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49. METER Definition – generally regular pattern of stressed and unstressed syllables in poetry. Example – be GIN, for GET, a LONE Memorization Tip –Think.

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Presentation on theme: "49. METER Definition – generally regular pattern of stressed and unstressed syllables in poetry. Example – be GIN, for GET, a LONE Memorization Tip –Think."— Presentation transcript:

1 49. METER Definition – generally regular pattern of stressed and unstressed syllables in poetry. Example – be GIN, for GET, a LONE Memorization Tip –Think meter …measure…way to measure syllables.

2 50. MOOD Definition: a story’s atmosphere or the feeling it evokes. Definition: a story’s atmosphere or the feeling it evokes. Example: Edgar Allan Poe’s stories evoke an EERIE mood. Example: Edgar Allan Poe’s stories evoke an EERIE mood. Memorization Tip: Moody people are feeling crummy. Memorization Tip: Moody people are feeling crummy.

3 51. MYTH Definition – traditional story that is rooted in a particular culture, is basically religious, and usually serves to explain a belief, a ritual, or a mysterious natural phenomenon. Definition – traditional story that is rooted in a particular culture, is basically religious, and usually serves to explain a belief, a ritual, or a mysterious natural phenomenon. Example: Lochness monster (Scotland)! Example: Lochness monster (Scotland)! Memorization Tip: Myth – Mythical creatures…Think Big Foot! Think werewolves! Memorization Tip: Myth – Mythical creatures…Think Big Foot! Think werewolves!

4 Language Activity #14 ROOT: —juven— MEANING: young EXAMPLE: anilojuvenogamous : a reference to a marriage between an older woman and a younger man. Come up w/ 2 words using the root: 1.______________2._____________

5 52. NARRATION Definition – type of writing or speaking that tells about a series of related events. Definition – type of writing or speaking that tells about a series of related events. A type of writing where the speaker tells what happens. A type of writing where the speaker tells what happens. Think narrator who tells a story. Think narrator who tells a story.

6 53. NARRATOR Definition – the voice telling a story. Definition – the voice telling a story. Voice telling a story/ Point of view. Voice telling a story/ Point of view. 1 st person 1 st person Omniscient Omniscient Third person limited Third person limited

7 54. Non-Fiction Definition – prose writing that deals with real people, things, events, and places. Definition – prose writing that deals with real people, things, events, and places. Writing that deals with real people, real things, real events, and real places. Writing that deals with real people, real things, real events, and real places. Think NON-FICTION Think NON-FICTIONNOT-FAKE

8 55. NOVEL Definition – fictional prose narrative usually consisting of more than fifty thousand words. Definition – fictional prose narrative usually consisting of more than fifty thousand words. Fictional prose narrative usually consisting of more than 50,000 words. Fictional prose narrative usually consisting of more than 50,000 words. WHAT A NOVELTY! HOW GRAND! WHAT A LONG STORY! WHAT A NOVELTY! HOW GRAND! WHAT A LONG STORY!

9 56. ONOMATOPOEIA Definition – use of a word whose sound imitates or suggests its meaning. Definition – use of a word whose sound imitates or suggests its meaning. ONO = AWW NO!!! ONO = AWW NO!!! SOUNDS. SOUNDS. SOUNDS!!! SOUNDS. SOUNDS. SOUNDS!!!

10 57. PARADOX Definition – statement or situation that seems to be a contradiction but reveals a truth. Definition – statement or situation that seems to be a contradiction but reveals a truth. PARA= not normal, strange, wondering PARA= not normal, strange, wondering “The Gift of the Magi” – Della and Jim are the richest couple on earth. (rich in love but not in money) “The Gift of the Magi” – Della and Jim are the richest couple on earth. (rich in love but not in money) Nobody goes to that restaurant, it's too crowded. Nobody goes to that restaurant, it's too crowded. Don't go near the water until you've learned to swim. Don't go near the water until you've learned to swim. The man who wrote such a stupid sentence cannot write at all. The man who wrote such a stupid sentence cannot write at all. If you get this message, call me; if you don't, then don't worry about it. If you get this message, call me; if you don't, then don't worry about it.

