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MAXIMUS Opportunities for Workforce and Employment Services Collaboration DOL/ETA Work Incentive and Disability Employment Grants Conference May, 2002.

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Presentation on theme: "MAXIMUS Opportunities for Workforce and Employment Services Collaboration DOL/ETA Work Incentive and Disability Employment Grants Conference May, 2002."— Presentation transcript:

1 MAXIMUS Opportunities for Workforce and Employment Services Collaboration DOL/ETA Work Incentive and Disability Employment Grants Conference May, 2002

2 MAXIMUS What’s New? Voluntary Program offering choice Creates a new pool of workforce resources, services, jobs (Employment Networks - “ENs”) Outcome-based and market-driven Establishes new supports, resource structures Provides new healthcare incentives to work

3 MAXIMUS Core Employment Initiative:Establishment of New Service/Jobs Providers (“ENs”) Nat’l - State - Local EN Markets Disability/rehabilitation providers, associations, councils, boards WIA-One Stop Centers, Boards State VR Agencies Employers, business councils, employment agencies Federal agency (e.g. DOL, HHS, HUD) disabilities and employment-related grantees Key nat’l associations, groups (e.g. NACo, NGA, APHSA, NAWB)

4 MAXIMUS More Employment Network Markets Independent Living Centers Former Alternate Participants Schools, Training - Educational institutions both public and private Community-Based Organizations - multicultural, Native American, Faith-Based Transportation Providers State/Local Government Human Service Agencies and and Community Service Boards Community Action Agencies

5 MAXIMUS Examples of Current ENs One-Stops (8) WIBs (2) DOL Grantees - several Goodwills (25) ARCs (10)

6 MAXIMUS Examples: Current and Evolving Coordination Initiatives  Institute for Community Inclusion/NWDC (website, joint referrals, consultation, conferences)  U. S. Chamber of Commerce/CWP (2002 events, website linkages)  NAWB (2002 conference workshop)  DOL 2002 Regional Conferences (workshops/panels)  BLNs: Business Leadership Networks (outreach, education)  VCU (website, mtgs/conferences)  Project EARN (joint training, referrals)

7 MAXIMUS More…Coordination, Outreach  SPI (conference workshops)  RSA and State VRs (workshops, consultation/training)  EEOC Employment for People with Disabilities Small Business Outreach (joint referrals, mtgs/outreach)  Jett-Con (Workforce Innovation 2002 conference - joint workshop)  SHRM, Project EMPLOY (information sharing)  Welfare Information Network (website, info sharing)  Diversity Best Practices, Inc.- 2002 Employer Forums

8 MAXIMUS Potential DOL - TTW Partnership Strategies/Options Promote disability awareness, education Share resources, materials, best practices Develop website linkages Share job leads/listings Publish/feature TTW articles, success stories Be an EN Be a partner with multiple ENs Educate employers Host/co-sponsor events Refer Ticket beneficiaries Build internal expertise, capacity

9 MAXIMUS Contact MAXIMUS Toll Free: 1-866-968-7842 Local: 703-236-6600 1-866-833-2967 (TDD) Project Director: Mary Satterfield 703.236.6700 Marketing Manager: Ann Osborn 703. 236.6611 Visit

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