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HCAL DPG Status1 Olga Kodolova / Frank Chlebana HCAL DPG Status Olga Kodolova for the HCAL DPG October 20, 2011.

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Presentation on theme: "HCAL DPG Status1 Olga Kodolova / Frank Chlebana HCAL DPG Status Olga Kodolova for the HCAL DPG October 20, 2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 HCAL DPG Status1 Olga Kodolova / Frank Chlebana HCAL DPG Status Olga Kodolova for the HCAL DPG October 20, 2011

2 HCAL DPG Status2 Olga Kodolova / Frank Chlebana Updating Conditions For the reprocessing with CMSSW44 Compensate for QPLL unlock by increasing number of TS from 5 to 4 (HcalRecoParams) For the 2011 HCAL Calibration Update Data derived response corrections will be applied on top of the hardware corrections Calibration data has to be reprocessed with final offline tags for HcalGains and HcalRecoParams Phi-symmetry updated HF energy scale was done from Z->ee Isolated track calibration done – the change relative to 2010 is within statistical errors. We decided to keep 2010 calibration and redo isotracks with full 2011 statistics and PU contamination corrections. Data reduction in HBHE (~20%): change from 5 to 3 ZS pairs. Jim gave report at PVT. Validation from Egama/Muon/JetMET POGs have been Performed. Substantial efforts were needed to overcome approval for HW change.

3 HCAL DPG Status3 Olga Kodolova / Frank Chlebana Calibration Schedule Need hardware conditions with IOVs for the data range that will be used for the calibration HcalGain HcalRecoParams Sept 30Updated phi-symmetry Oct 14Updated isolated track Oct 21Validation and testing Oct 242011 calibration ready for updating corrections to high level objects Tag 2011A update has been provided for Validation. The data samples are re- reconstructed for PF/JetMET validation. Preliminary validation was already performed with test Tags provided at the beginning of Sept. Do not expect issues now, although…

4 HCAL DPG Status4 Olga Kodolova / Frank ChlebanaNextNext Calibration: We plan the update that includes full 2011 data (2011B). Target is Reprocessing with CMSSW5X. Tag will include HF gain corrections, phisym and isotracks with PU Contamination over full 2011 data. HF/Lumi WG Nural agreed to lead this effort. Dan will give presentation at the next HCAL DPG. The study of PMTs gain loss origin and value starts to be urgent: need to put together all available measurements.

5 HCAL DPG Status5 Olga Kodolova / Frank Chlebana 25ns/High PU WG The 25ns/High PU WG has been successful. We have identified issues that need to be addressed and we have developed a strategy to address them. We return to bi-weekly schedule keeping the possibility of extra meeting in the alternate week. Next meeting will be focused on Noise filters, status of updates to reduce Data volume. 1) Data volume This is well defined... Project data volume for 2012 and make sure we apply all necessary improvements a) Reduce the number of TS being readout b) Reduce ZS search window We have done the work to get this approved online c) Increase number of FEDs plan work and identify people test new cabling connections, verify correct mapping update software d) New data format Specify proposal and requirements Update software Allows us to reading more TSs

6 HCAL DPG Status6 Olga Kodolova / Frank Chlebana 25 ns/High PU WG 2) Energy reconstruction This is well defined We have settled on the proposal for 2012 running - 2TS for HBHE, 1TS for HF, 4TS for HO Will require updating the pulse description in the MC Will need to apply special treatment to problematic channels Need to study the motivation: MET improvments,Higgs, look for 25 ns run 3) Noise Filters Need to get an update... Noise WG should provide the recommendations for the start of 2012 Indicate efficiencies of filters for the two scenarios (25ns/50ns high PU) What adjustments are needed for the current filters Monitoring the performance as LHC conditions change Indicate what does the residual noise look like Treatment of problematic channels

7 HCAL DPG Status7 Olga Kodolova / Frank Chlebana 25 ns/High PU 4) Trigger and online configuration This is well defined... We have decided to keep the HF phase as is (50/50-7ns) For 50ns running we want to keep the BX-1 veto For 25ns running we will need to remove HF from the L1 trigger since we cannot keep the BX-1 veto Provide additional studies/test indicating the level of prefiring Summarize studies We investigated PU subtraction at L1 and decided not to include it 5) Updating running conditions Make sure we have the online and offline conditions updated with a consistent set of conditions. For example make sure current calibration and hardware conditions are appropriate for new energy reco. Update Noise filters...

8 HCAL DPG Status8 Olga Kodolova / Frank Chlebana 25 ns/High PU WG 6) Monitoring and updating online conditions Will need to monitor HPD/PMT gain drift and apply gain corrections online. Procedure to do this will need to be defined and updated conditions propagated to L1. May increase HF HV to compensate for gain drop 7) Replace/Adjust hardware It does not look like we will have an access and we will not be able to replace the problematic hardware. Will need to accommodate problems in software, including Online conditions, calibration, noise filters, energy reconstruction, monitoring... - HPD with lowered BV - HPD with clock problem 8) DQM and Data Certification No major issues Will need to review and update procedures once we start getting the data

9 HCAL DPG Status9 Olga Kodolova / Frank Chlebana 25 ns/ High PU WG 9) Technical triggers No major issues May need to increase thresholds or tune prescales 10) Calibration We still have issues that we need to work through Will need to monitor and update the isolated track trigger to keep the rates under control and increase purity of the samples Check calibration method in the presence of high pileup Check calibration method with new energy reconstruction 11) Test beam and special runs Use testbeam to investigate punch through Look at special runs to check performance of L1 trigger Check prefiring rate Check performance of noise filters

10 HCAL DPG Status10 Olga Kodolova / Frank ChlebanaBackupBackup

11 HCAL DPG Status11 Olga Kodolova / Frank Chlebana 25ns/High PU WG Energy reconstruction Startup scenario for 2012 for 25ns and 50ns HF 1TS HBHE2TS Measure pulse from data and update description in MC Introduce changes in CMSSW5x QPLL problem will prevent us from using 2TS Fallback option may be to keep using 4TS and 5TS Investigating best option… Hope that the problematic modules can be replaced

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