11 58. PARALLELISM Definition – repetition of words, phrases, or sentences that have the same grammatical structure or that state a similar idea. Definition – repetition of words, phrases, or sentences that have the same grammatical structure or that state a similar idea. Repetition of words or phrases or sentences that have the same GRAMMATICAL structure Repetition of words or phrases or sentences that have the same GRAMMATICAL structure “I came, I saw, I conquered.” – Julius Caesar

12 59. PERSONA Definition – mask or voice assumed by a write Definition – mask or voice assumed by a write Mask or voice assumed by the writer Mask or voice assumed by the writer The author takes on another PERSON’s view point The author takes on another PERSON’s view point

13 60. Personification Definition – kind of metaphor in which a nonhuman thing or quality is talked about as if it were human. Definition – kind of metaphor in which a nonhuman thing or quality is talked about as if it were human. A kind of metaphor in which a nonhuman thing or quality is talked about as if it were human. A kind of metaphor in which a nonhuman thing or quality is talked about as if it were human. PERSON = HUMAN PERSON = HUMAN You are making something nonhuman HUMAN. You are making something nonhuman HUMAN. The wind whispers. The wind whispers.

14 61. Plot Definition – series of related event that make up a story or drama. Definition – series of related event that make up a story or drama. Series of related events that make up a story or drama. Series of related events that make up a story or drama. Plot = think of a chain. All of these events link together. Plot = think of a chain. All of these events link together.

15 62. Poetry Definition – type of rhythmic, compressed language that uses figures of speech and imagery to appeal to the reader’s emotions and imagination. Definition – type of rhythmic, compressed language that uses figures of speech and imagery to appeal to the reader’s emotions and imagination. KEY WORDS: rhythmic, uses figurative language and imagery to appeal to a reader’s emotions and imagination. KEY WORDS: rhythmic, uses figurative language and imagery to appeal to a reader’s emotions and imagination. Ex. Legal Alien Ex. Legal Alien “A handy token sliding back and forth between the fringes of both worlds.” “A handy token sliding back and forth between the fringes of both worlds.”

16 63. POINT OF VIEW Definition – vantage point from which a writer tells a story. In broad terms there are three possible points of view: omniscient, first person, and third person limited. Definition – vantage point from which a writer tells a story. In broad terms there are three possible points of view: omniscient, first person, and third person limited. Omniscient = all-knowing (OMMMM = sounds like a prayer…God- Like…knows everything!) Omniscient = all-knowing (OMMMM = sounds like a prayer…God- Like…knows everything!) 1 st person = 1 st person pronoun “I” (Think 1 looks like I) 1 st person = 1 st person pronoun “I” (Think 1 looks like I) 3 rd person = Third person pronouns He, she, they, it 3 rd person = Third person pronouns He, she, they, it (Number 3 rhymes with HE, SHE)  Vantage POINT = POINT of VIEW

17 64.PROTAGONIST Definition – main character in fiction or drama. Definition – main character in fiction or drama. Main character Main character PRO = YES the character you are rooting for. PRO = YES the character you are rooting for.

18 65. PUN Definition – play on the multiple meanings of a word or on two words that sound alike but have different meanings. Definition – play on the multiple meanings of a word or on two words that sound alike but have different meanings. Play on multiple meanings of words. Play on multiple meanings of words. Pun rhymes with FUN. Think funny jokes. Pun rhymes with FUN. Think funny jokes. How do you make a tissue dance? How do you make a tissue dance? You put a BOOGIE in it. Boogie – BoogerBoogie – Dance

19 66. REFRAIN Definition – repeated word, phrase, line, or group of lines. Definition – repeated word, phrase, line, or group of lines. Repeated words. Repeated words. “Hey, hey, HEY.” “Hey, hey, HEY.” This phrase is repeated throughout This phrase is repeated throughout his song. Think REfrain = REpeat

