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Biodiversity conservation vs. Economic development

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2 Biodiversity conservation vs. Economic development
What you need to know about biodiversity Panel discussion June 1st, 2010 Biodiversity conservation vs. Economic development

3 Panel Discussion- participants
Panelists Matt Walpole “A world where biodiversity counts” Patrick Ten Brink “The economics of ecosystems & biodiversity” Francois Wakenhut “International platforms for biodiversity” Moderator James Griffiths

4 World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD)
A CEO-led coalition of some 200 companies with a shared commitment to Sustainable Development via the three pillars of economic growth, ecological balance and social progress.

5 What do we work on? Four Focus Areas:
The Business Role, looking at how we drive sustainable innovation Development, promoting business solutions to the sustainability challenges of developing countries and emerging economies Energy & Climate, focusing on the transformation of the energy system and climate change negotiations Ecosystems, exploring how we put a value on the use and improve management of ecosystems. These are complemented by Projects, with an emphasis on Systems Solutions or a more issue or sector specific focus…including sustainable forestry and water 5

6 Panel discussion - framing title
Is “Biodiversity conservation vs. economic development” the right “either-or” approach? Or should it be a more integrated approach…like “Sustainable development – delivering economic growth and ecological balance and social progress” Or even…”Living well within the limits of the Earth – a realistic goal?”

7 WBCSD - Vision 2050 “In 2050,some 9 billion people live well,
and within the limits of the planet.” Ecological Footprint (Global Hectares per Person) Source: GFN / UNDP Human Development Index (HDI)

8 Our key concern “Business as usual” in terms of
biodiversity conservation sustainable use of ecosystems services equitable benefit sharing is not working and is delivering sub optimal outcome We are destroying natural capital…which has REAL impacts on social development and economic opportunities

9 Questions for discussion – role of Government
Is more regulation the key response to address ecological degradation and biodiversity conservation? Who should “be at the table” when new regulations are set ? What should “new” regulations look like?

10 Questions for discussion – role of Business
How credible or effective is current business action on ecosystems? Measurement, management, valuation and mitigation of impacts Biodiversity “friendly” goods & services How important a solution provider is business in addressing ecosystems/ecosystem service challenges?

11 Questions for discussion – role of Public/Private approaches
If biodiversity is a whole-of-society challenge How can we effectively address the challenge together? Do we have the necessary platforms for collective action? Are current developments around REDD plus (on forests) and sustainable water management (like foot printing) good start points?


13 WBCSD working on biodiversity and ecosystems for 10+ years
Main publications Scoping report: Corporate Ecosystem Valuation (2009) Issue Brief: Corporate Ecosystem Valuation (2009) Sustain special issue on ecosystems – e3 – ecosystems + economics + equity = sustainable development (2008) Agricultural Ecosystems – Facts & Trends (2008) The Corporate Ecosystem Services Review: Guidelines (2008) Markets for Ecosystem Services – New Challenges and Opportunities for Business and the Environment: A perspective (2007) Ecosystem Challenges and Business Implications (2006) Sustain: Business and biodiversity (2004) Business & Biodiversity: A handbook for corporate action (2002) Business & Biodiversity: A guide for the private sector (1997)

14 How do ecosystems relate to business?
Businesses impact on ecosystems and ecosystem services Ecosystem change creates business risks and opportunities Businesses rely and depend on ecosystems and ecosystem services

15 What can business do – right now?
Measure, manage and mitigate risks and impacts; proactively address risks and explore opportunities Undertake corporate ecosystem valuation to quantify business risks and opportunities Innovate and lead the development of: Markets for ecosystem services Eco-efficient goods, services & technologies Support “smart” ecosystem regulation that reverses degradation and “levels the playing field” for all Encourage suppliers & purchasers to adopt best practices Enter into creative partnerships with municipalities and governments, NGOs, scientific community, etc Outlining the business response and actions that can be taken to better understand ones impact and dependence on ecosystems and their services, as well as reduce risks and engage new opportunities. The list also captures the main areas of work of the WBCSD Ecosystems Focus Area.

16 Key work streams Ecosystems Services Review (ESR) Guide
Helping business assess their ecosystem impacts and dependence Ecosystems Valuation Initiative (EVI) Helping business value their ecosystem liabilities, risks, opportunities and assets Business input into the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) Advocating for a level playing field with flexible policy frameworks and smart regulation Promoting market based approaches that leverages business as a solution provider Insight & Understanding Raising business awareness and action on ecosystem issues

17 Corporate Ecosystem Services Review (ESR) Guide
Structured method that helps managers develop proactive strategies to manage risks and opportunities arising from their company’s dependence and impact on ecosystems. Developed with WRI, Meridian Institute & 5 road-testers Released at Montreux, March 2008, and used by companies to date Now available in Spanish (Telefonica & Holcim), Portuguese (Brisa & BCSDP), Japanese (Hitachi Chemical), Chinese (WRI) and French (EDF, Veolia, GDF Suez) What we developed

18 Ecosystem Valuation Initiative (EVI) – a decision support tool
GUIDE Under development Partners:

19 Ecosystem Valuation Initiative (EVI)
Objective: To support business manage and mitigate ecosystem risks and realize ecosystem opportunities by explicitly accounting for the full value of ecosystems as well as the costs associated with ecosystem service loss

20 The 15 EVI road testers – guide for release at CBD COP 10

21 Other WBCSD tools to help companies measure, manage, value and mitigate ecosystem impacts


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