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Go-To Finance Reports for Researchers Allyson Harris Change Management Analyst.

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Presentation on theme: "Go-To Finance Reports for Researchers Allyson Harris Change Management Analyst."— Presentation transcript:

1 Go-To Finance Reports for Researchers Allyson Harris Change Management Analyst

2 2 Organizational Change for InfoPorte With great thanks to Scott Jackson for leading the Enterprise Reporting and Departmental Systems (ERDS) team through: – The transition from a system serving a few schools to a system serving the entire campus – Building all the dataloads to populate the Data Warehouse with ConnectCarolina structures and data – Building screens and reports to provide access to Financial, Human Resources and Student Administration data – Tirelessly reaching out to campus to identify and resolve problems Enterprise Reporting and Departmental Systems are now part of the ITS Enterprise Applications Organization – Maribel Carrion, Senior Director, Application Support for Student Administrative Systems, will be Interim Director of ERDS – Reporting to Fran Dykstra

3 Our Focus For the Next Few Months Short-term Goals 1) On-time dataloads 2) Accurate Validated Data 3) Completion of Key Reports The Customers The Team The Strategy A Structured Process

4 Today’s Topics InfoPorte Data Alerts Key Reports for Budget Balances NOTR form processing Cost Share Processing for Grants Online Resources Q&A

5 5 InfoPorte Data Alerts Green indicates data is OK. Red indicates data: is more than 1 business day old and/or doesn’t match the number of records in ConnectCarolina. Data is current as of date listed.

6 6 Twitter Alerts Blue Twitter No recent messages, no problems. Red Twitter A serious issue like a system outage. Orange Twitter Important announcements or problems with data other than ConnectCarolina transactions. Examples: Routine maintenance outages Issues with cost codes or RAMSeS data Twitter alerts are messages about issues other than the daily data transactions downloaded from ConnectCarolina. Click the icon to see the message. You can have an orange Twitter and a green Data Status.

7 Key Reports for Budget Balances

8 8 OSR Ledger Rollup in InfoPorte —1 day behind ConnectCarolina; balances with or without salary projections Budget Overview Inquiry in ConnectCarolina —Real-time; no show salary projections Grant Profile/Grant Details in InfoPorte —1 day behind ConnectCarolina; see lots of general grant info, no salary projections Dashboard for PIs in InfoPorte —Only PI has access; balances don’t include salary projections Reports for Budget Balances

9 9 OSR Ledger Rollup in InfoPorte Menu Path: Infoporte: Finance/Dept Accounting/Ledger Rollups/OSR Ledger You can filter on multiple chartfields. Project is most common. Source is useful to filter out Cost Share. Enter sponsor source. Change FY or Accounting Period when reconciling and/or looking up NOTR balance You can choose to show salary projections and soft encumbrances with your balances. Export results to either Excel or PDF format. PDF is better.

10 10 OSR Ledger Rollup in InfoPorte Results without Projections Direct and Indirect Total costs are broken out. Cost Share broken out, not part of Grand Total. This project has no budget for cost share; some projects do. When there is no cost share budget, the balance displays as a negative. Use the Direct balance for the NOTR form. Use the subtotal balances for month- end reconciling. Click an account link to see detail on the Transactions page.

11 11 OSR Ledger Rollup in InfoPorte Results with Projections InfoPorte displays these extra columns. The IPT Balance gives a more accurate picture of your balances.

12 12 Budgets Overview Inquiry in ConnectCarolina Menu Path: ConnectCarolina: Main Menu/Finance Menu/Commitment Control/Review Budget Activities/ Budgets Overview

13 13 Budgets Overview Inquiry in ConnectCarolina Results: The Available Budget includes cost share in the Summary. The Detail breaks out cost share on the line with Source 49999.

14 14 Grant Profile/Grant Details Tab in InfoPorte Menu Path: Infoporte: Finance/Dept Accounting/Grant Profile DOE JANE MASON, NANCY POE, SAM WOOD, JOHN SIKES, BILL HOOD, BOB Click a project link to see the Grant Detail page. Grant Alerts General search fields

15 15 Grant Profile Alerts Legend: LabelMeaning Expires in 30 Days - Project End Date The project is close to reaching the end of its Project End Date or KK End Date. Alerts show 30 days, 60 days, 90 days and 120 days prior to expiration. Expires in 30 Days - KK End Date Depleted The project funds are exhausted. Burn Rate Too SlowThe "ideal" burn rate is one that brings a grant balance to zero exactly when its project year expires. The ideal rate, or average daily spend, is calculated by taking a project budget amount and dividing it by project days. If the actual burn rate is 30% higher or lower than the ideal, an alert displays. Burn Rate Too High

16 16 Grant Profile Alerts PT = Project End Date The last day allowable charges should be entered against a project. OSR reviews expenses processed after this date to decide if they can be charged to the project. If not, they require a cost transfer. The system won’t stop you from entering charges past this date. Source: Project End Date field on InfoPorte’s Grant Details tab. BY = KK End Date Provides 75-day window after the Project End Date for charges to be processed. The original transaction should have been incurred on or before the Project End Date. Non-personnel transactions must pass budget checking by the KK date to avoid a Budget Date Out of Bounds error. Source: KK End Date field on InfoPorte’s Grant Details tab. Legend (cont.):

17 17 Grant Details Tab in InfoPorte Menu Path: Infoporte: Finance/Dept Accounting/Grant Profile/[project link] Sue Jones Mary Smith

18 18 Grant Details Tab in InfoPorte

19 19 Grant Details Tab in InfoPorte

20 20 Joe Smith Paul Cash Deb Forte Sue Hall Jane Doe Bob Nolan Grant Details Tab in InfoPorte Grant Amount = Total amount of annual salary that will be paid for by grant (sponsor funds) Grant % = Percentage of salary that will be paid for by grant (sponsor funds) Cost Share Amount = Total amount of annual salary that will be paid for by cost share (University funds) Cost Share % = Percentage of salary that will be paid for by cost share (University funds) Effort Total % = Annual total effort on grant Grant Amount = Total amount of annual salary that will be paid for by grant (sponsor funds) Grant % = Percentage of salary that will be paid for by grant (sponsor funds) Cost Share Amount = Total amount of annual salary that will be paid for by cost share (University funds) Cost Share % = Percentage of salary that will be paid for by cost share (University funds) Effort Total % = Annual total effort on grant NOTE: Figures are correct if ePAR fund swap is current.

