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OASIS WSDM TC Face To Face Agenda October, 2004 Hitachi, Boston, MA.

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1 OASIS WSDM TC Face To Face Agenda October, 2004 Hitachi, Boston, MA

2 Agenda, Wendsday October 20th Afternoon Session 12:00pm – 01:00pm Arrivals, Lunch, Roll, Agenda adjusting, Minute taker, AI Review, Laison Status DMTF: Utility WG, State WG, Interop CIM-SOAP GGF: OGSA CMM OASIS: Security TC 01:00pm - 02:00pm MUWS Concepts rework – Igor/William 02:00pm – 03:00pm Metrics Updates – Bryan 03:00pm – 04:00pm MUWS Capability Proposal Review – Heather 04:00pm – 05:00pm Configuration Capability Proposal Review – Heather 05:00pm – 06:30pm Discovery section proposal review – Heather

3 Agenda, Thursday October 21st Morning Session 9:00a: Metadata –WS-RF Support –WSDM specific metadata 11:00a: State update discussion (Nick/Karl) noon - lunch

4 Agenda, Thursday October 21st Afternoon Session 01:00p – 04:00p WSDM Event Format – Tom Studwell/Heather 04:00p – 05:00p MOWS Review - Igor 05:00p – 06:30p WS-CIM –WS-Management –WSDM WS-CIM mapping proposal – William/Heather/Igor 06:30 pm - End of Day 07:00 pm - Dinner!

5 Agenda Friday, October 22nd 8:00 Primer Review 9:00 Specification Publication Planning MUWS – AIs for 1.0 – Issues Review & resolution plan – Update schedule 10:00 Specification Publication Planning MOWS – AIs for 1.0 – Issues Review and resolution plan – Update schedule 11:00 Next F2F Planning 11:15 Next Interop Planning –Spec levels for platforms – Nov (w/ Spec) –Scenario – end year –Ongoing external endpoints w/ virtual interops? –Internal Date – 1.0 Mid Feb –External Date – March? –Ongoing document of interactions that should be testable and should work – Mike Clements

6 Laisons DMTF: –Utility WG – prioritizing use cases, not just server oriented, next week at f2f, this will drive profiles to tie together sets of cim classes for a use. These use cases should be valuable to us as well. AI: review use cases from Utility WG when they are ready AI: relationship between CIM Profiles and WSDM Capabilities proposal; Andrea will try to post a pointer to a overview in DMTF –State WG – state model, transition encoding; determine state based on model, research group in France w/ concrete proposal, a language alongside cim to describe semantics behind a state, how it is transitioned/determined, based on UML state work. New use cases from server management wg. AI: pointer to requirements document for WSDM? Andrea –Interop CIM-SOAP & WS-CIM – CIM-SOAP phase 3 + Server Mgt structure protocol; WMX possible proposed solution from MS, Rejustifying early decision to be WSDM based. Revisiting requirements. GGF: –OGSA OASIS: Security TC

7 MUWS Concepts Rework AIs Issues Questions –Do we need normative Identity/Name/Address definitions? (Review proposed by Heather)

8 Metrics AIs Issues

9 Capabilities AI Issues

10 Configuration Capability AI Issues

11 Discovery Section Advertise –Event –Register Discover –Relationship –Registry AI Issues

12 Metadata AIs –Management Specific: Add metadata content to specification – Heather/Homayoun/William/Warren/Andrea (Proposed) General Capability Properties/Operations Relationships – WSDM 1.0? –Directionality and Role Interface –Supported, Required, Cardinality –WS-RF Support: Rendering for WSDM 1.0 Revisit rendering decision when there’s a ws-rf metadata doc if its by Sept something Issues

13 State AI –Operational state change will need a State Change Event; which OperationalStateChange can extend and RequestProcessingState change can extend Issues –State model(s) Representation of valid States –Marking States that upon entry emit events Representation of valid Transitions and marking those that emit events –Meta information –Notifications

14 WSDM Event Format Review framework Review descriptions AIs Issues

15 MOWS Review AI –Metadata? Issues

16 WS-CIM WS-Management WS-CIM charter WS-CIM requirements WS-CIM WSDM Mapping AIs Issues

17 Primer Review AIs Issues Publication Plan

18 MUWS Publication Planning AIs –Conceptual Model Normative Name/Identity description? –Event Format –Configuration Capabilities –Metadata –Discovery/Registry Issues –Collections support –Relationships and Service Group alignment –Hibernated Relationship Issues –Security Schedule –All Input in Nov 8 –Review Draft Nov 15? –Committee Draft Nov 31 OASIS Process

19 MOWS Publication Planning AIs Issues Schedule –All Input in Nov 8 –Review Draft Nov 15? –Committee Draft Nov 31.

20 Action Items – June F2F Use cases, Profiles from Utility WG Capabilities – HK writeup, done –Scenario – HK, done –Taxonomy/portTypes – Igor, done CBE-CIM mapping – Andrea, done Registry – Fred writeup, done Conceptual model followup with WS-Addressing in IBM – Heather, done WSDM requirements for WS-RF and WS-Notification – Warren, done WSDM discovery requirements for WS-RF – Warren, done Correlatable properties write up – Igor, done Relationships – concept model – Igor, done Security Questions – Andreas,?

