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 Lo: To compare different religious explanations for the creation of the universe  Starter: How many key words can you remember from the Chinese, Egyptian.

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Presentation on theme: " Lo: To compare different religious explanations for the creation of the universe  Starter: How many key words can you remember from the Chinese, Egyptian."— Presentation transcript:

1  Lo: To compare different religious explanations for the creation of the universe  Starter: How many key words can you remember from the Chinese, Egyptian and Navajo creation stories? Chinese Pan Gu Cosmic Egg Yin Yang King Fang Gao Xin Chaos Navajo First Man First Woman Salt Woman Fire God Coyote Begochiddy Cat People Water Monster Egyptian Nu Atum Shu Nut Maat Tefnut Geb All-seeing eye

2  Success Criteria:  All: Will be able to list similarities and differences between a range of religious creation stories  Most: Will be able to compare similarities and differences between a range of religious creation stories and suggest reasons for these  Some: Will be able to contrast Buddhist thoughts about creation to other religious beliefs and consider why some people may prefer this way of thinking

3  We are going to be looking at three religions today, which ones though?  Judaism Christianity Hinduism

4  Watch the video of the Christian and Jewish creation story – both Christians and Jews believe this is how the world was created.  Pay careful attention as you will be completing a gap fill about this story after.  Watch up to 7 minutes. https://www.yo h?v=rLoO3kI_SMg

5  Complete the gap fill task – the answers are in the correct order here: 1. Beginning 2. Nothing 3. Ocean 4. Night 5. Sky 6. Land 7. Flowers 8. Sun 9. Birds 10. Animals 11. Ground 12. Eden 13. Ribs 14. Eve 15. Six 16. Rested

6  Watch the video of the Hindu creation story.  Pay careful attention as you will be completing a gap fill about this story after.  Watch this video through twice. https://www.yo h?v=Y9yWwFWpb Ro

7  Complete the gap fill task – the answers are in the correct order here: 1. Ocean 2. Serpent 3. Vishnu 4. Lotus flower 5. Brahma 6. Whirlpool 7. Calm 8. Petals 9. Heavens 10. Land 11. Wind 12. Animals 13. Missing 14. Wife 15. Soldiers 16. Legs

8 Similarities between the Christian / Jewish creation story and the Hindu creation story Differences between the Christian / Jewish creation story and the Hindu creation story 1. 2. 3.  Work with your partner to complete the table below to show the similarities and differences between the two myths

9  Create your own acrostic poem based on the two creation stories you’ve heard today – you will need a sentence starting with the letters of the word ‘creation’:  C  R  E  A  T  I  O  N  E.g. C= Christians believe the world was created in six days.


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