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EGEE is a project funded by the European Union under contract IST-2003-508833 NA1 & NA5 Fabrizio Gagliardi Project Director AA Meeting, CERN, 18th June.

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Presentation on theme: "EGEE is a project funded by the European Union under contract IST-2003-508833 NA1 & NA5 Fabrizio Gagliardi Project Director AA Meeting, CERN, 18th June."— Presentation transcript:

1 EGEE is a project funded by the European Union under contract IST-2003-508833 NA1 & NA5 Fabrizio Gagliardi Project Director AA Meeting, CERN, 18th June 2004

2 NA1 & NA5, AA Meeting, CERN, 18th June 2004 - 2 NA1 Work accomplished since Cork PO team getting up to speed Execution of EU contract Started procedure for EU contract amendment Administrative and management structures being worked out Monthly reporting process underway Status of steps defined in Cork for the first three months:  Handle the advance payment – in progress  Prepare Q1 report – in July  Prepare the GAP deliverable – in progress  Coordinate the reporting process with all partners – with the help of the AFM, in July

3 NA1 & NA5, AA Meeting, CERN, 18th June 2004 - 3 NA1 Execution Plan Status In EDMS: Change implemented since Cork:  Added Taskplan  New entry: Marc-Elian Bégin  Added Risks and Issues  Added Workflows

4 NA1 & NA5, AA Meeting, CERN, 18th June 2004 - 4 NA1 Deliverables (M3) Deliverables DNA1.1.1-8M3 Quarterly reports – The PO will collect all activity reports in July according to the timeline outlined in annex 4 of the CA. These collated activity reports will form the basis of the overall quarterly report to the EU. DNA1.2M3 Gender Action Plan – this deliverable is being finalised and will enter the review process in July

5 NA1 & NA5, AA Meeting, CERN, 18th June 2004 - 5 Scope of Gender Action Plan (DNA1.2) 1.Improve awareness through information 1.1.Collect information on partners’ gender policies 1.2.Inform partners about gender issues in science 1.3.Inform partners about gender participation in project related activities 2.Analyse gender participation in EGEE related activities 2.1.Collect statistics 2.2.Perform statistical analysis 3.Encourage best practices 3.1.Encourage respect of gender policies during recruitment and training 3.2.Highlight best practices

6 NA1 & NA5, AA Meeting, CERN, 18th June 2004 - 6 Gender Action Plan – Review Authors: Marie-Laure Bourgeois-Schutz Roberta Faggian Fabrizio Gagliardi Kristina U. Gunne Leticia Martignon Moderator: Malcolm Atkinson Reviewers: TBD (NA2) Alistair Mills (SA1) Sophie Nicoud (JRA4) Status: Draft ( Being finalised and review process will start July 10 th

7 NA1 & NA5, AA Meeting, CERN, 18th June 2004 - 7 NA1 Work Breakdown Structure TaskTask TitleOutputMonth startMonth End total Effort (CERN) Task explanation and comments mmpm TNA1.1Project Overall Management 11224 TNA1.2Project Administration 112 TNA1.3Internal reporting Process 112 TNA1.4Reporting Process to the EU 112 TNA1.5Financial Support TNA1.6Gender Action Plan 131 TNA1.7Website Support 1124 TNA1.8 Informatic Support Tools Management 112 TNA1.AGeneral Project Tasks 11210 Total effort 63

8 NA1 & NA5, AA Meeting, CERN, 18th June 2004 - 8 NA1 Risks and issues Non-delivery of deliverables: use PEB to do regular checks on advance of work + conditional payments in thirds Poor quality deliverables rejected by the EU: use internal review procedure to ensure good quality deliverables Non-delivery of PPT tool: foresee backup manual procedure for handling QRs and periodic reports Non-availability of NA1 personnel (absence, illness etc.): ensure sufficient overlap so someone else in NA1 can complete necessary tasks Non-responsiveness from partners to PO requests: liaise with the federations to improve communication

9 NA1 & NA5, AA Meeting, CERN, 18th June 2004 - 9 NA1 Risks and issues (2) Late payment of cost claims: ensure correctness of cost claims before sending to EU There is no contingency in the financial plan for the project. NA1 must coordinate, within the limits of the contract (7%), the resolution of any difficulties arising Catch all for all other project problems Short time to ramp up and deliver Large dimension of the project with many of the partners new to the EU projects FP6 rules are new and still untested for partners and funding agencies Relations to other projects

