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Social Accountability in Practice: From Tools to Outcomes By Parmesh Shah Lead Rural Development Specialist South Asia Sustainable Development Department.

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Presentation on theme: "Social Accountability in Practice: From Tools to Outcomes By Parmesh Shah Lead Rural Development Specialist South Asia Sustainable Development Department."— Presentation transcript:

1 Social Accountability in Practice: From Tools to Outcomes By Parmesh Shah Lead Rural Development Specialist South Asia Sustainable Development Department 24 th October, 2007

2 Context Governance and Anti-Corruption Plan Learning from SAc initiatives in South Asia –Social Audits (NREGA, India – Andhra Pradesh, Orissa) –Right to Information (India – MKSS, Parivartan) –Citizens’ Report Cards (Public Affairs Foundation) –Other activities being taken up on local governance and social accountability within the South Asia Region Activities under Trust Fund for Environmentally and Socially Sustainable Development (TFESSD) –Action Research Projects –Community of Practice of Demand Side Approaches in Governance –Knowledge Creation and Management

3 Context: A Framework for Accountability Relationships UsersProviders Policymakers Making Services Work for the Poor (WDR 2004) Voice Service Compact Client Power Demand Side Approaches Supply Side Approaches

4 What is Social Accountability? SAc is an approach towards building accountability that relies on civic engagement for exacting accountability SAc mechanisms can be initiated and supported by the state, citizens or both, but very often they are demand-driven and operate from the bottom up SAc complement and strengthen formal accountability mechanisms

5 Why Social Accountability? Social Accountability Good Governance Development Effectiveness Empowerment

6 Social Accountability Initiatives in South Asia under TFESSD 1.Introducing/institutionalizing social accountability approaches in Community Driven Development (CDD) projects (Bangladesh; Sri Lanka; India - Bihar, Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh) 2.Improving local government service delivery outcomes through social accountability mechanisms (India - Maharashtra) 3.Increasing developmental effectiveness of sectoral approaches by enhancing social accountability mechanisms (India - Andhra Pradesh health sector) 4.Facilitating CSO oversight to improve outcomes of government programs (India – Rajasthan Mid-Day Meal Scheme) 5.Formulating Governance and Anti-Corruption Plans in projects (India – Bihar)

7 Social Accountability: Tools & Mechanisms Participatory Budgeting Citizen Report Cards (CRC) Community Score Cards (CSC) Public Expenditure Tracking Surveys Right to Information (RTI) Compliance Social Audits Project Websites Community Radio Increasing Transparency & Access to Information Grievance Redress Enhancing Accountability & Citizen Oversight

8 Outcome Based Approaches to Accountability Service Provider (e.g. Primary Health Center) Local Government (e.g. Zilla Parishad, Satara) State Government (e.g. Maharashtra) Feedback Accountability Services Redesign Programs Reallocate Resources Improved Quality of Service Delivery Feedback

9 SAc Tools Outcomes Citizen Report Cards (CRC) Community Score Cards (CSC) Public Expenditure Tracking Surveys Right to Information (RTI) Compliance Social Audits Development Outcomes Improved Quality of Service Delivery (reduction in mortality rates and malnutrition) Program Redesign and Resource Reallocation to Improve Program Effectiveness and Public Expenditure Efficiency (generation of innovative solutions to local problems through interaction of community and service providers Improved Governance through Demand Side Approaches in Governance (transformation of social capital to political capital for the poor and their organizations) Institutional Outcomes Institutionalization of continuous user feedback mechanisms through demand side approaches in governance of institutions Creation of a cadre of community monitors managed by community institutions Formation of community-public-private partnerships for implementation of development programs Stronger linkages between local governments and CSOs

10 Example 1 - Institutionalizing Social Accountability Approaches in CDD Projects: The Gemidiriya Project, Sri Lanka Results: Micro-planning, social audits and community assessment process (CAP) being used by communities to evaluate quality and effectiveness of local service providers in project villages Creation of a cadre of grassroots Community Professionals and a Community Professional Learning and Training Center to act as local community monitors on an ongoing basis Scale Up: Government plans to scale up CAP to other non-project villages and local government services Service Delivery Context: Numerous local, public and private service providers, such as - village savings and credit organizations, small infrastructure work committees, private contractors, public service providers and so forth

