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Section 5 Tools, Measurement, and Safety

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Presentation on theme: "Section 5 Tools, Measurement, and Safety"— Presentation transcript:

1 Section 5 Tools, Measurement, and Safety
Bell Work: 8/23/2011 Write down the number of each tool, the name of the tool, and what it measures. 6. 1. 1. graduated cylinder measures volume 3. 4. meter stick measures length Header – dark yellow 24 points Arial Bold Body text – white 20 points Arial Bold, dark yellow highlights Bullets – dark yellow Copyright – white 12 points Arial Size: Height: 7.52" Width: 10.02" Scale: 70% Position on slide: Horizontal - 0" Vertical - 0" 2. balance measures mass 5. stopwatch measures time. thermometer measures temperature spring scale measures force

2 Section 5 Tools, Measurement, and Safety
Eye Protection Clothing Protection Hand Safety Heat Safety Electrical Safety Sharp Objects Header – dark yellow 24 points Arial Bold Body text – white 20 points Arial Bold, dark yellow highlights Bullets – dark yellow Copyright – white 12 points Arial Size: Height: 7.52" Width: 10.02" Scale: 70% Position on slide: Horizontal - 0" Vertical - 0" Chemical Safety Animal Safety Plant Safety

3 Graduated Cylinder: Measuring at the meniscus
2 minute Journal Graduated Cylinder: Measuring at the meniscus

4 Microscope: lenses & focus
2 minute Journal

5 2 minute Journal Thermometer: Celsius Spring Scale: grams vs. Newtons
Measure at the top of the disc. Each 1 Newton= 100 grams. For example: An object has a force of 23 g or .23 N Time limit: not enough 2 minute Journal

6 2 minute Journal Volume: liquids vs. solids
*A milliliter (mL) will fit into a box measuring 1 cm on each side. So, 1 mL = 1 cm3. *Graduated cylinders are used to measure the volume of liquids. *The volume of a box can be calculated by multiplying the object's length, width, and height (units=cm3) *The volume of an irregularly shaped object can be found by measuring the volume of liquid that the object displaces. Adding the rock changes the water level from 70 mL to 80 mL. So, the rock displaces 10 mL of water. Because 1 mL = 1 cm3, the volume of the rock is 10 cm3.

7 After the quiz... 1. You may work on any questions or extra credit not finished from the Science Tools Lab. You need to get a copy of the lab sheets when you turn in your quiz. 2. You may read a library book or one from my library.

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