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Activities and strategies using the Tribes book during Orientation Week.

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2 Activities and strategies using the Tribes book during Orientation Week

3 The Current state of our Schools : At the beginning of the school year, starting August 18, 2014, a plan was prepared for Orientation Week focussing on the ‘Questions of the Day’ noted on page 247 of the Tribes Spanish version. Strategies and Activities: I feel happy when, by means of drawings of faces they draw what they are experiencing, a happy face, a sad face or a frustrated face, reflecting their actual sentiments given the context of the subject Observation of the Teacher: common problems, model of behaviour, behavioural model, lack of friends. Diagnostic Evaluation: This evaluation is based on the knowledge/understanding each child has and the context in which they live. It takes into account the child’s circumstances, the diversity, harmony and individual and collective decision-making in the length of the process. Results: These are responsible for orienting the teacher- awareness of strengths and weaknesses

4 Unit of Learning: Based on a learning situation in the classroom it is student centred. The teacher is a designer who becomes a guide and facilitator using the process of organizing group learning, the children manage their own learning, develop agreements, problem solve, choose tasks and do cooperative learning. The children learn critical thinking, reflective thinking and citizenship, along with curriculum content. Administrative Team: Comprised of the Principal, Vice- Principal, Guidance Counsellor, and division heads. These are the engine of our educational centres; they coordinate all the learning that occurs at a school level, demonstrating their transformative and leadership in the schools. Characteristic: - Develop Activities -Pedagogical Support/Teaching Practive -Monitoring agreements and commitments -Strengthening of Goals

5 Evaluation: Through walk throughs and supervision we can observe positive changes, as compared to previous visits, in our education centres, system nivel, teaching practice, classroom set up and student work, care of facilities, classroom reading areas, computer stations and areas for students to store their personal effects and opportunities for student engagement. Teachers are empowered and strengthened, assuming their responsibilities in some schools. One can see evidence in the way they undertake their role as pedagogical ‘coach’. The Tribes book is strengthening our practice in ways that are effective and undefeated in our goal of continuing to improve the education practice in the classroom.




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