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Seating Chart HHQs (CJTF & Div) X y MNB-V HQs Bde Cdr Bde CoS S3 S2 S1

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Presentation on theme: "Seating Chart HHQs (CJTF & Div) X y MNB-V HQs Bde Cdr Bde CoS S3 S2 S1"— Presentation transcript:

1 Seating Chart HHQs (CJTF & Div) X y MNB-V HQs Bde Cdr Bde CoS S3 S2 S1
FSO ALO Z Bn Cmd Tms? X

2 Attendees HHQs (CJTF & Div) X y MNB-V HQs Bde Cdr Bde CoS S3 S2 S1 S4
FSO ALO Z Bn Cmd Tms? X

3 Command Post Exercise After Action Review 22 JUN 2012

4 AAR Purpose Open and professional discussion- what happened? What worked, what did not? System and technique focus- what to sustain and what to improve Not a critique- no one has all the answers Not an evaluation- does not grade success or failure

5 House Rules Be a Learning Organization!!
Participate - It’s your AAR - Get involved! Open and professional discussion Always ask yourself, “How can I do this better?” Learn something and get better every day Turn-off cell phones Be a Learning Organization!!

6 Division Mission

7 Brigade Mission

8 Task Organization CJTF CS (VIR) L L L L L L L L CSS
US (-) (+) CS (VIR) 56 SBCT MNB/ V LVA LVA LTU VIR US L 2nd IN 34th ARTY L 8th IN 1st MECH 3/2 CR L L L L L L CSS TACON from RDC-W (VIR) CG-61 DIV & Coordinating Services (US) RQ-7 2xShadow BSB (-) 24xUH60 6xAH-64 2xA10 2xF16 DEGENSE LEAGUE L 6xM270

9 Enemy Mission & Intent UPDATE

10 Enemy Scheme of Maneuver

11 Enemy Task Organization
3 33 RSCC 1 2 3 4 5 6 6 A A A A A A A B B C B C B C B C MI C D D E D E D E B B D E F G F G F C C 7 33d DIV Assets Available 11 A C B SAP C 2xSS-21 2 B/33 D E W E F 6xMi-24 1 A/33 8 2xSu-27 A 33AF

12 Command Post Operations Section divider- delete post draft
Key Events Focus Command Post Operations Section divider- delete post draft

FM PHONE RECEIVE INFORMATION ANALYZE INFORMATION SOURCES 1st MECH BN 2nd IN BN 8th MECH BN 3/2 CR 34th FA BN EN BN EST Fires BN SOURCES DIV HQ UAS CAS/CCA Defense League SUBMIT RECOMMENDATIONS MDMP IPB TOC CURRENT OPS BATTLE TRACKING TASK ORGANIZATION LOGISTICS STATUS EFST CCIR IO COA DSM R & S BOS EMPLOYMENT PRIORITIES OF PLANS PRIORITIES OF EFFORT PRIORITIES OF WORK TIME MANAGEMENT Change DISTRIBUTE INFORMATION INTEGRATE RESOURCES REPORTS BRIEFS OPORDS FM FRAGOS What kind of information should the staff gather? Info databases on Friendly units and activities Enemy situation Status of logistics Activities of civilians in the brigade AI The staff combines this information to conduct predictive analysis of probable enemy COAs and anticipated actions required by friendly forces Did the CCIR focus the staff on this effort? Did the staff’s analysis help the brigade commander on achieving situational understanding? The staff develops COA and wargames them against probable enemy COA and submits recommendations to the Brigade Commander Did the staff’s recommendations meet the brigade commander’s vision and intent? Staff submits reports to higher and keeps subordinate and adjacent units informed of current situation. Staff publishes orders and instructions and conducts rehearsals to ensure they are understood Did the subordinates see and understand the COP exactly as the brigade commander sees it? CPs integrate subordinate units by task organizing them and monitoring the statuts and capabilities of specialized capabilities Did the staff have SA over specialized capabilities CPs provide the information link that synchronizes the activities of subordinate units Did the effect os shaping and sustaining operations support the decisive operations? Defense League ENGRS UAS CAS/CCA SYNCHRONIZE RESOURCES DECISIVE OPS SHAPING OPS SUSTAINING OPS

