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Lykeio Iasmou is a State Secondary High School situated in the town of Iasmos in Thrace, Greece.Iasmos But how is Greece? Where is our region? And where.

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Presentation on theme: "Lykeio Iasmou is a State Secondary High School situated in the town of Iasmos in Thrace, Greece.Iasmos But how is Greece? Where is our region? And where."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lykeio Iasmou is a State Secondary High School situated in the town of Iasmos in Thrace, Greece.Iasmos But how is Greece? Where is our region? And where is Iasmos situated on the Greek map? Let’s have a look!!! The kick-off!

2 Greece! Our beloved country! Let’s get a closer look to our region…->

3 Our region: Anatoliki Makedonia and Thraki! Let’s have an even closer look!!!

4 Now you can finally see Iasmos!!!

5 Iasmos!!!

6 In Greece senior high schools have three grades. In the first grade, lessons are common for all students. In the second grade, students have to choose and follow one of the three directions given: a) technological, b) the direction for maths and physics and c) the theoretical (languages). The third grade is mainly a preparation for the National Writing Exams that all students take at the end of the school year in order to enter to University. A few words about our curriculum:

7 A few words about our school! We are a small senior high school (in Greek we are called “Lykeio”). We have approximately 120 students, from 15- 18 years old, 15 teachers and 2 support staff. Our curriculum includes a number of different subjects (ancient/modern Greek language and litterature, English, history, maths, sciences, physical education, technology, computer science, etc.) Studies are mainly focused on preparing students for taking national exams at the age of 18.

8 The school schedule Hours MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFriday 8.30- 9.15 Greek Litterature European Civilization PhysicsProject 9.20- 10.05 SociologyPhysicsAncient Greek Project 10.15- 11.00 Chemistry Ancient Greek English Ancient Greek 11.10- 11.55 Gymnastics Sociology European Civilization Sociology 12.05- 12.50 MathsBiologyMaths Greek Language Maths 12.55- 13.35 Religion Maths History Greek Language Maths 13.40- 14.20 Ancient Greek Religion ChemistryHistoryBiology of the 1 st grade of our school for the year 2015-16





13 The headmistress

14 Our teachers

15 Our students


17 Chemistry laboratory

18 Classrooms

19 Computer classroom

20 Our gym!!!


22 School activities Although high schools in Greece have a rather strict curriculum, we believe that it’s essential to have a school which is open to society and to its every day challenges. Therefore: We have participated in various Comenius projects. We have visited Belgium, Portugal, Cyprus, Turkey, Poland, France, Italy, Romania, Bulgaria etc, and we’re organizing Erasmus + projects for next year. We organize a lot of outdoor activities for our students.

23 Our theater group

24 School activities Climbing on the Thracian mountains! Traditional dances on our national celebration day (25 th of March) Football club: champions of Rodopi region!!!

25 Visit our website

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