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Introduction to P&T Competition

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1 Introduction to P&T Competition
OSU AMCP General Body Meeting 09/09/13

2 Announcements Today at Midnight is the deadline for P1 Liasion! Questions? Ask Jorge Thursday during Pro Hour Christine will be discussing service opportunities! Sign up to order Nametags and Thank You Cards either with the link in the newsletter or through an officer

3 Managed care

4 What is Managed Care? Maximize health outcomes while minimizing costs
Which one drug will WORK BEST vs. which 500 drugs will SIMPLY WORK Application of specific treatment guidelines and evidence-based medicine to entire patient populations Ex. Beta blockers and theoretically reduced risk for cardiovascular events Huge databases of information used by hospitals, insurance companies, and the government (ex. CMS, VA) May use database to say to a primary care physician, “based on patient demographic and health history information and information you transmitted regarding present illness, the numbers suggest there is a better drug treatment option” Cool, everyone is all for better outcomes and spending less money – but how many work in retail? How many have ever wondered, “does the doctor know how much this costs!?” “Does the patient know how much this drug costs before insurance?!” – RIGHT! So we need to do better, maybe have someone intervene and say “hey – what you’re doing is really expensive and there might be a more cost effective option.” Block beta-adrenergic receptors in heart and blood vessels to relax smooth muscle and reduce blood pressure; but why is high blood pressure bad? Surrogate for cardiovascular events – new evidence is showing that beta blockers are not the best for reducing risk, even though they are great at reducing blood pressure – MANAGED CARE GOAL – achieve the final outcome, not a surrogate How do you practice evidence-based medicine? Use large data sets and statistics to analyze what is working and what isn’t. It makes sense that large organizations (hospitals, insurance companies, government through CMS) are in the best position to enforce evidence-based medicine; they have access to vast amounts of data relating to their patients, as opposed to a single primary care physician.

5 Where does Managed Care happen?
Insurance companies – specifically PBMs Set formulary – what drugs are covered Determine coverage levels and tiering Determine place in treatment (first line drug OR only after first line treatment failure) Hospital P&T committees Set formulary – what will drugs are carried Ex. Mt. Carmel and Kcentra™ – a new drug for the urgent reversal of VitK antagonist therapy Community pharmacy Prior Authorization, Step Therapy, Refill Too Soon, Quantity Limitats

6 So THAT is what Managed Care is?!?
May sound like corporate greed or government death panels, AND: Managed Care is often vilified, BUT: Responsibility to make sure that resources are not wasted Ex. patients receiving cosmetic prescriptions at no charge, when another patient cannot afford Every time you spend money on one patient, you lose money that then cannot be spent on another patient PA’s and Refill To Soon?!? – no thanks, not for me BUT: when we become stewards of pooled resources, it is our responsibility…

7 Who and what is involved in Managed Care?
People – doctors, researchers, statisticians, economists, and PHARMACISTS like: Mark Pilkington – Vice President of Strategic Sourcing and Product Management at Cardinal Health Brian Lehman – Pharmacy Benefits Manager at OPERS; previously OSU Health Plan Amanda Bain – Treasurer of Ohio & Kentucky AMCP Paige Stewart – managed care resident from Kaiser Permanante, now at OSU Informatics Think about how Bing, Amazon, and Facebook advertise information, products, and friends Research – medical, economic, statistical post- hoc analysis

8 Why is Managed Care the future?
Costs are too high Outcomes are subpar Current FDA approval process only requires new drugs show superiority over placebo Currently implemented at insurance/institutional level, but SOON: Governmental Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI) It is not unrealistic to expect outcomes and comparative effectiveness to eventually impact drug approval Politically, no one disagrees that we need to do more with less

9 What is P&T Competiton? P&T = Pharmacy & Therapeutics
Students will form a group to act as P&T committee Review clinical literature Evaluate economical factors Understand disease state, drug info Make comprehensive formulary decision Great chance to Improve skills: critical thinking, literature evaluation, research and presentation Team-up with PharmD students in other years Earn elective credits, awards, etc.

10 P&T Comittee is... A group of people that meets together to promote “safe, effective, and cost-effective drug therapy” Primarily physicians and pharmacists Develop policies regarding drug selection, evaluation, and utilization Educate practioners on drugs and appropriate drug utilization Manage the development and maintainance of the organization’s drug formulary Information referenced from P&T competition-How to guide, AMCP student pharmacist comittee

11 Where do P&T comittee exist?
Any organization that maintains a drug formulary Hospitals Insurance company & health plans Pharmacy Benifit Manager (PBM) VA and military Government Information referenced from P&T competition-How to guide, AMCP student pharmacist comittee

12 P&T Competition Requirments
Work in a group of 4 members All must be AMCP members!! Follow team formation rules Complete the following tasks Compose a drug monograph (20 pages max.) Present your formulary decision to judges (30 min presentation with 30 min Q&A) Submit all required materials ON TIME!

13 Here’s your reward-- 2 elective credits
Represent OSU chapter to compete at national meeting All traveling expenses covered $cholar$hips Networking with national leaders of AMCP CV/resume enhancement Hot kisses from Kevin (optional)

14 P&T Competition Timeline
Fall 2013 Sign-up a team Review eDossier & research Meet with team member regularly Spring 2014 Submit drug monograph Presentation Award Ceremony National Competition

15 Fall 2013: Sign-up a Team Team Formation rules
Must be 4 AMCP student members Previous participants +1 year Maximum year total is 9 Approved by AMCP P&T Competition comittee Deadline: 11/1/2013

16 Fall 2013: Review eDossier eDossier will be released in October
All participants will have an access to FMCP student P&T competition eDossier system eDossier monograph template usuful tools DI & literature evaluation lectures available

17 Fall 2013: Meet your team Communication Allocation Cooperation
No procrastination! Use Thanksgiving and winter break wisely

18 Spring 2014: Submit monograph
Deadline: mid-January 2014 Monograph - 20 pages max Formulary decision Evidence evaluation (clinical trials) Economical models (5 pages max, if any) Background information: DI, disease state Team assignments

19 Spring 2014: Presentation Time: end of January 2014 (TBD)
30 slides max Handouts (optional): 5 pages max 30 minutes presentation 30 minutes Q&A

20 Spring 2014: Award Ceremony
Time: February 2014 (TBD) Award Ceremony Reveal our winners! Food & Social Special guest speaker

21 Spring 2014: National Competition
Time: April in Tampa, FL Benefits Traveling expenses covered Special trips $2000 prize to 1st place team, $1500 2nd place, $1000 3rd place Honor and self-achievement

22 Tips to success Start early Team work Ask questions
Enjoy the competition

23 Questions? Join AMCP Today! Contact us! P&T chair: Kevin Chang.1064
AMCP president: Vanessa Copeland.225 Join AMCP Today!

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