21 21 PI Dashboard Menu Path: Infoporte: Home/Dashboard Only Principal Investigators see the Dashboard. The balances here don’t include salary encumbrances. Use the OSR Ledger rollup screen to see those.

22 22 Budget Balance Reports Summary This report …Is Best To … OSR Ledger Rollup in InfoPorte (One-day behind ConnectCarolina) See salary projections, soft encumbrances with balance Get direct balance for NOTR form Get month-end Actuals total when reconciling transactions Budget Overview Inquiry in ConnectCarolina (Real-time) Get real-time balance Get balance for budget request Grant Profile/Grant Detail tab in Infoporte (One-day behind ConnectCarolina) Monitor alerts for your grants Find grant details like start and end dates, PI, F&A percentage, milestones See Personnel Details (salary and effort percentage breakdown) PI Dashboard in InfoPorte (Only PI can see) See balance and high-level information about your grants No personnel projections

23 Ledgers and Reconciling Transactions

24 24 Ledgers and Reconciling A “ledger” is where balances sit In ConnectCarolina, there are two main ledgers: Commitment Control and GL Actuals Commitment Control ledgers GL Actuals ledgers ConnectCarolina

25 25 Ledgers and Reconciling Here’s when your transactions hit each ledger CreateEdit Budget Check ApprovePost Commitment Control ledgers GL Actuals ledger The official book of record

26 26 Ledgers and Reconciling Throughout the month, the Commitment Control and GL Actuals ledgers do not equal because: not all the transactions in the budget ledgers have posted you might edit or delete a transaction Once the month is closed, the Commitment Control and GL Actuals ledgers equal for that point in time This only equals GL Actuals at the time the month is closed.

27 27 Ledgers and Reconciling When you’re looking for the budget balance for a NOTR, you need to get the balance after the month closed. If you need to check if transactions posted, you can check the Transactions page. Click any account link to see the Transactions page, or go directly to the Transactions tab on the Finance/Dept Accounting menu.

28 The “Y” indicates the transaction has posted and it’s ready to reconcile “Reconcile” means to match up transactions you enter in the system to what’s on the GL Actuals ledger, or what’s reported You come to this screen to reconcile The Reconciled column shows a check mark when a transaction is reconciled. Recon Ready column on Transactions screen 28 Ledgers and Reconciling

29 Other Tips for Managing Grants

30 30 Before Completing Form Wrap up budget revisions. Don’t include them on NOTR. Reconcile outstanding cash advances. Completing the NOTR Form 1

31 31 Enter Correct Budget Balance on Form 2 Completing the NOTR Form Filter for correct FY and Account Period on OSR Ledger Rollup. Find Direct Total balance under the Available Balance column. Choose the FY the project ends in and all prior years. Choose the month officially closed prior to NOTR submittal.

32 32 Add Outstanding Transactions, Adjustments List all personnel and non-personnel transactions that aren’t shown in the available balance. These include expenses and adjustments. Note: Non-personnel expenses may be shown in the encumbrance columns on the OSR Ledger Rollup page. Example Transactions to Add: – Campus voucher that hasn’t been entered or passed budget checking. – PO amount you know will change or won’t be charged to the project. Only include transactions incurred during the project period. If you have questions, reach out to your OSR Financial Reporter. Completing the NOTR Form 3

33 33 Cost Share Processing What is Cost Share? That portion of a project cost not borne by the sponsor Occurs when University commits funds to support a particular project Can be borne by UNC or a third-party contributor

34 34 Cost Share Processing Voucher Example Sponsor portion Cost share portion

35 35 Cost Share Processing EPAR Fund Swap Example (screen 1) The sources for this person’s salary are a clinical trial grant, 3 grants with cost share, and one non-grant source. The grant highlighted in blue was in the Personnel Details on the Grant Details page on the earlier slide.

36 36 Cost Share Processing ePAR Fund Swap Example (screen 2 & 3)

37 37 Tracking Cost Share You track cost share by reviewing budget balances in either InfoPorte or ConnectCarolina. These reports show total cost share spending: – InfoPorte’s OSR Ledger rollup & Grant Details tab – ConnectCarolina’s Budget Overview Inquiry Keeping a spreadsheet may also be helpful. – Add info missing from unsaved ePARS

38 38 Online Resources ReferenceLink Finding Budget Balances Guide inding-Budget-Balances-Guide.pdf Contracts and Grants Management Tips for Research Administrators e-documents/#cag e-documents/#cag section Running a Project Budget Overview Inquiry self-paced course CCBT?cbt_num=FC-047 Reconciling in InfoPorte inancial_Concepts_Reconciliation_prin t.pdf Reporting in InfoPorte eporting-in-InfoPorte-QRC.pdf Why do my balances go up and down throughout the month? in-Concepts-4-Balances.pdf

39 39 Find slides, parking lot questions and other materials on For After the Conference

40 40 Q&A

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