20 67. RHYME Definition – repetition of accented vowel sounds and all sounds following them in words that are close together in a poem. Definition – repetition of accented vowel sounds and all sounds following them in words that are close together in a poem. Repetition of sounds that are similar. Repetition of sounds that are similar. End rhyme = rhyme at the END of the line End rhyme = rhyme at the END of the line Ms. Tran’s scholars will score 858, This will make our school so great. Internal rhyme = rhyme INSIDE the line Internal rhyme = rhyme INSIDE the line Once upon a midnight dreary while I pondered weak and weary

21 68. RYTHYM Definition – musical quality in language produced by repetition. Definition – musical quality in language produced by repetition. Think rhythm, think music. MUSICAL QUALITY in language. Think rhythm, think music. MUSICAL QUALITY in language.

22 69. SATIRE Definition – type of writing that ridicules something – a person, a group of people, humanity at large, an attitude or failing, a social institution-in order to reveal a weakness. Definition – type of writing that ridicules something – a person, a group of people, humanity at large, an attitude or failing, a social institution-in order to reveal a weakness. SATIRE – PUT SOMETHING UNDER FIRE (“put on blast”) SATIRE – PUT SOMETHING UNDER FIRE (“put on blast”) Making fun of something Making fun of something

23 70. SCENE DESIGN Definition – sets, lights, costumes, and props, which bring a play to life onstage. Definition – sets, lights, costumes, and props, which bring a play to life onstage. SCENE in a PLAY. SCENE in a PLAY. What sets, lights, costumes, and props do they use? What sets, lights, costumes, and props do they use?

24 71. Setting Definition – a time and place of a story or play Definition – a time and place of a story or play Where a story is SET. Where a story is SET. The real HOMS  The real HOMS  “windows that can’t breathe” “windows that can’t breathe” “swollen door” “swollen door”

25 72. SHORT STORY Definition – short, concentrated, fictional prose narrative Definition – short, concentrated, fictional prose narrative LOOK FOR THE WORD SHORT in the answer choices, and you’ve got the right answer. You’re welcome. LOOK FOR THE WORD SHORT in the answer choices, and you’ve got the right answer. You’re welcome.

26 73. SIMILE Definition – figure of speech that makes a comparison between two unlike tings, using a word such as like, as resembles, or than. Definition – figure of speech that makes a comparison between two unlike tings, using a word such as like, as resembles, or than. A comparison between 2 unlike things USING the words like, as, than, or resembles. A comparison between 2 unlike things USING the words like, as, than, or resembles. My scholars are as bright as the sun. My scholars are as bright as the sun.

27 74. SOLILOQUY Definition – long speech in which a character who is onstage alone expresses his or her thoughts aloud Definition – long speech in which a character who is onstage alone expresses his or her thoughts aloud speech given by a character alone by themselves. speech given by a character alone by themselves. SOLO = alone SOLO = alone SOLOlilquy… SOLOlilquy…

28 75. SONNET Definition – fourteen-line lyric poem that is usually written in iambic pentameter and that has one of several rhyme schemes. Definition – fourteen-line lyric poem that is usually written in iambic pentameter and that has one of several rhyme schemes. Think of a woman who had 14 sons. Think of a woman who had 14 sons. She wrote a 14 line poem about how she had a net of sons. She wrote a 14 line poem about how she had a net of sons.

29 76. SPEAKER Definition – voice that is talking to us in a poem. Definition – voice that is talking to us in a poem. Voice talking to us in a poem. Voice talking to us in a poem. You hear a voice over the SPEAKER. You hear a voice over the SPEAKER. “Legal Alien” = voice of a Mexican American who is lost in her culture. “Legal Alien” = voice of a Mexican American who is lost in her culture.

30 77. STANZA Definition – group of consecutive lines in a poem that form a single unit. Definition – group of consecutive lines in a poem that form a single unit. GROUP OF CONSECUTIVE LINES IN A POEM THAT FORM A SINGLE UNIT. GROUP OF CONSECUTIVE LINES IN A POEM THAT FORM A SINGLE UNIT. Think STANZA, STANDS ALONE Think STANZA, STANDS ALONE The chunks of a poem. The chunks of a poem.

