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IT’S ALL ABOUT THE BIG PEOPLE Presented by: Sylvia Mijuskovic.

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Presentation on theme: "IT’S ALL ABOUT THE BIG PEOPLE Presented by: Sylvia Mijuskovic."— Presentation transcript:

1 IT’S ALL ABOUT THE BIG PEOPLE Presented by: Sylvia Mijuskovic

2  Welcome  Review of District philosophy of SIP  What’s New?  Review of SIP Template  Parent Involvement Goal  Race to the Top  Teacher Appraisal System  SINI vs DA  DA Requirements



5 OBJECTIVE: What will “we”, the instructional team, do to impact student achievement? What will instruction look like based on the data needs of our school?


7 STRATEGIC PLAN ALIGNMENT How does this work support the vision and mission of the organization?

8 1. Three Teacher Leaders will be identified and provided support to facilitate PLCs for three of Marzano’s Nine Strategies of Effective Instructions training. 2. Three Teacher Leaders will develop the framework for school-wide PLCs for facilitating 3 High Yield instructional strategies to faculty. 3. Create PLCs that center around 3 of the 9 High Yield Instructional strategies. 4. Teachers will observe another teacher on the effective use of one of the 3 high yield strategies. 5. During pre-observation conference, discussion will include teacher’s goals for implementation of at least one high-yield strategy within their classroom instruction. SAMPLE SIP

9 Data analysis that supports the need for improvement. WHAT IS THE STORY BEHIND THE DATA? Is there research that can guide our practice? How does our practice differ from research? RATIONALE

10 Data analysis that supports the need for improvement. WHAT IS THE STORY BEHIND THE DATA? STRATEGIES MUST address how the objective will be implemented. EVALUATION Outcome Indicators Progress Monitoring PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT

11  Utilize data from your parent involvement survey to complete this goal.  Specific template created for this goal.

12 Part 2 - District Option: Team and School Accountability Measures 2a. 5 points – Accountability for achievement of School Improvement Plan goals. i. Part 1: Accountability for whole school implementation of strategies that support school-based SIP objective(s) as measured by a school portfolio containing evidence of in-process measures (reviewed by area offices).  2 points – Portfolio shows strong evidence of implementation of 100% of strategies  1 point – Portfolio shows some evidence of implementation of most strategies  0 points – Portfolio shows little or no evidence of implementation of strategies ii. Part 2: Accountability for whole school or team (as determined by school leadership) success in meeting targets of SIP Outcome Indicators  3 points – All Outcome Indicators met or significant growth  2 points – Most Outcome Indicators met  1 points – Some Outcome Indicators met  0 points – Few or no Outcome Indicators met

13  DA Checklist  Baseline and Mid Year Data Report  Narrative Report  End of Year Checklist

14 FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 30, 2011 School Improvement Plan Hard copy to Office of Testing and Accountability (including original signatures of entire SAC) Hard copy to Area Office (including a copy of signatures of entire SAC) School Advisory Council Rosters Hard copy to Office of Testing and Accountability (including original signatures of SAC Chair and Principal) DA Checklist Hard copy to Office of Testing and Accountability

15 2011-2012 School Improvement Reporting Deadlines School Improvement Plan (SIP) Final SIP for all schoolsSeptember 30, 2011 Progress Reports School Baseline DataOctober 10, 2011 School Mid-Year DataJanuary 20, 2012 School Mid-Year Narrative ReportFebruary 3, 2012

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