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THE WILL TO SURVIVE (Chapter 1-5) Chapter Objective Know the importance of having the will to survive in hopeless situations Samples of Behavior/Main Points.

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Presentation on theme: "THE WILL TO SURVIVE (Chapter 1-5) Chapter Objective Know the importance of having the will to survive in hopeless situations Samples of Behavior/Main Points."— Presentation transcript:

1 THE WILL TO SURVIVE (Chapter 1-5) Chapter Objective Know the importance of having the will to survive in hopeless situations Samples of Behavior/Main Points Define the will to survive Describe how the will to survive can overcome most hardships Describe the importance of overcoming stress Define crisis period and coping period Describe what occurs during the crisis period Describe the actions of the survivor during the coping period Identify the most important element of the will to survive List four physical and psychological discomforts a survivor will encounter State why overcoming fear is important to a survivor Identify one of the survivor’s key assets

2 THE WILL TO SURVIVE (Chapter 1-5) Define the will to survive The desire to live despite seemingly hopeless mental and/or physical obstacles In it’s simplest terms…it is the will to live It includes: Correct mindset Postive attitude Mental toughness What else?

3 THE WILL TO SURVIVE (Chapter 1-5) Describe how the will to survive can overcome most hardships Can you identify and describe historical examples? Holocaust survivors Vietnam POWs What common traits did these people have that allowed them to survive? Also keep in mind that the human body will try to stay alive on its own => involuntary physical responses

4 THE WILL TO SURVIVE (Chapter 1-5) Describe the importance of overcoming stress In true survival situations, there comes a point where there appears to be little chance of survival It is at this point, that the stress to want to continue fighting for life can be overwhelming It is at this point that the will to survive must overcome this stress

5 THE WILL TO SURVIVE (Chapter 1-5) Define crisis period and coping period Crisis period The point at which the person ______________ realizes the gravity of the situation and understands that the problem will not go away Coping period The coping period begins after the crisis period when the person _________________ resolves to endure it rather than give in

6 THE WILL TO SURVIVE (Chapter 1-5) Describe what occurs during the crisis period Shock Normal response to being overcome with anxiety Disorganized thinking Person/group is being controlled by the environment If person/group unable to gain control, panic may set in To survive, person/group must develop plan of action Evaluate the situation Determine most critical needs to maintain life and return

7 THE WILL TO SURVIVE (Chapter 1-5) Describe the actions of the survivor during the coping period Situation requires considerable internal control Must resist tendency to take actions that are counterproductive or dangerous Really becomes a battle of the mind

8 THE WILL TO SURVIVE (Chapter 1-5) Identify the most important element of the will to survive Positive Attitude Why?

9 THE WILL TO SURVIVE (Chapter 1-5) List four physical and psychological discomforts a survivor will encounter Unfamiliar animals Insects Loneliness Depression

10 THE WILL TO SURVIVE (Chapter 1-5) State why overcoming fear is important to a survivor It allows a person to strengthen the will to survive

11 THE WILL TO SURVIVE (Chapter 1-5) Identify one of the survivor’s key assets Optimism What is it? Emphasizing the most positive aspects of a situation What are some optimistic characteristics? Positive attitude Perseverance / Tenacity Sense of humor

12 THE WILL TO SURVIVE (Chapter 1-5) Chapter Objective Know the importance of having the will to survive in hopeless situations Samples of Behavior/Main Points Define the will to survive Describe how the will to survive can overcome most hardships Describe the importance of overcoming stress Define crisis period and coping period Describe what occurs during the crisis period Describe the actions of the survivor during the coping period Identify the most important element of the will to survive List four physical and psychological discomforts a survivor will encounter State why overcoming fear is important to a survivor Identify one of the survivor’s key assets

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