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Grading Sheets and Rubrics

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1 Grading Sheets and Rubrics

2 Science Fair Project Name: ____________________________________________ Class: ___________________________ Grading Each student will receive a grade for the Final Project composed of both individual and group earned points. Proposal– Individual ______ / 10 points Progress Check (Dec 12th) _______/ 5 points PowerPoint Presentation– Group ______ / 35 points Oral Presentation in front of the class – Group ______ / 15 points Subtotal = ______ / 65points

3 Science Fair Grading – PowerPoint
Group Members: _________________________________ _________________________________ PowerPoint Information – _____ / 10 points - Evidence of hypothesis, all variables, materials used, and clear procedure. Students included research gathered using the guiding questions on their displays. Students may include other information as well.    Experiment – Experiment is explained clearly and effectively _________/10 Examples are given to classmates (potentially performing parts of experiment during presentation. Visuals _____ / 5 points Students incorporated graphics (picture, chart, graph, etc) on the display. A figure legend should accompany any chart or graph. Students may include models or other objects in addition. Organization _____ / 10 points Information is organized neatly. Students typed all information. Total = _____ / 35 points Comments:

4 Science Fair Grading – Presentation
Group Members: _________________________________ _________________________________ Presentation Organization _____ / 5 points The presentation was organized. Time and effort was put into the preparation for the presentation. The presentation was complete. Students were prepared on the day of presentation. Presentation _____ / 5 points Responsibility for the presentation was shared evenly among the group members. All members took turns presenting information. Understanding _____ / 5 points Students had a thorough understanding of the topic. Students were able to answer questions from classmates about their presentation. Total = _____ / 15 points Comments:

5 Date: _____________ Group Members: _______________________________________________ On a scale from one to five (1 = very poorly, 2 = poor, 3 = neutral, 4 = good, 5 = very good), rate your classmates’ oral presentations on the following aspects. Was the group prepared? Was the presentation organized? Did ALL group members take turns presenting? Did ALL group members have a thorough understanding of their project? Was the group able to answer questions from their classmates? Comments: _____________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

6 Powerpoint Presnetation Oral Presentation
Groups Topic Check Propasal Check 1 Powerpoint Presnetation Oral Presentation

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