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Everyone Needs A “Pick Me Up” Hebrews 10:23-25 Relating Properly to One Another.

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Presentation on theme: "Everyone Needs A “Pick Me Up” Hebrews 10:23-25 Relating Properly to One Another."— Presentation transcript:

1 Everyone Needs A “Pick Me Up” Hebrews 10:23-25 Relating Properly to One Another

2 Everyone Needs A “Pick Me Up” vs. 23“…hold fast…” Grasp Firmly Hold tight….anchor down

3 Everyone Needs A “Pick Me Up” vs. 23“…hold fast…” The confession of our hope is simply but strongly our acceptance and belief in the Lord Jesus to save us from our sins and impart eternal life to us. Do not waiver!!!

4 Everyone Needs A “Pick Me Up” vs. 23“…hold fast…” When life gets difficult, and there is always difficulty in life, the waivering person blames God or the church and then gives up on their confession of hope. Hold fast, do not waiver.

5 Everyone Needs a “Pick Me Up” vs. 24 “…let us consider…” Think About It “ let us consider one another…” [katanômen allçlous] It means “to observe attentively, or understand, fix one’s eyes or mind upon.” It is not to be accidental but intentional.

6 Everyone Needs a “Pick Me Up” vs. 24 “…stimulate…” Motivate others Christian fellowship builds us up and binds us together.

7 Everyone Needs A “Pick Me Up” vs. 25 “…not forsaking…” Gather Consistently Maintain worship habits

8 Everyone Needs A “Pick Me Up” vs. 25 “…as is the habit of some…” Avoid bad examples Maintain worship habits

9 Everyone Needs A “Pick Me Up” vs. 25 “…encourage one another” Boost Appropriately People need encouragement

10 Everyone Needs A “Pick Me Up” vs. 25 “…the day is drawing near” The end is near What does this mean?

11 Things to Take with You and Practice Make sure the confession of your faith is anchored securely so it will hold tight. God can be trusted and His words are true. I long for the day that by the time I get the call that someone is in the hospital, there are already members of that person’s SALT group there. Worshiping together as a body of believers is something the Bible says we should do and not forsake. People need encouragement. Say it with me, “People need encouragement”.

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