the kids in their houses Take care of the kids in the bus Talk with children’s parents Supervise the childrens TEACHERS IN CHARGE OF STUDENTS Take care of the childrens Talk with them Talk with children’s parents Supervise the kids TEACHER IN CHARGE OF THE CAFETERIA Is going to take care of kids that stays in activities Not let out childrens who stay for activities Check if they went to the activities Controls the people inside TEACHERS IN CHARGE OF THE OUT HALL Call the kids Ask the parents for their son Take the childrens with their parents TEACHERS IN CHARGE OF THE MICROPHONE Call the kids Ask the teachers wich kid Talk with the other teachers with a wokitokis

2 STUDENTS WHO ARE INSIDE THE SCHOOL Stay in their placesObey teachers Talk with the friends that are in the same place Wait for their parents STUDENTS WHO ARE IN THE OUT HALL Wait their parents Stay with teachers waiting Walk to their car STUDENTS WHO STAY TO DIFFERENT ACTIVITIES Stay to their activities since 2:30 Do their activities Wait for their activities eating Use their time to finish projects STUDENTS WHO THEIR PARENTS DIDN’T ARRIVE AT TIME Wait in the other entrance Call their parents Stay in the entance waiting they cant move STUDENTS WHO GO IN THE SCHOOL BUS Wait the busEnter to the bus Wait in the bus while the bus driver is leaving the other kids when the bus is in front of the house the kid leave the bus and enter to the house

3 PARENTS Pay the school Bought the things for school Leave the kids in the school Pick up the childrens SCHOOL BUS DRIVERS Pick up the childrens Leave the kids in their houses Take care of them in the bus Ask who is going to go in bus PARENTS WHO PARK THEIR CARS Wait the childrens Ask for the kids Search the kids in the school Talk with teachers about the kid

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