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Competitive Intelligence For Companies of all sizes

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1 Competitive Intelligence For Companies of all sizes

2 Questions Do you believe that key information is being “filtered” within your company? Would you like to have more information about competitors and markets? Where does ~90% of the key information about competitors and markets reside? A. Internally or B. Externally What is the largest threat to your company? What is the largest opportunity for your company?

3 What is Competitive Intelligence?
Competitive Intelligence ( C.I.) is the process of monitoring the competitive environment. Effective C.I. is a continuous process involving: The legal and ethical collection of information Analysis that doesn’t avoid unwelcomed conclusions Controlled dissemination of actionable intelligence to decision makers

4 Creating a Culture for Competitive Intelligence is a KEY step
Culture consists of the beliefs, behaviors, objects, and other characteristics common to the members of a particular group or society.

5 Investment Balance People & Process = Systems
Many companies do not focus enough time and effort on: People Processes Internal Communications Investment Balance People & Process = Systems

6 Lessons learned from DAS “skunk works” project
Company protected sales without any additional investment. Slight organizational focus and additional process steps provided needed intelligence Most all of the data needed was contained within different departments of the company. Cross functional focus resulted in better overall outcome

7 Focusing FIRST on the 90% Traditional organization design and reporting structure can undermine sharing of Intelligence Processes & slight organizational redesign can address these organizational barriers Focusing internally is the first step to building a culture which supports and feeds intelligence gathering and sharing. Software decisions should support internal processes

8 Example of Three Software Providers
Cipher – high degree of customization Comintelli– ability to capture internal Digimind – web crawling and dashboard Costs range from $80/user/month up to $35,000 set-up plus $3,500/month for unlimited number of users

9 “The secret of getting ahead is getting started” –Mark Twain Begin with “pilot” effort which includes: Identify someone in your organization as the leader for Intelligence. Determine a central location to store data and analysis results ..e.g. file share Begin focused effort to collect and analyze existing data which addresses a business threat or opportunity Identify data gaps and initiate plans to widen scope of data collection Capture outcomes of effort and communicate results within your company

10 Step-by-Step following the “pilot”
Internal Marketing Plan Inventory of Information Integration into Strategic Plans Senior Management Support Mission and Vision Statement

11 Benefits Derived from CI
Summarizing the bottom line benefits of Competitive Intelligence programs: Improved market knowledge that allows analysis and prediction of the future Better business decisions in advance of competitive events (i.e. proactive vs. reactive) More effective strategic plans and competitive strategies More successful products and services Increased sales and marketplace success Improved cross-functional relationships in the organization Surprise and crises avoidance Knowledge transfer Markets Competitors Industry-benchmarking

12 Potential “Pit-Falls”
Lack of focus on People Lack of specific business focus can delay success and dilute efforts and increase costs Not welcoming challenges to status quo thinking Rewarding form vs. content Do not “Kill the messenger” –learn from mistakes

13 Organizational Design Alternatives as defined by Clifford Kalb & Jan Herring
Ad-hoc Teams Single Person Operation Basic Team The Center The Department Hub & Spoke The Matrix The Community Source: SCIP Volume 15- Number 1-January/March 2012

14 People = Culture Culture = Sustainability People = Sustainability

15 R.L. (Bob) Fowler RL FOWLER Consulting, LLC

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