14 Command Post Functions
Receive Information Analyze Information Submit Recommendations Distribute Information Integrate Resources Are we helping the Commander “See Ourselves” Synchronize Resources FM 14

15 Command Post Functions
RECEIVE INFORMATION ANALYZE INFORMATION Receive messages, reports, and orders from subordinate units and higher HQ Monitor tactical situation Maintain a journal of all SIGACT and reports Maintain and update unit locations and activities Monitor enemy situation’ Maintain a status of critical classes of supply SUBMIT RECOMMENDATIONS Consolidate reports Anticipate events and activities, and take appropriate action Conduct predictive analysis based on the tactical situation ID information that relates to the CCIR Conduct MDMP Identify the need to execute CONPLANS based on current situation DSM CCIR COA ISR EFST AWF employment Priorities of plans Priorities of effort Priorities of work DISTRIBUTE INFORMATION INTEGRATE RESOURCES Submit reports to higher HQ Serve as communications relay between units Publish orders and instructions Process and distribute information to appropriate units or staff sections Coordinate the integration of combat multipliers SYNCHRONIZE RESOURCES Coordinate the synchronization of combat multipliers

16 Commander’s Role Assess Lead FM 3-0 Framing / Reframing the problem
Understand Framing / Reframing the problem End state Conditions Objectives Visualize Nature and Design of the Operation Offense Defense Stability Civil Support Describe Time, Space, Resources, Purpose, and Action Decisive Operations Shaping Operations Sustaining Operations Direct Warfighting Functions Intelligence Fires Sustainment Command and control Movement and maneuver Protection PMESII-PT Principles of war Operational themes Experiences METT-TC Running estimates Elements of operational design Preparation Initial commander’s intent Planning guidance Commander’s critical information requirements Essential elements of friendly information Plans and orders Branches and sequels Execution METT-TC mission, enemy, terrain and weather, troops and support available, time available, civil considerations PMESII-PT political, military, economic, social, information, infrastructure, physical environment, time Assess FM 3-0 6L/12R

17 Situational Awareness
SEE OURSELVES SEE ENEMY SEE TERRAIN PIR NAIs IPB Pattern Analysis EVENTEMP SITEMP Patrol Debriefs Bi-lat Debriefs INTSUMs TSM FFIR Effective CPs Tracking Charts Timelines Rehearsals Communications Battle Updates FRAGOs DSM LOGSTATs 026 Report Staff Estimates Shift Change PMESII-PT SWEAT-MSO NGOs UNHCR HTT MCOO ASCOPE Imagery and Maps Leaders’ Recon Tied to Time!


19 MCP Layout Change

20 What is the Function of our TOC
A command post is a unit headquarters where the commander and staff perform their activities. It is often divided into echelons. CPs are the principal facilities commanders use to control operations. Effective CPs enable commanders to make decisions faster than the enemy. Relook picture and statement FM6-0

21 Are we using all the tools we have?


23 ALOC Change

24 The Staff Staffs exist to help the commander make and implement
decisions. Staff organizations and procedures are structured to meet the Commander’s Critical Information Requirements (CCIR). The CDR and his staff focus on recognizing and anticipating battlefield activities in order to decide and act faster than the enemy / situation. All staff organizations and procedures exist to make the organization, analysis, and presentation of vast amounts of information manageable for the commander.

25 Six TOC Functions How are we doing?
EFFECTIVE IMPROVING NEED WORK SIX TOC FUNCTIONS 1. RECEIVE INFORMATION 2. ANALYZE INFORMATION 3. SUBMIT RECOMMENDATIONS 4. DISTRIBUTE INFORMATION 5. INTEGRATE RESOURCES 6. SYNCHRONIZE RESOURCES HIC Opns Focus- 1- Info collection focus primarily on enemy operations 2- Info distribution centers on HHQs and subordinate units 3- Analysis techniques covered by battlefield functions (maneuver, fire support, intelligence, M/CM/Surv, CSS) 4- Provide recommendations to the Cdr and other staff 5- Integration involves primarily organic units 6- Resource Synchronization is Critical