10 NA1 & NA5, AA Meeting, CERN, 18th June 2004 - 10 NA1+5 Issues related to other activities Relations to NA2 dissemination activities Other projects support (NA5, SA, JRA etc.) Relations to e-Infrastructure EU reflection group Relations to national and international activities

11 NA1 & NA5, AA Meeting, CERN, 18th June 2004 - 11 NA1 Hiring Status and Manpower levels All personnel hired and in place

12 NA1 & NA5, AA Meeting, CERN, 18th June 2004 - 12 NA1: Project Office staff The Project Office is now composed of the following personnel:  Fabrizio Gagliardi - Project Director  Bob Jones: Technical Director and Deputy project director  Anna Cook - Project Secretary  Kristina Gunne – Administrative Assistant  Severine Bergerot - Financial administrator  Karin Burghauser - Administrator (60%)  Pierrette Colaci - Administrator (50%) – leaves in July  Marie-Laure Bourgeois-Schutz – user and web support  Leticia Martignon – Internal Web master/PR (included in NA2 Activity funding)  Marc-Elian Bégin – Dissemination/PR (included in NA2 Activity funding)  Rosy Mondardini has moved to general CERN PR office and provides back-office support CERN provides general legal and administrative support (auditing, reporting etc.)

13 NA1 & NA5, AA Meeting, CERN, 18th June 2004 - 13 Deliverables Review Process Internal Review Moderator/ Reviewers Review PEB Review PMB/PD Review/ Approved EU Review EGEE Project Formal Review Approved

14 NA1 & NA5, AA Meeting, CERN, 18th June 2004 - 14 QR & internal Cost claims Workflow Q+15 calend. days Q+10 calend. days PEB  PD  PMB  PD Project Office Individuals Validation EUEU Timesheet Prepares the Project Overall Quarterly Report EU-QR Writes Activity Quarterly Report Prior to Q+30 calend. days Collects Global Effort table Compiles Effort report for all activities Activity Supervisor Partner Activity representative Collects all Activity Reports = annexes All made available on the web

15 NA1 & NA5, AA Meeting, CERN, 18th June 2004 - 15 NA1 – Pre-payment Schedule The payment is divided into three sub-payments  The first advance payment is subject to prior approval by PMB and AFM of the proposed EU funding distribution. The first payment should be made before the end of June.  The second payment is subject to timely and accurate submission of the first quarterly report, internal cost claim, and any related deliverables to the project office and to the APPROVAL of these reports /deliverables by the internal project approval process. It should be issued in August.  The third payment is subject to timely and accurate submission of the second quarterly report, internal cost claim, and any related deliverables to the project office and to the APPROVAL of these reports /deliverables by the internal project approval process. It should be issued in November / December.

16 NA1 & NA5, AA Meeting, CERN, 18th June 2004 - 16 Quarterly Reporting Each Activity Manager shall provide an activity report to the PO by the 8 th of July This report shall include relevant partners’ inputs on the set activity Following information shall be included  Work performed and problems encountered  Description of progress towards project deliverables and milestone  Plans for next reporting period  Justification of resources deployed  Must be consistent with staff timesheets In each case we need detail at the level of “one paragraph”

17 NA1 & NA5, AA Meeting, CERN, 18th June 2004 - 17 NA5 Status No person hired as yet, actively looking… No execution plan The deliverable DNA5.1.1 “e-Infrastructure reflection group White Papers in conjunction with the EGEE Project Conferences”, is being planned by NA1

18 NA1 & NA5, AA Meeting, CERN, 18th June 2004 - 18 2 nd EGEE conference Date: November 22 nd to 26 th 2004 Location: The Hague Goal: “Prepare for 1 st EU review” Programme overview In conjunction with DEISA, DILIGENT, SEE-Grid, Geant?  Common track and open day on Monday  Industry forum in conjunction with the eIRG event the previous week  Joint technical parallel sessions with the other projects on Tuesday AM  Projects split at lunch time on Tuesday  Plenaries on Tuesday PM  Parallel sessions Wednesday-Thursday  Final plenary + CB on Friday AM  PMB and AFM on Friday PM

19 NA1 & NA5, AA Meeting, CERN, 18th June 2004 - 19 First EU Review Date: February 9 th to 11 th 2005 Location: CERN Key EGEE people for the review preparation at CERN the previous week Review Final Rehearsal (with EAC): February 7 th and 8 th 2005 (at CERN) Number of EU Reviewers: 5 or 6 (TBC) All deliverables up to M9 >>MUST<< be completed before Christmas break A schedule for demonstration rehearsals will also be defined after the summer

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