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14-1 Team and Organizational Culture Chapter 14. 14-2 Team Culture Team culture  Shared perception Norms, Roles, Patterns of interaction  Development.

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Presentation on theme: "14-1 Team and Organizational Culture Chapter 14. 14-2 Team Culture Team culture  Shared perception Norms, Roles, Patterns of interaction  Development."— Presentation transcript:

1 14-1 Team and Organizational Culture Chapter 14

2 14-2 Team Culture Team culture  Shared perception Norms, Roles, Patterns of interaction  Development Early behavior, Leader, Organization  Impacts: Team support or helping behaviors Training behavior  Reflects organization’s culture

3 14-3 Defining Organizational Culture Organizational culture:  Shared by all members  Provides structural stability  Organizational subcultures

4 Organizational Culture and Teamwork Predictor of team success  Support collaboration  Encourage involvement and participation  Defines norms Open communication 14-4

5 14-5 Organizational Culture and Teamwork Types of Organizational Culture  Control culture Hierarchical Tightly controlling Difficult to operate teams  Commitment culture Reduces levels of hierarchy Focus on quality Encourage open communication and participation Empowers teams

6 Organizational Culture and Teamwork Changing organization culture  Difficult to change control-oriented culture  Long-term process  Change may occur within subcultures May not spread to entire organization 14-6

7 14-7 Dimensions of International Culture Individualism Versus Collectivism

8 14-8 Dimensions of International Culture Power and Status  High-power Status oriented Problems:  Reduced creativity  Lower participation  Low-power Egalitarian Problems:  Difficult to manage  More conflicts  Implementation problems

9 14-9 Dimensions of International Culture Uncertainty and Risk Avoidance  Risk-Avoidance Cultures Value social harmony and stability Want rules and norms  Risk-Taking Cultures Value change Action oriented Conflict viewed as positive

10 14-10 Dimensions of International Culture  U.S. Individualism Low power Risk taking Less teamwork  Japan Collectivism High power Risk avoidance Stress interdependence  Quality circles  Consensus decision making Comparing the United States and Japan

11 14-11 Transnational Teams Characteristics of Transnational Teams  Problems: Cultural distance  Individualism/collectivism  Status or power distance Cultural identity Communication  Direct or indirect  Influence of status orientation  Communication technology Reward system

12 14-12 Transnational Teams Creating Effective Transnational Teams  Spend more time initially to start the team  Train the team Encourage a common perspective and cultural awareness  Use strong leadership Provide direction and motivation  Develop a hybrid culture

13 14-13

14 Insert Activity: Evaluating a Team’s Culture and Cultural Context (pp. 281-282) 14-14

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