26 TOC Information Management
MINIEX- (Photo) Day 1- (Photo)

27 Change TOC Battle Tracking FM 3-90.61
D-22. Once the BSTB has deployed into an area and is conducting missions, the BSTB TOC maintains a current status, including of all of its subordinate and attached units. This includes personnel, location, and logistics. The ability to track the availability of resources also enhances its ability to provide the necessary security for the BCT main CP, the BSTB TOC, and to provide assets to the BCT for successful accomplishment of operations elsewhere in the BCT AO. Change FM

28 Key Events Focus Situational Awareness & the Common Operating Picture Section divider- delete post draft

29 Common Operating Picture
BN operational graphics 4km difference from BDE graphics PL Blue restrictive control measure 9 FKIA from SIMM mortar attack How do we ensure all graphic control measures are synched with BDE? What controls are in place to ensure a COP at all levels?

30 Intel Board, Rolling BUB, Daily Timeline
COP “A Way” Intel Board, Rolling BUB, Daily Timeline FBCB2 CPOF SIGACTs, TOC LOG ISR ROUTE Status S-7 and PAO staff developed a engagement worksheet that included: Strategy, talking points, BIO information and negotiation TTPs Desired End state: DA is comfortable with BCT presence in the AO and its effect on the local populace

31 Multi National Brigade- Vironia
This concludes your After Action Review Multi National Brigade- Vironia Imbed training photo or unit shields CPX AAR 22 JUN 2012 Facilitator: LTC Bali Exercise SABER STRIKE 12

32 Below The Line

33 War Gaming vs. Combined Arms Rehearsal
-Attempts to visualize the flow of the operation given: FF strengths and dispositions ENY capabilities and possible COAs impact and requirements of civilians in the AO -Simplest form of war gaming is the manual method, often utilizing a tabletop approach with blowups of matrices and templates. The subordinate units plans are synchronized with the other units in the organization The plans of all subordinate commander’s will properly achieve the intent of the higher commander. Key CS/CSS plans must be included: casualty evacuation routes, AXPs, refuel points, Class IV/V resupply points, logistics release points, displacement times/locations/triggers for the BSA, EPW collection points.

34 Three Day Targeting Cycle
CONOP Operations & Intelligence Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Targeting Decision Brief S1 Running Estimate, Civil Military Ops S2 IPB, HVI, ISR, INTEL Summaries, Debriefs, SWEAT Analysis, Cultural Understanding, Leader Engagements, ASCOPE, PMESSII, Target Baseball Card, Weather Effects, HPTL HVI, PIR, Target Baseball Card , HPTL S3 CDR’s Guidance, ISR Resourcing, TSM, Sync Matrix, MEDIA & PUBLIC AFFAIRS, Host Nation Security Forces, Influence & Inform Operations, Patrol Matrix, PAO, Civil Affairs, Host Nation support, RFI management, AGM/FSCM Sync Matrix, FRAGO production, ISR Allocation, COA priorities, S4 Running Estimate, As Needed, CERP, I-CERP S6 Running Estimate, As Needed, Frequency Deconfliction PA Running Estimate, Medical/CLINICS/VET CHAP Running Estimate, Religious assessment, As Needed

35 Information Management (Tactical)
CDR When and how do I interface with my commander? What needs to go to higher? What decisions must I make? What needs to go back down? What info do I need to make decisions? XO/S3 Staff What reports do I need? Where do I give guidance? What working groups do I need? What’s our battle rhythm? S6 What IM / KM tools do we have/need? What Info Assurance (IA) policies must we follow?


37 What is our Way Ahead? Issue Who Will Fix When 73

38 CP Functions in a Coin Environment – What’s Different?
6 Basic Functions of a CP 1. Receive information 2. Distribute information 3. Analyze information 4. Submit recommendations to the commander 5. Integrate resources 6. Synchronize resources HIC Operations COIN Operations 1. Information collection/management focused by targeting requirements 2. Information distribution may involve NGO’s, international forces, and other members outside TF & CO/TM 3. Analysis is a product of collective TF effort involving more than the S-2 4. Submit recommendations to the commander 5. Integration involves NGO’s, contractors, interpreters, etc. 6. Synchronize resources 1. Information collection focused primarily on enemy operations 2. Information distribution revolves primarily to HHQ and subordinate units 3. Analysis techniques covered by BOS elements 4. Submit recommendations to the commander 5. Integration involves primarily U.S. (organic to DIV) forces 6. Synchronize resources BOTTOM LINE: Same functions, different focus!

