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Science Fair Notes Purpose, Materials List, Safety List, & Research Paper.

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Presentation on theme: "Science Fair Notes Purpose, Materials List, Safety List, & Research Paper."— Presentation transcript:

1 Science Fair Notes Purpose, Materials List, Safety List, & Research Paper

2 Purpose –Should explain what you want to find out. –Should be a statement NOT a question. –Should describe what you are going to do, briefly. Should mention your control or comparison group. Should include a key phrase to show it is investigative: –-to determine –-to find out –-to figure out Example: The purpose of this project is to determine if the addition of different nutrients affects the strength of bubbles. This is tested by adding 2mL of salt, sugar, cornstarch, and olive oil to 4 different samples of soap. The control is the bubble solution with no nutrients added. **The underlined words should be used in all purposes but don’t underline them in your final copy, only underline in rough drafts.

3 Materials List When writing your materials list remember the following: Always include measurements Use bullets (the dots before the materials) No capital letters in the beginning (unless a proper noun) No punctuation at the end – this is a list of materials, not sentences! Example: –The following list of supplies is needed for this investigation. 50mL of hot water 50mL of cold water 2 - 150mL graduated cylinders triple-beam balance masking tape

4 Safety Rules Fire (including candles and combustion)- You must have adult supervision. Make sure you follow all science safety rules regarding fire in general as well. Chemicals (including household chemicals)- Once again, you must have adult supervision. If you do use chemicals, read directions and follow them to the letter! Some common household chemicals can be very dangerous if misused. Sharp items (including blades, cutters, knives, saws and scissors)- Must have adult supervision. Make sure you follow all safety procedures regarding sharp instruments. Plants- Make sure you use only known types of plants. Some science fairs will disqualify you if you use plants that are poisonous or are an endangered species.

5 Research Paper Must be 3-5 pages typed, double spaced. This could be as easy as asking an adult to help you find information about it. You may want to do a search on the internet for your subject as well as go to the library. Research EVERY part of your project idea. –Look up key words in the encyclopedia/ dictionary. –Find information on previous results that others have had doing the same experiment/ project.

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