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The Literature of Chivalry Daisy Cruz Judith Villasana Nayeli Solis.

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Presentation on theme: "The Literature of Chivalry Daisy Cruz Judith Villasana Nayeli Solis."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Literature of Chivalry Daisy Cruz Judith Villasana Nayeli Solis

2 The Literature of Chivalry In the middle Ages literature made feudal society seem idealistic through poetry and music. The Song of Roland is an epic poem that praises a band of French soldiers who died in battle during the reign of Charlemagne’s reign. The troubadours composed songs and poems about he joys and sorrows of romantic and impossible love. In the poems and songs the troubadours composed noblewomen were always beautiful and pure. The code of chivalry also promoted a false image of the knights, making them seem more romantic than brutal.

3 The Troubadours The troubadours were people who traveled and composed romantic poems and songs.

4 The Noblewomen The noblewomen were depicted as beautiful and pure in the songs and poems.

5 The Knight The knights were pictured as romantic knights.

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