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Branch Biodiversity and Conservation. 2 Some Drivers –Unsustainable utilisation of natural resources (fauna & flora) threatening functionality of ecosystems,

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Presentation on theme: "Branch Biodiversity and Conservation. 2 Some Drivers –Unsustainable utilisation of natural resources (fauna & flora) threatening functionality of ecosystems,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Branch Biodiversity and Conservation

2 2 Some Drivers –Unsustainable utilisation of natural resources (fauna & flora) threatening functionality of ecosystems, thus undermining social and economic development –Insufficient network of protected areas to provide ecological services, socio-economic benefits including climate change mitigation and adaptation –Declining water quality & health of aquatic ecosystems –Escalating Land degradation. –Conversion/loss of wetlands (Estimated 50%)

3 3 Some Drivers –Increasing rate of spread of alien invasive species threatening biodiversity and water availability –Current utilisation and conservation patterns levels of resources use compromising ecosystem functionality and provision its goods and services(e.g. water purification, soil enrichment, carbon sinks, pest control, beauty and recreation) –Need for improved regional integration and cross border cooperation in Biodiversity and Conservation management

4 4 KEY OUTPUT: SUSTAINABLE NATURAL RESOURCE MGT SO: Protect Conserve and Enhance our environmental, natural and heritage assets and resources KPAKPI Target 2010/2011 5 year Target Ensure Equitable and sustainable use of natural resources Regulations to standardise trade and utilization of threatened, protected or commercial species implemented and monitored Two systems developed to enhance CITES coordination implementation and compliance developed Ensure 40% of CITES provisions implemented TOPS regulations amended National intervention in 2 provinces on TOPS implementation Ensure 90% of CITES provisions implemented National intervention in 6 provinces % of Bioprospecting Access and Benefit Sharing permits Applications assessed 90% bioprospecting permits applications assessed Guidelines for negotiating the benefit- sharing agreements developed 90% Bioprospecting permits applications assessed Training and information sessions on the BABS regulations and associated guidelines for BSA for 40% of priority municipalities and community structures conducted

5 5 KEY OUTPUT: PROTECTED BIODIVERSITY SO: Protect Conserve and Enhance our environmental, natural and heritage assets and resources KPAKPITarget 2010/20115 year Target Conserve and mitigate threats to Biodiversity Number of Biodiversity and conservation planning tools developed and implemented 40% of National Biodiversity Framework implemented 90% of National Biodiversity Framework Implemented 90% of Bioregional plans submitted by provinces and local authorities for approval evaluated by evaluation committee DEA’s support, training and awareness Draft list of Threatened or Protected river ecosystems developed Threatened or Protected river ecosystems developed Regulations for listed Threatened or Protected ecosystems developed Development of SEA’s and EMF’s 1 SEA for threatened area or region initiated. 2 SEAs developed Number of interventions on Biodiversity Stewardship programme mainstreamed 1 additional provincial stewardship programme implemented 2 land reform sites incorporating stewardship principles 6 Provincial stewardship programmes implemented 10 land reform sites incorporating stewardship principles

6 6 KEY OUTPUT: PROTECTED BIODIVERSITY SO: Protect Conserve and Enhance our environmental, natural and heritage assets and resources KPAKPITarget 2010/20115 year Target Conserve and mitigate threats to Biodiversity Regulations and tools to prevent, control or eradicate Alien and Invasive Species developed and implemented Alien Invasive Species (AIS) regulations finalized AIS implementation plan developed National AIS Strategy Published & implemented Coordinated mechanisms for responding to respective key biodiversity risks (GMOs, AIS, mining and development pressure 100% of received GMO applications due for GMO Council review assessed 100% of received BCA applications assessed 100% of received GMO applications due for GMO Council review assessed 100% of received BCA applications assessed Risk assessment Framework on AIS drafted Biodiversity and Mining Best Practice Guidelines finalized 90% risk assessment for new and prioritized AIS conducted. 20% of Mining sectors incorporating guidelines Number of species with Biodiversity Management Plans in place 2 more species 10 species with biodiversity management plans

7 7 KEY OUTPUT: PROTECTED BIODIVERSITY SO: Protect Conserve and Enhance our environmental, natural and heritage assets and resources KPAKPITarget 2010/20115 year Target Conserve and mitigate threats to Biodiversity Number of priority areas identified in the National Action Programme (NAP) to combat desertification, land degradation and the effects of drought mainstreamed and implemented 700 hectares of land rehabilitated Three partnerships established and interventions implemented to improve degraded ecosystems and livelihoods 1500 hectares of land rehabilitated Ten partnerships established and interventions implemented to improve degraded ecosystems and livelihoods Number of wetlands and aquatic ecosystems conserved and rehabilitated Wetlands Inventory classification system published for implementation Three management plans for RAMSAR sites developed 75 wetlands rehabilitated 20 management plans for RAMSAR sites developed 150 wetlands rehabilitated per year 4 wetlands accorded national protected area status