31 78. STYLE Definition – the particular way in which a write uses language Definition – the particular way in which a write uses language PARTICULAR WAY AN AUTHOR USES LANGUAGE. PARTICULAR WAY AN AUTHOR USES LANGUAGE. Just like YOU have a fashion style to wear clothes your way, authors use language in different ways to create style. Just like YOU have a fashion style to wear clothes your way, authors use language in different ways to create style. Edgar Allan Poe = scary, moody, emotional, twisted = represented through his repetition and varies short and long sentences. Edgar Allan Poe = scary, moody, emotional, twisted = represented through his repetition and varies short and long sentences.

32 79. SUSPENSE Definition – uncertainty or anxiety the reader feels about what is going to happen next in the story Definition – uncertainty or anxiety the reader feels about what is going to happen next in the story ANXIETY the reader feels about the reading. ANXIETY the reader feels about the reading. SUSPENSE…what events will COMMENCE?! SUSPENSE…what events will COMMENCE?! Someone thinks you’re a suspect for a get get ANXIETY!! Someone thinks you’re a suspect for a get get ANXIETY!!

33 80. SYMBOL Definition – person, place, thing, or event that stands for itself and for something beyond itself as well Definition – person, place, thing, or event that stands for itself and for something beyond itself as well SYMBOL is SOMETHING that STANDS for SOMETHING SYMBOL is SOMETHING that STANDS for SOMETHING

34 81. TALL TALE Definition – exaggerated, far-fetched story that is obviously untrue but is told as though it should be believed. Definition – exaggerated, far-fetched story that is obviously untrue but is told as though it should be believed. That mountain is SO tall and SO far. That mountain is SO tall and SO far. A tale that is exaggerated and far-fetched (unbelievable). A tale that is exaggerated and far-fetched (unbelievable). Paul Bunyan : giant, tall lumberjack Paul Bunyan : giant, tall lumberjack

35 82. THEME Definition – central idea of a work of literature Definition – central idea of a work of literature CENTRAL IDEA OF A WORK. CENTRAL IDEA OF A WORK. Usually a phrase Usually a phrase *Love conquers all. *War tears people apart.

36 83. TONE Definition – attitude a writer takes toward a subject, a character, or the audience Definition – attitude a writer takes toward a subject, a character, or the audience Attitude a writer has towards a subject. Attitude a writer has towards a subject. Think of your mother saying, “WATCH THAT TONE OF VOICE YOUNG LADY…” Think of your mother saying, “WATCH THAT TONE OF VOICE YOUNG LADY…”

37 84. TRAGEDY Definition – play that depicts serious and important events in which the main character comes to an unhappy end Definition – play that depicts serious and important events in which the main character comes to an unhappy end UNHAPPY ENDING UNHAPPY ENDING OPPOSITE OF COMEDY. OPPOSITE OF COMEDY.

38 85. VOICE Definition – the writer’s or speaker’s distinctive use of language in a text Definition – the writer’s or speaker’s distinctive use of language in a text Distinctive use of language in a text. Distinctive use of language in a text. The speaker may be a mother and her voice is motherly, nurturing, caring, and loving. The speaker may be a mother and her voice is motherly, nurturing, caring, and loving. The author uses specific words (language) to create the character of the mother. The author uses specific words (language) to create the character of the mother. “Honey…” “M’am” “Honey…” “M’am”

39 Term # 86. ARGUMENT Definition: a series of statements in a text designed to convince us of something Definition: a series of statements in a text designed to convince us of something Example: Example: Persuasive Essay – you argue your opinion Memorization Tip: You get into an arGUMent with your teacher on why you should be able to chew GUM in class. Memorization Tip: You get into an arGUMent with your teacher on why you should be able to chew GUM in class.

