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Mob/Mot/Mov Move. Au-to-mo-bile De-mote Lo-co-mo-tion Mo-bile Mo-bil-i-ty Mo-bil-ize Mo-tion Mo-ti-vate Pro-mote Re-mo-val.

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Presentation on theme: "Mob/Mot/Mov Move. Au-to-mo-bile De-mote Lo-co-mo-tion Mo-bile Mo-bil-i-ty Mo-bil-ize Mo-tion Mo-ti-vate Pro-mote Re-mo-val."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mob/Mot/Mov Move

2 Au-to-mo-bile De-mote Lo-co-mo-tion Mo-bile Mo-bil-i-ty Mo-bil-ize Mo-tion Mo-ti-vate Pro-mote Re-mo-val

3 Automobile (n) –A vehicle Self propelled That moves I bought a new automobile that will get me to work and back.

4 Demote (v) To move –Down in grade, rank or status After loosing the deal, the president was demoted to manager.

5 Locomotion (n) The ability –To move from place to place Flight is the main locomotion among birds.

6 Mobile (adj) Capable –Of moving or being moved. After rehab, the patient was once again mobile.

7 Mobility (n) The quality of –Being able to move around. After the accident, his mobility was limited.

8 Mobilize (v) To coordinate –People or things for a purpose. We need to mobilize the troops!

9 Motion (n) An act or ability –Of Changing place or position. - to move You could feel the motion of the earthquake.

10 Motivate (v) To do –Something good that makes a person move into action. He could motivate a salesman to sell ice to an eskimo.

11 Promote (v) To raise –To a higher grade, rank, or job. Hard work will get you promoted in life.

12 Removal (n) An act –Of moving some- thing away. The removal of the trash made the house smell more pleasant.

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