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8 Characteristics.  Farmers settled in fertile river valleys  Grew surplus (extra) food  Led to an increase in population  Settlements grew into cities.

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Presentation on theme: "8 Characteristics.  Farmers settled in fertile river valleys  Grew surplus (extra) food  Led to an increase in population  Settlements grew into cities."— Presentation transcript:

1 8 Characteristics

2  Farmers settled in fertile river valleys  Grew surplus (extra) food  Led to an increase in population  Settlements grew into cities  Examples: Ancient Egypt, Mesopotamia, and the Indus River Valley


4 HTTP://WWW.DREGATE.COM/CLIPART/CLIPART3/PAGES/MEDIEVAL%20C OUNCIL.HTM  Governments run by councils or religious leaders develop to safeguard (to protect) food supply and irrigation systems  Provide defense

5  Religious leaders conducted elaborate ceremonies (rituals) to appease the gods (polytheism) and insure a good harvest.  Drought and floods blamed on the anger of the gods.

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7  In time, many civilizations adopted monotheistic religious beliefs.

8  As civilizations became more complex, artisans and craftsmen were needed to build and maintain specific items and tasks. No longer could individuals do all the work  Some concentrated on teaching, scribing, stonecutting, etc.

9  As jobs became more specialized so did the status and needs of individuals.  A social hierarchy was created:  Kings, warriors, and religious leaders were on the top rung.  Herders and slaves were on the bottom rung.


11  Records were needed to keep accounts on trade goods and food storage.  Writing necessary because the information was too great.  Ideas, such as belief and social order needed to be expressed -- - pictures and simple words would not suffice.


13  Expressed the beliefs and values of a people  Different styles were developed and copied by societies  Art used to impress visitors and people about the beauty and power of a king or community

14  Government would order these to be built  Very expensive, but would benefit the community  Examples:  Wall to protect a city from attack  Canal for irrigation heritage-site_china.htm

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