8 8 KEY OUTPUT: PROTECTED BIODIVERSITY SO: Protect Conserve and Enhance our environmental, natural and heritage assets and resources KPAKPITarget 2010/2011 5 year Target Conserve and mitigate threats to Biodiversity % expansion of land under conservation 7% land under conservation 9% land under conservation Number of WHS nominated/ proclaimed 1 WHS nominated 1 WHS proclaimed 3 Additional WHS proclaimed

9 9 KEY OUTPUT PROTECTED BIODIVERSITY SO: Protect Conserve and Enhance our environmental, natural and heritage assets and resources KPAKPITarget 2010/2011 5 year Target Facilitate Environmental Sector Transformation Biodiversity Education & Awareness- Number of interventions for building constituency for Biodiversity Conservation developed Four programmes facilitated (IYB,P&P, KIP, CBNRM, Making the Case) 8 programmes facilitated Model for Rationalisation of management of Protected Areas and world heritage sites developed and implemented Mechanisms to facilitate decision-making on models established Institutional arrangement established and implementation plan developed

10 10 KEY OUTPUT: SUSTAINABLE NATURAL RESOURCE MANAGEMENT SO: Contribute to sustainable development, livelihoods, green and inclusive economic growth through facilitating skills development and employment creation KPAKPITarget 2010/20115 year Target Facilitate Environmental Sector Transformation Model for Rationalization of protected areas management developed & implemented Mechanisms to facilitate decision making on rationalisation established(Commission) Rationalisation implemented Greening interventions at local government level implemented Status quo analysis of OSS in 10 identified municipalities conducted Master plans and design interventions commissioned Open space-based greening programme implemented and monitored in 3 municipalities (Eco-parks and Tree planting) Master plans and design interventions commissioned Open space-based greening programme implemented and monitored in 10 municipalities (Eco-parks and Tree planting) Programmes to advance vulnerable communities developed. Reporting mechanism for Co- Management Framework developed Implementation of Co- Management Framework reviewed

11 11 KEY OUTPUT INCREASED REGIONAL ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT THROUGH CROSS BORDER ECOTOURISM SO: Contribute to a better Africa, and a better world by advancing national environmental interests through a global sustainable development agenda KPAKPITarget 2010/20115 year Target Effectively manage and facilitate DEA's international relations and engagements Number of Wildlife Corridors and migratory routes established Tools to enhance Cross Border biodiversity Conservation developed and implemented % of projects in the investment catalogue financed by investors as a result of Investment Promotions 1 Wildlife Corridor and migratory route established Draft conservation strategy for TFCA’s developed 10% of projects in the investment catalogue financed by investors 5 Wildlife Corridors and migratory routes established Biodiversity conservation strategy reviewed. 6 TFCA management plans aligned with the biodiversity strategy 30% of projects in the investment catalogue financed by investors

12 12 KEY OUTPUT INCREASED REGIONAL ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT THROUGH CROSS BORDER ECOTOURISM SO: Contribute to a better Africa, and a better world by advancing national environmental interests through a global sustainable development agenda KPAKPITarget 2010/20115 year Target Effectively manage and facilitate DEA's international relations and engagements Number of tour operators selling boundless Southern Africa itineraries Number of access facilities established Boundless Southern Africa Brand Agreement concluded with 3 tour operators 1 access facilities established per year Boundless South Africa Brand Agreement concluded with 20 tour operators 9 access facilities established

13 13 KEY OUTPUT: PROTECTED BIODIVERSITY SO: Proactively plan, manage and prevent pollution and environmental degradation to ensure a sustainable and healthy environment KPAKPITarget 2010/20115 year Target Ensure compliance with environmental legislation Framework for Protected Areas (PA) performance management developed and implemented Management Plans for WHS approved National biodiversity enforcement unit established and implemented Norms and Standards for PA performance Indicators developed 4 management plans approved National Wild-life Reaction Unit established Biodiversity enforcement unit implementation plan developed. Protected areas performance management framework reviewed 12 management plans approved 50% of Biodiversity enforcement unit implementation plan implemented

14 14 KEY OUTPUT: PROTECTED BIODIVERSITY SO: Protect Conserve and Enhance our environmental, natural and heritage assets and resources KPAKPITarget 2010/20115 year Target Respond and adapt to Climate Change Impacts on Biodiversity Biodiversity Climate Change Response strategy Developed (Sector Plan) Framework for response strategy finalized Risk and vulnerability assessment for key biodiversity components undertaken Costing study for response measures initiated Biodiversity Climate Change response strategy and implementation plans implemented (terrestrial and aquatic) Costing of response measures completed

15 15 KEY OUTPUT: PROTECTED BIODIVERSITY SO: Protect Conserve and Enhance our environmental, natural and heritage assets and resources KPAKPITarget 2010/20115 year Target Build a sound scientic base for trhe effective management of natural resources Research programme to support conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity developed 10% Biosafety Research Programme implemented Desertification/dryla nds research programme finalised Implementation plan for Elephant research developed and commissioned 50% Biosafety Research Programme implemented 20% Desertification/drylands research programme implemented 20% Elephant research programme implemented

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