21 Action Items Aug F2F WS-RF requirement, done WS-Notification requirement –content filter, done Progressing Event format, proposed Relationships issues resolution, done Internationalization of ‘Names’, done Normative description of Name and Identity (Heather), proposed MetaData proposals in MUWS (hk+group), proposed

22 Outstanding Work: MUWS and MOWS Champion, assign #calls they have to work in, scope of items (w/ some scope perhaps not in 1.0). Finish discovery – done; need primer Meta information – IP, Proposed Relationships – done; need WSDM 2.0 requirements Notifications mechanism – document decisions and how to use - done Event Formats – IP, Proposed Collections Finishing capabilities: - IP, Proposed –Identity (version/) –State –Metrics New Capabilities –Configuration – IP, Proposed –Correlatable Properties - done MOWS Request processing model -done MOWS managing per operation - Security ?Change Management

23 MUWS 2.0 Line Items –Accommodate standardized versions of dependent specifications AIs Issues

24 F2F Planning December? Or January? West Coast? Or Central (Austin/Colorado) Preparing for Interop or IS the Interop?

25 Interop Planning Jan? or Feb? Next F2F? AI: Scenario development –Who and by When?

26 Supporting Material Notes from last F2F

27 Discovery issues/resolution 1.?Disc01 – epr-wsdl: accepted by RF; interim sol’n for 1.0?: wsdlLocation type uri in EPR as attribute of PortType element.?alternative to ws-mdx; do we need to indicate mdx vs location; 2.Closed. P.Disc02 – wsdl-epr: submit req to RF – close today 3.Primer. P.Disc03 – getEPRs – Relationship.getRelated or aquire Service Group of 4.Primer. P.Disc04 – find all MEndpoints for a MResource – Relationships, new relationship type, ‘works on same resource’?, (AI: work?) P: do thru registry/SG w/ Identity content &/or correlatable names model 5.Closed. P.Disc05 – are MEndpoints for same resource, - Identity/Correlatable names, done, closed. 6.Primer. Disc06 – find capabilities of a MResource – interface/portType search, issue, wsdl1.1 loses interface/portType inheritence, follow RF solution?; Spec: AI: Open discussion on finding by capability to be closed, closed.; Primer: use of. 7.Closed. Disc07 – find mgmt portTypes – Is a capabilities issue; understand qname and extensions of portTypes. Dup of Disc06 8.Primer. P.Disc08 – find related resources – Relationships, done, Primer 9.Closed. P. Disc09 – find in a MResource repository/registry: uddi: technote for mapping wsdm into uddi, find MR resource reg, find MR; You can get EPRs from registries just like you can get WSDLs. Issue: do we need standard registry/collection? Yes. Submitted integration of registries into discovery. Closed 10.Closed. Disc10 – broadcast type discovery - drop requirement for 1.0; doesn’t preclude use of or registries use of. Closed. 11.Closed. Disc11 – subscribe to MResource lifecycle events – Notification provides subscribe. Need to address creation/deletion event definition. Issue: where to subscribe to create. Have cr/del on relationship as one way to see if one of those participants is new, WSRF has a destroy event. Issue: who do you subscribe to for create? If a registry in system, like SG, you could subscribe to ‘adds’. Define a create event/topic that ‘things that create things’ can/should emit. ‘creation capability’ independent of ‘factory’. Creation capability might advertise that it sends creation events and for what kinds of things. Should we do the same for Destruction capability, i.e. something that destroys things and issues events that its destroyed. ? Advertising? I found/lost something and I’m telling you vs I actually personally created/destroyed it. AI: William will write up a capability that emits create/destroy events. Closed Primer? What out of this is normative? Is it all ‘advice’? – Bryan Murray will lead (william will help)

28 Registry/Collections Do we define Registry/Repository note ? Is it different from a registry? Do we define a collection? Yes. Can we depend on Service Group. Is a collection different from a relationship? –SG today has a ‘memberEntry’ WS-resource w/ pointer to SG and member (which looks like a relationship). Collections offer scaleability – operate on all resources in collection –Issue which resources returned what values operations returned collection of responses –Is this a generic ‘OperableCollection’? responseCollection = operableServiceGroup.invoke(‘stop’, parameters). –Is this model specific extensions? responseCollection = allStoppableAppsServiceGroup.stop(parameters). Relationship between one thing and a collection of things Options: 1. SG and Relationship are 2 things in 1.0 till resolved in RF in WSDM 2.0 2. Don’t use SG and use Collection relationship 3. Do something in middle, use SG as it exists but require SG to expose collection relationships to its members. Issue on Relationships – what is the relationship between service groups and relationships and is it messy When we need a collection of things, we’ll use service groups unless it fails Registry Capability in WSDM 1.0 -

29 Relationships Specification Review Issues Review and resolution –Dialects –Multiple Dialects –Simple query operations –Directionality –Standard relationship types? CIM Associations? UML?

