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3 Little Pigs Story Video

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1 3 Little Pigs Story Video
Pupils are to do pig masks for English freeze frame activity Teacher may assign certain pupils to do other character masks for freeze frame


3 Materials You Need: Construction/Colour paper Scissors Glue
Oil Pastels Hole puncher 2 rubber bands

4 1.Think about the animal you need to make (pig)
Imagine a paper plate to be the animal's head. What do you need to decorate the paper plate with to make it more look like a pig or the animal you have in mind? 1.Think about the animal you need to make (pig)

5 2. Wrap the paper plate with construction paper according to what colour you want the animal to be.
You may also colour the paper plate with oil pastels

6 3. Draw and cut out the head parts
On a piece of construction paper, draw and cut out the head parts: Ears, nose and mouth (no need eyes)

7 4. Using glue, attach the different head parts to the paper plate

8 5. Personalise your mask, give it some accessories and expression!

9 6. Cut out holes at the eyes area
7. Punch holes at the side and attach rubber bands. It is now ready to be used!

10 You may also try: Wolf Mask

11 For pupils who do not have plates:
Printable pig mask Printable Wolf mask

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