39 Concept of the Operation

40 Concept of the Operation




44 Squadron Role in COIN Operations
Setting Conditions Isolating problems for companies Anticipating Requirements Identifying and assigning SOI Establishing Workable SOP Synchronizing Operations Employment of Air Assets Air Ground Integration Route Clearing Operations Employment of Unmanned Air Systems Integration of ANA/ANP Electronic Warfare Focusing Operations Anticipating Problems Assigning Clear Mission Statements (who - what - when - where - why) Assigning NAI Coverage Specifying Information Requirements

45 TOC Operations To ensure that information is provided to the commander in an efficient and timely manner, periodic update briefs or shift change briefs are conducted. Conducting command shift change or update briefings accomplishes more than just providing the commander a snapshot of current battalion status. Briefings provide a point in time and place for all staff sections to assemble and ensure that everyone is informed with the same situational understanding. FM

46 Common Operating Picture
Whatever the age or technology, the key to effective C2 is people using information to decide and to act wisely. Whatever the age or technology, the ultimate criterion of C2 success is always the same: acting faster and more effectively than the enemy to accomplish the mission at the least cost to the friendly force before the enemy can effectively act. FM 6-0

47 Cognitive Hierarchy FM6-0 Understanding Knowledge Management Focus
Create Organize Apply Transfer Information Management Focus Collect Process Store Display Disseminate Protect Information Analysis Knowledge Judgment Processing Data Understanding CDR





52 A Highly Effective Unit Needs A Highly Effective Staff...
8 Staff Competencies ID / Anticipate Requirements Monitor Operations Manage Information Make Recommendations Direct Actions Conduct Coordination Synchronize Operations Maintain Continuity A Highly Effective Unit Needs A Highly Effective Staff...

53 Battle Captain - Success
Ensures the consistency, accuracy, and timeliness of information leaving the CP, including preparing and dispatching FRAGOs and WARNOs. Ensures this posted information is timely, accurate, and accessible. Must have a working knowledge of all sections in the main CP, understand the unit TACSOP, and ensure the staff section uses the TACSOP. Must know the current plan and task organization of the unit, and understand the commander’s intent. Must understand the limits of his decision making and action authority. Know the technical aspects of the battle plan and understand the time-space relationship to execute any specific support task. Must understand and enforce the battle rhythm – the standard events or actions that happen during a typical 24 hour period, and ensure that the main CP staff is effective throughout the period. Use their judgment to adjust staff activities and events to accomplish the CP mission across different shifts, varying tactical circumstances, and changes in CP location. . FM

54 Operations Sergeant Major
3-81. The operations SGM is the senior NCO in the main CP and is responsible for running the CP. He is responsible for the proper manning, training, equipment, and execution of operations. The operations SGM is responsible for ensuring that all assigned and attached personnel adhere to both unit standards and TACSOPs (including movement setup, maintenance of power and climate control, and internal security). The success of operations in the CP can be directly attributed to how well the operations SGM runs the CP. FM

55 Control and the Staff 1-15. Success in command is impossible without control. Within command and control, control is the regulation of forces and battlefield operating systems to accomplish the mission in accordance with the commander’s intent. It includes collecting, processing, displaying, storing, and disseminating relevant information for creating the common operational picture, and using information, primarily by the staff, during the operations process. Control allows commanders to disseminate their commander’s intent, execute decisions, and adjust their operations to reflect changing reality and enemy actions. It allows commanders to modify their commander’s visualization to account for changing circumstances. Control also allows commanders to identify times and points requiring new decisions during preparation and execution. FM 6-0, Mission Command: Command and Control of Army Forces, Aug 2003

