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1 BREC Air-cooled water chillers BREF Air-cooled water chillers with free-cooling system 1602A - 1802A - 2202A - 2502A - 2802A 3202A - 3602A - 4202A -

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Presentation on theme: "1 BREC Air-cooled water chillers BREF Air-cooled water chillers with free-cooling system 1602A - 1802A - 2202A - 2502A - 2802A 3202A - 3602A - 4202A -"— Presentation transcript:

1 1 BREC Air-cooled water chillers BREF Air-cooled water chillers with free-cooling system 1602A - 1802A - 2202A - 2502A - 2802A 3202A - 3602A - 4202A - 4802A R134a (400-1200 kW)

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4 4 BRE Range High level performance  R134a Refrigerant  Double screw compressors  Electronic expansion valve  Innovative fans and heat exchangers  Free-cooling & Intelligent Free-cooling

5 5 EuropeFar East & CinaUSA A/C & Chillers up to 300 kW Chillers from 300 kW Refrigerants: trends for the next 2 years

6 6 400 - 500kW R410A R134a Trend: refrigerant / compressors

7 7 Excellent performance  High intrinsic efficiency  Single-component  Optimized components  Limited direct (GWP) and indirect (TEWI) environmental impact R134a Refrigerant

8 8 Total Equivalent Warming Impact  Refrigerant emission during the ‘lifecycle’ of the unit  Indirect emissions resulting from the CO 2 emissions during energy production RefrigerantTEWI R221968 (-3%Vs R407C) R407C2032 R1341821 (-10%Vs R407C) R134a Refrigerant

9 9 Optimized double screw compressors Compressors 1602A1802A2202A2502A2802A3202A3602A4202A4802A 365kW458kW519kW547kW666kW732kW847kW937kW1046kW

10 10 Optimized double screw compressors with  R134a  lubrication of the bearings  distribution of the oil Compressors

11 11 Optimized double screw compressors with  R134a  lubrication of the bearings  distribution of the oil constant efficiency over time Compressors

12 12 Optimized double screw compressors with  R134a  lubrication of the bearings  distribution of the oil efficiency semplicity Compressors

13 13 Optimized double screw compressors with  use of R134a  lubrication of the bearings  distribution of the oil reliability Double screw compressors

14 14 Double screw compressors Optimized double screw compressors with  use of R134a  lubrication of the bearings  distribution of the oil reliability efficiency

15 15 Impact Gravity Filtration Optimized double screw compressors with  use of R134a  lubrication of the bearings  distribution of the oil Double screw compressors

16 16 Economizer

17 17 Electronic expansion valve managed by the control  Reliability: operating limits respected monitoring of the refrigerant load  Efficiency: overheat management  T condensation  Precision:  T evaporation Electronic Expansion Valve

18 18  uniform temperature even in partial load conditions  oil drag favoured  heat exchange always in “countercurrent ” conditions Evaporator “Single passage” evaporators

19 19  “V” structure Flexibility during movement Reliability Ease of maintenance  Oversized Acoustic impact Efficiency Maximum external temperature Air side exchangers Modular structure

20 20  Aluminium core better heat dissipation  Plastic blades better air flow  Less weight more reliability Acousti-composite fans Axial fans produced in a composite material

21 21  High reliability  High efficiency  Starting current lower than the nominal  Low noise levels Acousti-composite fans - EC 1000kWkWh Standard120000kWh EC98000kWh Saving on the ventilation sections -20% 2 years payback Axial fans produced in composite material with EC motor

22 22 Acoustic impact: Available versions The basic version is already low noise, without loss of efficiency  Low noise version  Ultra-low noise version

23 23 Electrical Panel  Electric bars distribution  Absorbed current acquisition  Phase sequence control  Minimum and maximum power supply control Protection & Reliability

24 24 Generator Principal line Unit Generator Unit A B Double power supply installationChillers Reliability: Continuous power supply Principal Line

25 25 Double power supply installazione Chillers Reliability: Continuous power supply

26 26  PID Logic to control the outlet water temperature  Continuous monitoring for the operating parameters  Verification and control of the safety intervals  Integrated LAN  Extensive BMS connectivity Advanced Control Precision, Reliability, Connectivity

27 27 Advanced Control Precision, Reliability, Connectivity Time Delta T BRECTraditional  T without water tank Thermal load  1,6°C < 16%  1°C 16% -25%  0,3°C > 25%  PID Logic to control the outlet water temperature  Continuous monitoring for the operating parameters  Verification and control of the safety intervals  Integrated LAN  Extensive BMS connectivity

28 28 Advanced Control Precision, Reliability, Connectivity  PID Logic to control the outlet water temperature  Continuous monitoring for the operating parameters  Verification and control of the safety intervals  Integrated LAN  Extensive BMS connectivity

29 29 Precision, Reliability, Connectivity  PID Logic to control the outlet water temperature  Continuous monitoring for the operating parameters  Verification and control of the safety intervals  Integrated LAN  Extensive BMS connectivity Advanced Control

30 30 Intelligent free-cooling Mission critical installations require reliability and energy savings  The logic “n+1” assures continuous operation  Free-cooling allows for a reduction in energy consumption

31 31 Intelligent free-cooling Annual energy saving  Compared to traditional free-cooling: up to 7%  Compared to a traditional installation: up to 50%

32 32 Primary pump Evaporator Free-cooling coil Free-cooling pump Non-return valve Free-cooling connections Intelligent free-cooling

33 33 Mechanical cooling Stand-byRunning Intelligent free-cooling

34 34 Free-cooling Intelligent free-cooling

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