40 87. CAUSE and EFFECT Definition – a text structure that shows how or why one thing leads to another. Definition – a text structure that shows how or why one thing leads to another. HOW and WHY one thing leads to another. HOW and WHY one thing leads to another. Do not study for the test  Poor score on the test Do not study for the test  Poor score on the test Bad attitude in class  Parent conference Bad attitude in class  Parent conference Be rude and disrespectful in class  Receive a referral Be rude and disrespectful in class  Receive a referral Drop out of high school  Earn minimum wage Drop out of high school  Earn minimum wage

41 88.CHRONOLOGICAL ORDER Definition –the arrangement of details in time order, that is, in the order in which they occurred Definition –the arrangement of details in time order, that is, in the order in which they occurred TIME ORDER. TIME ORDER. CHRO CHRO CHROME… CHROME… CHROME watches CHROME watches Watches tell time.. Watches tell time..

42 89. CLAIM Definition – the idea or opinion that a writer tries to prove or defend in an argument. Definition – the idea or opinion that a writer tries to prove or defend in an argument. CLAIM = OPINION CLAIM = OPINION CLAIM rhymes with LAME CLAIM rhymes with LAME My opinion is that dogs are lame. My opinion is that dogs are lame.

43 COHERENT Definition – logically integrated, consistent, and understandable Definition – logically integrated, consistent, and understandable

44 ALLEGORY SYMBOLIC STORY (characters/events/actions STAND for something) SYMBOLIC STORY (characters/events/actions STAND for something) ALLEGORY RHYMES WITH STORY!!! ALLEGORY RHYMES WITH STORY!!! “The Golden Kite, Silver Wind” (2 towns building walls represent 2 countries in an arms race) “The Golden Kite, Silver Wind” (2 towns building walls represent 2 countries in an arms race)

45 ALLEGORY SYMBOLIC STORY (characters/events/actions STAND for something) SYMBOLIC STORY (characters/events/actions STAND for something) ALLEGORY RHYMES WITH STORY!!! ALLEGORY RHYMES WITH STORY!!! “The Golden Kite, Silver Wind” (2 towns building walls represent 2 countries in an arms race) “The Golden Kite, Silver Wind” (2 towns building walls represent 2 countries in an arms race)

46 ALLEGORY SYMBOLIC STORY (characters/events/actions STAND for something) SYMBOLIC STORY (characters/events/actions STAND for something) ALLEGORY RHYMES WITH STORY!!! ALLEGORY RHYMES WITH STORY!!! “The Golden Kite, Silver Wind” (2 towns building walls represent 2 countries in an arms race) “The Golden Kite, Silver Wind” (2 towns building walls represent 2 countries in an arms race)

47 ALLEGORY SYMBOLIC STORY (characters/events/actions STAND for something) SYMBOLIC STORY (characters/events/actions STAND for something) ALLEGORY RHYMES WITH STORY!!! ALLEGORY RHYMES WITH STORY!!! “The Golden Kite, Silver Wind” (2 towns building walls represent 2 countries in an arms race) “The Golden Kite, Silver Wind” (2 towns building walls represent 2 countries in an arms race)

48 ALLEGORY SYMBOLIC STORY (characters/events/actions STAND for something) SYMBOLIC STORY (characters/events/actions STAND for something) ALLEGORY RHYMES WITH STORY!!! ALLEGORY RHYMES WITH STORY!!! “The Golden Kite, Silver Wind” (2 towns building walls represent 2 countries in an arms race) “The Golden Kite, Silver Wind” (2 towns building walls represent 2 countries in an arms race)

49 ALLEGORY SYMBOLIC STORY (characters/events/actions STAND for something) SYMBOLIC STORY (characters/events/actions STAND for something) ALLEGORY RHYMES WITH STORY!!! ALLEGORY RHYMES WITH STORY!!! “The Golden Kite, Silver Wind” (2 towns building walls represent 2 countries in an arms race) “The Golden Kite, Silver Wind” (2 towns building walls represent 2 countries in an arms race)

