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Working Together Scientific Collaboration or Conspiracy?

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Presentation on theme: "Working Together Scientific Collaboration or Conspiracy?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Working Together Scientific Collaboration or Conspiracy?

2 They’re building the LHC in Geneva. The biggest ever particle smasher.

3 The LHC produces beams of high-energy protons (hadrons). When the beams collide new particles may be produced.

4 They’re looking for ideas of how best to run the experiments. Perhaps we can cook something up between us.

5 The ATLAS detector is one of the experiments which will detect the particles produced in the collisions.

6 There’s a chance that the ATLAS detector will come up with evidence for the Higgs particle. We need to think of an efficient way of using ATLAS to find the Higgs.

7 The Higgs particle is a fundamental particle, which explains why other particles have mass...


9 Atoms are made of protons, neutrons and electrons. Protons and neutrons are made of quarks. Other particles create the forces between them. The Higgs particle is the missing piece of the jigsaw.


11 We’ll get Adam to write the computer programs to test our ideas. Someone has to do all the work.

12 We’ve got ideas of how computers can analyse the data from the ATLAS detector at the LHC. This is what we might see if a Higgs breaks up.

13 We’re testing one of the big theories of science, the Standard Model of particle physics. Like any scientific theory, it starts from observations – what particles and forces do we know about?

14 The theory explains the observations, but it also makes predictions – the Higgs particle is its big prediction. The LHC has been set up to test the theory.

15 In a sense, we’re trying to answer the questions: How did we get here? What is the structure of the world? We’re made of atoms, but what are atoms made of?

16 How did I get here? GCSEs (2 years)

17 We’ve tested our ideas. And they’ve been published in a scientific journal. So we don’t need to keep quiet about the Eurostar project any more.

18 So now we try to promote our ideas to the people at LHC. And we keep developing our ideas. That means I keep on writing the programs.

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