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Maya adapted from slides by Hyuck Rea Rho. 2 What is it? Animation making tool 3D rendering tool Around $280 for school work 10 License, Limited function.

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Presentation on theme: "Maya adapted from slides by Hyuck Rea Rho. 2 What is it? Animation making tool 3D rendering tool Around $280 for school work 10 License, Limited function."— Presentation transcript:

1 Maya adapted from slides by Hyuck Rea Rho

2 2 What is it? Animation making tool 3D rendering tool Around $280 for school work 10 License, Limited function (

3 3 Why using Maya? Maya is everywhere, especially in game / film / animation. Maya expert := Artist + Computer Programmer.

4 4 Example Load of the Rings ( Basic Animation (

5 5 Introduction to Alias Alias Research, 1983. Wavefront Technologies, 1984. Alias|Wavefront under SGI, 1995. Alias ®, 2003. Autodesk, 2006.

6 6 Introduction to Maya Released in 1998. Rumor has it that Implemented by over 200 PhDs. Too big s.t. no one knows it well. Alias ® is going bigger.

7 7 Let ’ s Use Maya Basic transformation. Selection by object, component. Polygonal modeling. Mirror.

8 8 Maya Internal Architecture Dependency Graph Maya Programmer’s API – C/C++ MEL Interpreter MEL Script EditorMaya User Interface Render Engine

9 9

10 10 3D Rendering Pipeline Static model Shading Texture Animation Rendering

11 11 3D Rendering Pipeline Static model Shading Texture Animation Rendering

12 12 3D Rendering Pipeline Static model Shading Texture Animation Rendering See test.avi

13 13 Animation Two way to do this

14 14 Pipeline: Data Model Textured Model Animated Model … Viewpoint of data

15 15 Pipeline: Operators Polygon Manipulator Shader Animation Curve … Viewpoint of operators

16 16 Structure in Maya Node Structure Directed Acyclic Graph Dependency Graph

17 17 Node Hierarchy

18 18 Function Sets in Diagram Data Hierarchy Group GraphicsGrpDSPGrpNetworkGrp Function Set Hierarchy GroupFn GraphicsGrpFnDSPGrpFnNetworkGrpFn

19 19 Maya Programming 2 choices for Maya programming Maya Embedded Language (MEL) C++ API Not exclusive to each other. Not a set-relationship.

20 20 Introduction to MEL Familiar C-style grammar. GUI maker. All you do is through MEL. Maya := DLLs + MEL.

21 21 Bad Things Expensive ( $6999 for full function) Need At least 6 Month training

22 22 Nice Place to learn

23 23 Reference Maya API White Paper Book: David Gould. Complete Maya Programming, Morgan-Kaufmann Publishers 3D User Magazine Web:

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