50 ALLEGORY SYMBOLIC STORY (characters/events/actions STAND for something) SYMBOLIC STORY (characters/events/actions STAND for something) ALLEGORY RHYMES WITH STORY!!! ALLEGORY RHYMES WITH STORY!!! “The Golden Kite, Silver Wind” (2 towns building walls represent 2 countries in an arms race) “The Golden Kite, Silver Wind” (2 towns building walls represent 2 countries in an arms race)

51 ALLEGORY SYMBOLIC STORY (characters/events/actions STAND for something) SYMBOLIC STORY (characters/events/actions STAND for something) ALLEGORY RHYMES WITH STORY!!! ALLEGORY RHYMES WITH STORY!!! “The Golden Kite, Silver Wind” (2 towns building walls represent 2 countries in an arms race) “The Golden Kite, Silver Wind” (2 towns building walls represent 2 countries in an arms race)

52 ALLEGORY SYMBOLIC STORY (characters/events/actions STAND for something) SYMBOLIC STORY (characters/events/actions STAND for something) ALLEGORY RHYMES WITH STORY!!! ALLEGORY RHYMES WITH STORY!!! “The Golden Kite, Silver Wind” (2 towns building walls represent 2 countries in an arms race) “The Golden Kite, Silver Wind” (2 towns building walls represent 2 countries in an arms race)

53 ALLEGORY SYMBOLIC STORY (characters/events/actions STAND for something) SYMBOLIC STORY (characters/events/actions STAND for something) ALLEGORY RHYMES WITH STORY!!! ALLEGORY RHYMES WITH STORY!!! “The Golden Kite, Silver Wind” (2 towns building walls represent 2 countries in an arms race) “The Golden Kite, Silver Wind” (2 towns building walls represent 2 countries in an arms race)

54 ALLEGORY SYMBOLIC STORY (characters/events/actions STAND for something) SYMBOLIC STORY (characters/events/actions STAND for something) ALLEGORY RHYMES WITH STORY!!! ALLEGORY RHYMES WITH STORY!!! “The Golden Kite, Silver Wind” (2 towns building walls represent 2 countries in an arms race) “The Golden Kite, Silver Wind” (2 towns building walls represent 2 countries in an arms race)

55 ALLEGORY SYMBOLIC STORY (characters/events/actions STAND for something) SYMBOLIC STORY (characters/events/actions STAND for something) ALLEGORY RHYMES WITH STORY!!! ALLEGORY RHYMES WITH STORY!!! “The Golden Kite, Silver Wind” (2 towns building walls represent 2 countries in an arms race) “The Golden Kite, Silver Wind” (2 towns building walls represent 2 countries in an arms race)

56 ALLEGORY SYMBOLIC STORY (characters/events/actions STAND for something) SYMBOLIC STORY (characters/events/actions STAND for something) ALLEGORY RHYMES WITH STORY!!! ALLEGORY RHYMES WITH STORY!!! “The Golden Kite, Silver Wind” (2 towns building walls represent 2 countries in an arms race) “The Golden Kite, Silver Wind” (2 towns building walls represent 2 countries in an arms race)

57 ALLEGORY SYMBOLIC STORY (characters/events/actions STAND for something) SYMBOLIC STORY (characters/events/actions STAND for something) ALLEGORY RHYMES WITH STORY!!! ALLEGORY RHYMES WITH STORY!!! “The Golden Kite, Silver Wind” (2 towns building walls represent 2 countries in an arms race) “The Golden Kite, Silver Wind” (2 towns building walls represent 2 countries in an arms race)

58 ALLEGORY SYMBOLIC STORY (characters/events/actions STAND for something) SYMBOLIC STORY (characters/events/actions STAND for something) ALLEGORY RHYMES WITH STORY!!! ALLEGORY RHYMES WITH STORY!!! “The Golden Kite, Silver Wind” (2 towns building walls represent 2 countries in an arms race) “The Golden Kite, Silver Wind” (2 towns building walls represent 2 countries in an arms race)