56 “A WAY” FM


58 Duties / Responsibilities
Executive Officer Supervise and coordinate the staff “CHIEF OF STAFF” Develops/Supervises the Main CP’s Battle Rhythm Overall in charge of the MDMP Process Monitor BN combat readiness and direct actions to improve the status Integrate, synchronize and anticipate operations from the Main CP

59 Duties / Responsibilities
Prepares, coordinates, and publishes OPORDs FRAGOs, and WARNOs (ALL STAFF CONTRUBUTE!!) Supervise and coordinate current ops and plans Participates in targeting meetings Runs the BN TAC CP as required by missions Prepares the Operational Estimate and Maintains the Running Operational Estimate (See FM 5-0 App. E) Integrates fire support into operations

60 Duties / Responsibilities
Battle Captain Supervise efforts of staff NCOs Conduct analysis of available information - Maintains a wide view of operations “step back and see the battlefield” Assist the review and distribution of information Assist monitoring location and activity of friendly units Assist the S3 during MDMP Briefs patrol leaders on friendly situation prior to patrol SP Serve as TOC OIC during absence of field grades CALM DOWN, DON’T SPIN, WORK THE ISSUE

61 Duties / Responsibilities
OPS SGM/ S3 NCOIC Supervise accountability and maint. of equipment Supervises CP PCCs, PCIs, and battle drill training Coordinate CP displacement Coordinate/Supervise CP setup (external/internal) Supervise publication of orders / graphics Monitor updating of CP information (SIGACTS, COP) Supervise TOC security plan Manage shift, guard, sleep plans Assist XO with Battle Rhythm enforcment

62 Duties / Responsibilities
Battle Staff NCOs Be the SME in their WFF Supervise distribution of reports / messages Update maps and charts Supervise publication of orders / graphics Supervise TOC setup / breakdown Manage shift, guard, sleep plans Assist developing / wargaming COAs Serve as recorder during MDMP

63 Duties / Responsibilities
RTO / Soldiers Monitor the radios Receive and record reports Update status charts and maps Assist publication of orders and graphics Assist TOC setup and breakdown Serve as recorders during MDMP Prepare charts and graphics

64 Duties / Responsibilities
Responsible for maintaining unit strength and other human resource support. Prepares the Personnel Estimate and Maintains the Running Personnel Estimate (See FM 5-0 App. E). Manages the casualty reporting system including soldiers that are KIA (Killed In Action) and WIA (Wounded In Action). Plans CASEVAC/MEDEVAC for the unit Coordinates for finance, legal, and postal activities. POC for morale support activities.

65 Duties / Responsibilities
Prepares the Intelligence Estimate and Maintains the Running Intelligence Estimate (See FM 5-0 App. E) Roll plays EN forces during MDMP Prebriefs Patrol Leaders on EN situation and PIR prior to patrol SP Debriefs Patrol Leaders following RP

66 Duties / Responsibilities
Responsible for logistical planning Prepares the Logistics Estimate and Maintains the Running Logistics Estimate Responsible for Maintenance Planning / Recovery process Coordinates with the FSC/HHC to ensure that Troops and attachments the unit receive: - Maintenance support - Supply support - Transportation support - Field services support

67 Duties / Responsibilities
Responsible for communications planning Prepares the Signal Estimate and Maintains the Running Signal Estimate Oversees communication status of the unit. Often serves at the unit EWO

68 NAI Numbers & Description
MND Sentinal ISR Plan NAI Numbers & Description NAI 1: IBL V-SL (P1) NAI 2: Tihemetsa (P2,5) NAI 3: Karski-Nuia (P3,5) NAI 4: Pikasilla (P7) NAI 5: Mereküla (P2, 4, 6) NAI 6: Viljandi (P2, 4, 6) NAI 7: Londoni (P7) NAI 8: Parnü (P6) NAI 9: Võhma (P7) P1 When SL forces cross IBL w / Bn or higher and which MC will they use? P2 Which obj is priority? P3 ID of AR Bn (Res)? P4 Initial en atk defeated? P5 Loc of en Bde Hq P6 Groups capable of hindering MND FOM in Ph III and IV. P7 En destruction of Critical Infrastructrure LEGEND IBL / MSR River / water NAI Hwy # En Axis of Advance En Objectives Anticipated En LOA UNCLASSIFIED

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