30 Relationship Issues 1.Scope of relationships: to non WS represented resources? To Any Resource? WS only (manageable or not)? Only manageable resources? 2.Do we need to allow multiple references for a participant 3.Do we define the relationship related interface for a participant in the participant definition 4.Name: Is ‘name’ metadata?, if keep it change its ‘tag’, 5.Identity of a relationship – is the identity the whole relationship? 6.Finish definition of ‘Type’ 7.Internationalization of ‘name’ 8.Rename ‘ControlEndpoint’ tag to something less prescriptive 9.Content of Particpant 10.Do we need to reference enclosure 11.Do we need multiple references 12.Dialects – (if not just manageable resources) do we do this, what are the mandatory ones? 13.Create a relationship for MR w/ relationship registry for it? 14.Queries – 1.Ability to get relationship data without endpoints 2.Ability to get EPR for a known relationship 3.Get relationshipByType – expand to get by relationship type and role type 4.Get related resources by type and role 5.Give me all relationships for participant (passing in EPR) 15.Coordinate Properties for resource relationship WS-Resource as each own properties vs. one giant property. What is the intended use 16.Are RelationshipControlEndpoints to be a ‘Manageable Resource’ – implementing Identity? 17.Can a Resource ALSO BE the relationship… can it BE MULTIPLE relationships… property collision? Action Items: Continue Relationships calls – 4 calls – 2 hrs 1-3est – Fridays, Editor: Igor

31 Hibernated Relationship Issues Relationship type markup and declaration independent of relationship instance Allow a resource to declare the relationships it may participate in or must be a participant in GetRelationshipControlGroup – give me all managealbe relationships of this type – Service group w/ relationship markup and all relatoinships with eprs. Create a relationship for MR w/ relationship registry for it?

32 Relationship Conclusions Will support n-ary Be able to represent anything uml can model All roles in a relationship are unique Directionality is part of metadata on a relationship Instead of ‘supported types’ its ‘CurrentTypes’ property and then move to operation ‘are you involved in relationships of this type’ returning # of relationships of that type Relationships between –EPRs for any WS –Identity: MUWS:Identy –Name: xsd:any Reference – wsa:endpointReference Is MUWS:identity inside of ‘name’ ‘Name’ isn’t liked by Igor Issue: value of Name tag (igor does n’t like

33 MetaData WSDM requirements (Done) –Associate information with Properties, Operations, Notifications. WSDM 0.5 tactical –See metrics: Schema element attribute WSRF requirement? –Scope? –Timing? WSDM 1.0 –What do WE do? –Add metadata content to specification – Heather/Homayoun/William/Warren/Andrea (Proposed) Type Instance –Rendering Interim general Interim capability specific/baked into schema None for 1.0 Revisit rendering decision when there’s a ws-rf metadata doc if its by Sept something ActionItem: Heather run a few calls to add proposed metadata content thru existing MUWS capabilities Done Hal: r/w – changeable, constant Metadata models in the world for properties – cim metric models w/ metadata as input Done Tom will send url of position paper when there is one in WS-RF Done

34 Notifications Requirements to WS-Notification (Done) Selecting notification technology for WSDM to be dependent on (Done) –WS-Notification – OASIS TC with messaging and mgmt industry participants –WS-Eventing – MS/partners specification –Other candidates? AI: Requirement on WS-N to define a content filter on the returned event (only subset of information in message). (Done) Put a note about get all data of messages performance impact, don’t do something in WSDM in the interim (Done)

35 Event Formats CBE as a starting point? Proposing a slightly re-factored CBE to start with Adding CBE semantics to CIM Continuing this work…subgroup?

36 Taxonomies Igor’s Proposal Issues –Forest: No sharing, no cycles –Some categories may be a graph w/o cycles (multiple inheritance) –Relationships to owl and rdf? (requires new parser) Warren looked at OWL and RDF – probably too heavy to do this –Is this a general problem or a management problem –Like UML Stereotype –Pick one? #5 –Any alternatives/objections by next TC call (next week)

37 Request Processing State Issues Message content selection for events (Done) AI: Operational state change will need a State Change Event; which OperationalStateChange can extend and RequestProcessingState change can extend (Done) AI: Investigate adding provider context in request processing notification (Done)

38 Resurrections Metrics –Types –Groups –Meta information –Notifications State –State model(s) –Meta information –Notifications

39 Discovery Discovery – –Status on Disc01-Disc09 –Wrap up outstanding hibernated discovery discussions – William –Correlateable names – Igor/Andrea (Disc05) (Done) –Manageability capabilities – Heather (Disc06/Disc07) (Proposed) –Registries – William (Disc09) (Proposed)

40 WSDM Requirement to WS-RF Finding the EPR of a WS-Resource from WSDL (Done) Current proposed wording:

41 Planning Action Items –Pre-existing –From this meeting Outstanding work items –What needs to be accomplished for our specification Any new subgroups? Specification Planning –Dates? Next F2F Planning –When and where Early Oct in ? Europe?

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