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Creation Myths. Myth Definition a traditional story, especially one concerning the early history of a people or explaining some natural or social phenomenon,

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Presentation on theme: "Creation Myths. Myth Definition a traditional story, especially one concerning the early history of a people or explaining some natural or social phenomenon,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Creation Myths

2 Myth Definition a traditional story, especially one concerning the early history of a people or explaining some natural or social phenomenon, and typically involving supernatural beings or events.

3 legend Definition a story from the past that is believed by many people but cannot be proved to be true

4 What is the same? Both cannot be proved Both believed by many people

5 What makes the difference? Myths use nature Myths explain something Myths are past down from one generation from another

6 Creation Myths Every culture has a creation myth to explain how and why people exist Judeo/Christian Buddist Hindu Native American Chinese

7 Judeo/Christian Adam and Eve

8 Buddist There are three schools of thought regarding the origin of the world. The first school of thought claims that this world came into existence by nature and that nature is not an intelligent force. However, nature works no its own accord and goes on changing. The second school of thought says that the world was created by an almighty God who is responsible for everything. The third school of thought says that the beginning of this world and of life is inconceivable since they have neither beginning nor end. Buddhism is in accordance with this third school of thought. Bertrand Russell supports this school of thought by saying, 'There is no reason to suppose that the world had a beginning at all. The idea that things must have a beginning is really due to the poverty of our thoughts.'

9 Hindu This is not the first world, nor is it the first universe. There have been and will be many more worlds and universes than there are drops of water in the holy river Ganges. The universes are made by Lord Brahma the Creator, maintained by Lord Vishnu the Preserver and destroyed by Lord Shiva. Since the universes must be destroyed before they can be recreated, Lord Shiva is called the Destroyer and Re-creator. These three gods are all forms of Supreme One and part of the Supreme One. The Supreme One is behind and beyond all.

10 Native American Each Tribe has there own version Cherokee The earth is a great island floating in a sea of water, and suspended at each of the four cardinal points by a cord hanging down from the sky vault, which is of solid rock. When the world grows old and worn out, the people will die and the cords will break and let the earth sink down into the ocean, and all will be water again

11 Chinese Long, long ago, when heaven and earth were still one, the entire universe was contained in an egg- shaped cloud. All the matter of the universe swirled chaotically in that egg. Deep within the swirling matter was Pan Gu, a huge giant who grew in the chaos. For 18,000 years he developed and slept in the egg. Finally one day he awoke and stretched, and the egg broke to release the matter of the universe. The lighter purer elements drifted upwards to make the sky and heavens, and the heavier impure elements settled downwards to make the earth.

12 Major Grade Project Due Tuesday, September 9, 2014 Group work Rubric Objective: TSW integrate an established myth into current cultural norms using at least two natural phenomena. Students will create a visual presentation using any form of technology available to them including but not limited to video, power point, photostory, etc. for a presentation to last not longer than 5 minutes and not less than 3 minutes.

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