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© Richard Goldman October 9, 2006

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1 © Richard Goldman October 9, 2006
Module 8 Sensing the World Around Us Chapter 3, Pages Essentials of Understanding Psychology- Sixth Edition PSY110 Psychology © Richard Goldman October 9, 2006

2 Sensation The receiving of a stimulus by a sense organs Sight Sound
Day Night Color Sound Frequency (pitch) Intensity (loudness) Attitude (balance) Taste Sweet Sour Salty Bitter Touch Feel (Tactile) Pain Temperature

3 Perception Interpretation of a stimulus Screening of a stimulus
Analysis of a stimulus Integration of a stimulus

4 Stimulus Energy that produces a response in a sense organ Intensity
Sensitivity Range

5 Importance to Psychologist
Much of human behavior it linked to perception

6 Psychophysics The study of the relationship between stimuli and psychological experience

7 Absolute Threshold The minimum level of intensity required for something to be sensed

8 Noise Background stimuli that interfere with perception of a target stimuli (moviemakers use auditory background sound to convey ambiance)

9 Difference Threshold Minimum difference in level of intensity to notice a change Called: Just Noticeable Difference

10 Weber’s Law (vay-ber) Expressed as a ratio – it takes the same relative level difference to perceive a difference at a low intensity as it would at high intensity

11 Adaptation Decrease in the perceived intensity of stimuli over time

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