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The Mughal Dynasty Period Between 1500-1800 1. Great Empire a. foreigners and Muslim 2. From mountainous region north of the Indus river valley.

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2 The Mughal Dynasty

3 Period Between 1500-1800 1. Great Empire a. foreigners and Muslim 2. From mountainous region north of the Indus river valley

4 The Mughal Dynasty Babur - descendent 1. Asian conqueror Tamerlane 2. Genghis Khan - inherited upland river area of Syr Darya - lead a group of warriors 1. seized Kabul in 1504 2. 1517 crossed the Khyber Pass 3. fights Indians a. outnumbered b. wins * capture Delhi - Dies 1530


6 The Mughal Dynasty Akbar - grandson of Babur - took over when he was 14 - very intelligent - extends rule over most of subcontinent(1605) 1. heavy artillery 2. semi-autonomous states


8 The Mughal Dynasty Known for his Humane Rule 1. accepted the diversity of Indian civilization a. religious tolerance * allowed Hindus to serve in court * allowed the Jesuits b. allowed Hindus to serve in court c. took Hindu wives as some of his princesses

9 The Mughal Dynasty Tolerant Administration 1 high officials were Muslims 2. lower officials were Hindu 3. Zamindars (Local Officials) a. paid in land b. peasants farmed land for the officials * 1/3 of a peasants salary taxed * taxes flexible Political Stability Allowed Industry to Flourish

10 The Mughal Dynasty Jahangir - court fell into the hands of his wives a. Nur Jahan * used her position to increase her families wealth

11 The Mughal Dynasty Shah Jahan 1. son of Nur Jahan 2. ruler in 1627 a. killed rivals 3. failed at internal problems a. inherited empty treasury * Nur Jahan b. majority of subjects in horrible poverty c. military campaigns & building project * raise taxes d. Transportation Problems * nothing done

12 Taj Mahal

13 The Mughal Dynasty Struggle for Power Aurangzeb - kills his brother - imprisons his father - devoutly Muslim - good things 1. forbid Hindu suttee 2. forbid illegal taxes 3. forbid gambling and drinking (failed) - bad things 1. new Hindu temples forbidden 2. non-Muslims driven from court 3. Hindus forced to convert to Islam

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