59 ALLEGORY SYMBOLIC STORY (characters/events/actions STAND for something) SYMBOLIC STORY (characters/events/actions STAND for something) ALLEGORY RHYMES WITH STORY!!! ALLEGORY RHYMES WITH STORY!!! “The Golden Kite, Silver Wind” (2 towns building walls represent 2 countries in an arms race) “The Golden Kite, Silver Wind” (2 towns building walls represent 2 countries in an arms race)

60 ALLEGORY SYMBOLIC STORY (characters/events/actions STAND for something) SYMBOLIC STORY (characters/events/actions STAND for something) ALLEGORY RHYMES WITH STORY!!! ALLEGORY RHYMES WITH STORY!!! “The Golden Kite, Silver Wind” (2 towns building walls represent 2 countries in an arms race) “The Golden Kite, Silver Wind” (2 towns building walls represent 2 countries in an arms race)

61 ALLEGORY SYMBOLIC STORY (characters/events/actions STAND for something) SYMBOLIC STORY (characters/events/actions STAND for something) ALLEGORY RHYMES WITH STORY!!! ALLEGORY RHYMES WITH STORY!!! “The Golden Kite, Silver Wind” (2 towns building walls represent 2 countries in an arms race) “The Golden Kite, Silver Wind” (2 towns building walls represent 2 countries in an arms race)

62 ALLEGORY SYMBOLIC STORY (characters/events/actions STAND for something) SYMBOLIC STORY (characters/events/actions STAND for something) ALLEGORY RHYMES WITH STORY!!! ALLEGORY RHYMES WITH STORY!!! “The Golden Kite, Silver Wind” (2 towns building walls represent 2 countries in an arms race) “The Golden Kite, Silver Wind” (2 towns building walls represent 2 countries in an arms race)

63 ALLEGORY SYMBOLIC STORY (characters/events/actions STAND for something) SYMBOLIC STORY (characters/events/actions STAND for something) ALLEGORY RHYMES WITH STORY!!! ALLEGORY RHYMES WITH STORY!!! “The Golden Kite, Silver Wind” (2 towns building walls represent 2 countries in an arms race) “The Golden Kite, Silver Wind” (2 towns building walls represent 2 countries in an arms race)

64 ALLEGORY SYMBOLIC STORY (characters/events/actions STAND for something) SYMBOLIC STORY (characters/events/actions STAND for something) ALLEGORY RHYMES WITH STORY!!! ALLEGORY RHYMES WITH STORY!!! “The Golden Kite, Silver Wind” (2 towns building walls represent 2 countries in an arms race) “The Golden Kite, Silver Wind” (2 towns building walls represent 2 countries in an arms race)

65 ALLEGORY SYMBOLIC STORY (characters/events/actions STAND for something) SYMBOLIC STORY (characters/events/actions STAND for something) ALLEGORY RHYMES WITH STORY!!! ALLEGORY RHYMES WITH STORY!!! “The Golden Kite, Silver Wind” (2 towns building walls represent 2 countries in an arms race) “The Golden Kite, Silver Wind” (2 towns building walls represent 2 countries in an arms race)

66 ALLEGORY SYMBOLIC STORY (characters/events/actions STAND for something) SYMBOLIC STORY (characters/events/actions STAND for something) ALLEGORY RHYMES WITH STORY!!! ALLEGORY RHYMES WITH STORY!!! “The Golden Kite, Silver Wind” (2 towns building walls represent 2 countries in an arms race) “The Golden Kite, Silver Wind” (2 towns building walls represent 2 countries in an arms race)

67 ALLEGORY SYMBOLIC STORY (characters/events/actions STAND for something) SYMBOLIC STORY (characters/events/actions STAND for something) ALLEGORY RHYMES WITH STORY!!! ALLEGORY RHYMES WITH STORY!!! “The Golden Kite, Silver Wind” (2 towns building walls represent 2 countries in an arms race) “The Golden Kite, Silver Wind” (2 towns building walls represent 2 countries in an arms race)

