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Pages 316-319. Objectives  Describe Europe’s main geographic features  Explain how they have contributed to the growth of civilization there.

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1 Pages 316-319

2 Objectives  Describe Europe’s main geographic features  Explain how they have contributed to the growth of civilization there

3 What are the seven continents?  Asia  Africa  North America  Europe  Antarctica  South America  Australia

4 Eurasia  Europe is the world’s smallest continent  However, it connects with Asia to create the world’s largest landmass, called Eurasia

5 How is Europe both a small and big land mass?  Small: second smallest continent  Big: a part of Eurasia

6 On what ocean does western Europe face? Southern Europe?  Western: The Atlantic  Southern: The Mediterranean Why would you expect Europeans to use waterways extensively?

7 Locate the Ural and Caucasus Mountains  They are considered to be the border between Europe and Asia. URAL MOUNTAINS CAUCASUS MOUNTAINS

8 Unusual features of Europe  Spouting geysers (Iceland)  Huge glaciers (Alps)  Waterways: rivers and canals, seas and bays, harbors and channels

9 What else do you notice about Europe?  Many peninsulas, islands  Fjords – where sea surges in between cliffs (Scandinavian peninsula) Fjord

10 European Climate  What kind of climate does Europe have? Generally temperate (mild)  How does climate influence how people develop their culture? It affects what they can grow and the comfort or discomfort of their lives

11 Deforestation  What is deforestation and how does it relate to Europe? The process of clearing forests from the land It took place in Europe mostly after 1100 A.D.

12 North European Plain  The most fertile farmland in Europe is found in this region  A long growing season helps farmers to grow crops like wheat in the plain’s rich soil  Why might a broad sweeping area like this also encourage warfare? No natural barriers to invaders

13 Bounty from Rivers and Seas  Jagged coastline creates natural harbors that help to protect boats Fishing has always been important to the European economy  Over 2,000 years ago, river power was used to turn waterwheels that ground wheat  Traders transported goods on Europe’s long, navigable rivers

14 Why is it possible to travel from Britain to the Ural Mountains without ever leaving a boat?  Waterways, whether they are natural or human-built, connect all Europe from west to east

15 Seine River  Paris, France (one of the world’s largest cities) grew alongside the Seine  Europeans have developed thriving economies by using rivers for power and transportation

16 Sum it Up  Europe, Earth’s second-smallest continent, had a long, jagged coastline  Closeness to the sea has had important effects on Europe’s climate and economy  Europe’s rivers and seas are great sources of fish  Waterways are also used for transportation and power

17 Think About It  What makes the climate of Europe temperate? Warming winds from the sea  Name a trade that has always been important to the European economy fishing  How did the waterways of Europe affect life there? They gave people food, power, transportation, trade, and power  Explain why the following statement is a fact or an opinion – “Europe’s navigable rivers help in the transport of goods.” It is a fact because it can be proven by information about the amount of shipping along rivers that is carried on each year

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