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Feedback from high school students – how we can make three areas of effective teaching come alive.

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1 Feedback from high school students – how we can make three areas of effective teaching come alive

2  Know each student on a personal level  Get involved in extra-curricular (sponsor, coach, attend)  Explain why you do what you do  Empathize don’t pity (understand but don’t accept garbage)  Tell us about your personal life and ask us about ours  Don’t allow your students to fall behind  Provide productive criticism with encouragement  Listen to your students  Talk to students outside of the classroom  Talk to us as adults, and expect us to behave as adults  Respect us – Talk and Actions

3  Make your own lesson plan – Demonstrate knowledge of content (not just textbook or free google plans)  Prepare lessons based on students in front of you – (Not just lesson to cover information)  Make lessons relevant (real world connections)  Be more flexible and responsive to your students  Customize lessons to fulfill the requirements of the curriculum (find a way to bring your passion into the lesson)  Find a way to access students’ passion in the lesson

4  Master your craft (stay current with content PLUS – How you teach it - Keep all student moving – manage behavior and convey your ideas – facilitate learning)  Share responsibility for how your students perform  Reconnect with why you love the subject and share with students  Get Pumped to deliver the lesson!  Never quit on your students

5  Survey students to analyze how your students learn best  Give students freedom/w/options in the assignment to demonstrate their learning in different ways  Group students based on how they learn  Recognize and use different student learning styles to plan lessons  Recognize when students aren’t getting it so you can build in more time or different activities  Engage students to learn their own learning style  Offer incentives/motivators  Present really important stuff in different ways  Keep students guessing for how the lesson will unfold (Don’t be too routine – Ex. notes on Monday, test on Friday, etc.)

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