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Marijuana Facts Created by T. Magallan @ Truitt MS.

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Presentation on theme: "Marijuana Facts Created by T. Magallan @ Truitt MS."— Presentation transcript:

1 Marijuana Facts Created by T. Truitt MS

2 What is Marijuana? Dried mixture of leaves, vines, seeds and stems of a hemp plant called cannabis sativa. Cannabis sativa grows wild and is cultivated in many parts of the world. Contains over 400 chemicals. Generally used to make homemade cigarettes called “joints” or “reefers” and smoked.

3 What does Marijuana do? Affects the person smoking it within minutes.
Produces a “high” or state of intoxication similar to alcohol. Getting “high” is NOT the only thing that happens to people who smoke it. Ability to intoxicate its users primarily because of the psychoactive or mind-altering ingredient delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol or THC. The THC content found at various concentrations in different parts of the plant determines the potency. The THC content is controlled by the type of plant, climate, soil conditions and harvesting.

4 Scientists have discovered that…
Causes the heart to beat faster and work harder. Raises some people’s blood pressure. Makes your hands less steady. Causes people to feel sleepy. Makes it harder to drive a car or operate machines. Makes it harder to pay attention, learn new things and remember things. Makes some people feel nervous and confused and even depressed.

5 Reasons Teenagers Begin Use of Marijuana
Curiosity: Marijuana is something new and different to try. Peer group pressure: Many teenagers begin smoking marijuana because their friends smoke it and they either feel that it can’t be that bad if “everyone” is doing it or they can’t say NO! Desire to appear more grown-up: Smoking marijuana, like smoking cigarettes, may be viewed as an adult-like behavior; thus, by smoking it, teenagers may appear more grown-up. Pleasurable effects: Teenagers may smoke marijuana because they like the way it makes them feel. Coping Device: Some people may begin smoking marijuana because they think it will help them deal with life’s problems.

6 Teenage use? What percentage of teenagers smoke marijuana?
What percentage have used marijuana in the past month? What percentage use daily?

7 Prevalence of Marijuana Use
8th grade 9th grade 12th grade Combined Past Month 9.7% 19.4% 23.1% 17.4% Daily 1.4% 3.8% 6.0% 3.7% Source: Johnston, L.D., O’Malley, P.M., & Bachman, J.G., 1999

8 Facts about teenage use
Fewer people actually smoke marijuana than we think. It is NOT something that everyone is doing. 46% of students perceive moderate or great risk from occasional use of marijuana and 73% from regular use.

9 Not ALL Teenagers are smoking Marijuana!

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