68 ALLEGORY SYMBOLIC STORY (characters/events/actions STAND for something) SYMBOLIC STORY (characters/events/actions STAND for something) ALLEGORY RHYMES WITH STORY!!! ALLEGORY RHYMES WITH STORY!!! “The Golden Kite, Silver Wind” (2 towns building walls represent 2 countries in an arms race) “The Golden Kite, Silver Wind” (2 towns building walls represent 2 countries in an arms race)

69 ALLEGORY SYMBOLIC STORY (characters/events/actions STAND for something) SYMBOLIC STORY (characters/events/actions STAND for something) ALLEGORY RHYMES WITH STORY!!! ALLEGORY RHYMES WITH STORY!!! “The Golden Kite, Silver Wind” (2 towns building walls represent 2 countries in an arms race) “The Golden Kite, Silver Wind” (2 towns building walls represent 2 countries in an arms race)

70 ALLEGORY SYMBOLIC STORY (characters/events/actions STAND for something) SYMBOLIC STORY (characters/events/actions STAND for something) ALLEGORY RHYMES WITH STORY!!! ALLEGORY RHYMES WITH STORY!!! “The Golden Kite, Silver Wind” (2 towns building walls represent 2 countries in an arms race) “The Golden Kite, Silver Wind” (2 towns building walls represent 2 countries in an arms race)

71 ALLEGORY SYMBOLIC STORY (characters/events/actions STAND for something) SYMBOLIC STORY (characters/events/actions STAND for something) ALLEGORY RHYMES WITH STORY!!! ALLEGORY RHYMES WITH STORY!!! “The Golden Kite, Silver Wind” (2 towns building walls represent 2 countries in an arms race) “The Golden Kite, Silver Wind” (2 towns building walls represent 2 countries in an arms race)

72 ALLEGORY SYMBOLIC STORY (characters/events/actions STAND for something) SYMBOLIC STORY (characters/events/actions STAND for something) ALLEGORY RHYMES WITH STORY!!! ALLEGORY RHYMES WITH STORY!!! “The Golden Kite, Silver Wind” (2 towns building walls represent 2 countries in an arms race) “The Golden Kite, Silver Wind” (2 towns building walls represent 2 countries in an arms race)

73 ALLEGORY SYMBOLIC STORY (characters/events/actions STAND for something) SYMBOLIC STORY (characters/events/actions STAND for something) ALLEGORY RHYMES WITH STORY!!! ALLEGORY RHYMES WITH STORY!!! “The Golden Kite, Silver Wind” (2 towns building walls represent 2 countries in an arms race) “The Golden Kite, Silver Wind” (2 towns building walls represent 2 countries in an arms race)

74 ALLEGORY SYMBOLIC STORY (characters/events/actions STAND for something) SYMBOLIC STORY (characters/events/actions STAND for something) ALLEGORY RHYMES WITH STORY!!! ALLEGORY RHYMES WITH STORY!!! “The Golden Kite, Silver Wind” (2 towns building walls represent 2 countries in an arms race) “The Golden Kite, Silver Wind” (2 towns building walls represent 2 countries in an arms race)

75 ALLEGORY SYMBOLIC STORY (characters/events/actions STAND for something) SYMBOLIC STORY (characters/events/actions STAND for something) ALLEGORY RHYMES WITH STORY!!! ALLEGORY RHYMES WITH STORY!!! “The Golden Kite, Silver Wind” (2 towns building walls represent 2 countries in an arms race) “The Golden Kite, Silver Wind” (2 towns building walls represent 2 countries in an arms race)

76 ALLEGORY SYMBOLIC STORY (characters/events/actions STAND for something) SYMBOLIC STORY (characters/events/actions STAND for something) ALLEGORY RHYMES WITH STORY!!! ALLEGORY RHYMES WITH STORY!!! “The Golden Kite, Silver Wind” (2 towns building walls represent 2 countries in an arms race) “The Golden Kite, Silver Wind” (2 towns building walls represent 2 countries in an arms race)

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