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TSM 251  Small town  Agriculture background  Hardworking  Outdoor enthusiast  Organized.

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2 TSM 251

3  Small town  Agriculture background  Hardworking  Outdoor enthusiast  Organized

4 To learn more about what I have done in TSM 251 visit 251/portfolio/index.html 251/portfolio/index.html

5  Environmental Studies in Agriscience  Communication  Community Engagement and Education

6  Agribusiness Management  ABM 100  Comm Ag Rec & Res Studies  ACR 205  Animal Science  ANS 110  ANS 222  Biological Science  BS 162  BS 172  Communication  COM 100  COM 200  COM 240  Crop & Soil Sciences  CSS 101  CSS 210  Economics  EC 202  Environmental Studies & Agriscience  ESA 191  ESA 200  ESA 312  ESA 335  Journalism  JRN 200  Park, Rec & Tourism Res  PRR 451  Technology Systems Management  TSM 251  Writing, Rhet & Amer Cultures  WRA 135  WRA 150  WRA 210

7  Talent Acquisition Specialist  Administrative Assistant

8  InDesign  Website editing  Resume critique  Cover letter critique  Business letters and memos  Photography  Public Speaking  Efficient  Detail Oriented  Event Planning

9  Sigma Alpha Sorority  Treasurer  Collegiate Farm Bureau  Secretary  CANR Student Senate  VP of Communication and Policy  MSU Police  Parking Enforcer  Michigan Agricultural Commodities  Communications Intern

10  Do you have a social life?  How do you find the time to work, be involved on campus and still go to class?  How are your grades?

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