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H UNTER -G ATHERER S OCIETIES. 1. E ARLY H UMANS As early humans developed tools and new hunting techniques, they formed societies. A society is a community.

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Presentation on theme: "H UNTER -G ATHERER S OCIETIES. 1. E ARLY H UMANS As early humans developed tools and new hunting techniques, they formed societies. A society is a community."— Presentation transcript:


2 1. E ARLY H UMANS As early humans developed tools and new hunting techniques, they formed societies. A society is a community of people who share a common culture they developed cultures with languages, religions, and art Anthropologists believe that early humans lived in small groups. When food or water was scarce, groups of people would have to move to new areas.

3 2. S OCIETY The early humans of the Stone Age were hunter- gatherers. Hunt animals Gather wild plants, seeds, and nuts to survive Hunter-gatherer men : Hunted in groups (safer) Hunter-gatherer women : Took responsibility for collecting plants to eat Likely stayed near camps and took care of children




7 3. L ANGUAGE AND A RT Development of language 1. make hunting in groups easier 2. a way for people to form relations 3. easier for people to resolve issues like how to distribute food Cave Art Carved figures out of stone, ivory, and bone Painted carved images of people and animals on cave walls Maybe used to teach people how to hunt

8 4. R ELIGION Scholars know little about the religious beliefs of early people Cave art possibly had religious meaning Archaeologists have found graves that included food and artifacts Many scientists think these discoveries are proof that the first human religions developed during the Stone Age.

9 5. H UNTER -G ATHERER I LLUSTRATION Analyze the photo and determine what life may have been like for the early hunter-gatherers. What are the activities being shown in the illustration? What are some of the hardships that early hunter-gatherers faced as suggested by this illustration.


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