11 Example 2 – Improving Local Government Service Delivery Outcomes through Social Accountability Mechanisms: Satara District, Maharashtra) Results: Reduction in infant, child and maternal mortality rates and malnutrition Significant mobilization of community resources Creation of a cadre of community monitors which include NGOs, parents, teachers and children that assist in local problem solving and improved targeting (special pediatric camps for malnourished children) Transparent sharing of data with parents, children and communities Scale Up: District Local Government scaling up micro-planning and community monitoring to 121 villages in Phase 1 and eventually to all 1,500 villages UNICEF is dovetailing micro-planning with CSC based community monitoring YASHADA designing training modules for other local governments Service Delivery Context: Child and maternal health including nutrition; education, water supply and panchayat services Being extended to other local government service delivery sectors

12 Combating Malnutrition Locally: Growth Charts in Maharashtra

13 Example 3 - Increasing Developmental Effectiveness of Sectoral Approaches: The Health Sector in Andhra Pradesh Results: Formation of public-private-community partnerships for innovative interventions such as - health insurance, nutrition centers, health risk fund, community managed ambulance services and drug depots Institutionalization of a user feedback mechanism by which over 5,000 villagers provide feedback through community score cards annually Cadre of community resource persons (CRPs) who facilitate application of social accountability mechanisms on an ongoing basis Scale-Up: Community monitoring through community health score cards being rolled out in about 450 villages in Phase I (1 st pilot in 12 villages) Potential of gathering user feedback for program implementation in all 1,570 primary health centers covering a total rural population of 5.5 million

14 Example 4 - Facilitating CSO Oversight to Improve Program Outcomes: The Mid-Day Meal Scheme, Rajasthan Context: Mid-day meal scheme (10.2 million children in 75,000 primary schools in Rajasthan) 211 schools in all 14 blocks of Chittorgarh District; feedback from 422 teachers, 2210 students, 2210 parents and 211 cooks PETS conducted by Consumer Unity and Trust Society – International to provide third party feedback to improve implementation of government program Key PETS Findings: 68% of teachers daily spend more than 1 hour (17% of teaching time) on meal distribution Unutilized quantities of food grains have increased over the years 79% of schools received funds for cooking with delays ranging from 2 to 6 months 95% schools do not have a kitchen shed and 36% do not have separate storage space so they store grains in classrooms 85% of the Gram Panchayats and 84% of the parents are NOT involved in MDMS BUT EVEN THEN PARENTS WERE SATISFIED WITH THE MDMS! “Preparing and distributing the mid-day meal to about 60-100 children each day is like managing a wedding lunch every day”- School Teacher

15 Mid-Day Meal Scheme, Rajasthan Results: Dissemination of Expenditure Tracking Survey results in: –Advance transfer of funds for cooking meals –Improvement in quality of food grains (increase in number of inspections, immediate redress of complaints) –Improvement in basic infrastructure (School Grant Facility extended to construct kitchens, food grain storage rooms) –Increased involvement of teachers and parents (teachers and children not involved in cooking and serving meals; increased parent oversight)

16 Example 5 - Governance and Accountability Plans in New Projects: Bihar Rural Livelihoods Project Transparency & Information Dissemination: Appointment of a nodal Right to Information (RTI) officer to adhere to statutory RTI requirements Public display of all information related to release of funds, physical and financial progress and expenditures Training of community organization members in financial/budget literacy Project website Grievance Redress and CSO/Citizens' Participation: Dedicated grievance redress cell with an exclusive hotline for receiving calls and SMSs and a web interface Enhanced Public Oversight & Accountability: Community Score Cards Social Audits through sub-committees Institutional and Service Delivery Report Cards

17 Progress so Far: Social Accountability in South Asia Current and Prospective Centers of Excellence – CSOs, Universities and Government Training Institutions –Tata Institute of Social Sciences (TISS), Mumbai –Center for Good Governance (CGG), Hyderabad –Society for Participatory Research in Asia (PRIA), New Delhi –Yashwantrao Chavan Center for Development Administration (YASHADA), Pune –CUTS International, Jaipur –BRAC University Centre for Governance Studies, Bangladesh –Institute for Participatory Interaction in Development, Sri Lanka South Asia Social Accountability Network ( Technical Advice to Bank Staff, Governments and CSOs –Social Accountability Sourcebook –Guidance Notes Action Research Projects through Government Agencies, CSOs and NGOs Knowledge Creation and Dissemination –Stocktaking of Social Accountability Initiatives –Case Studies Governance and Anti-Corruption Strategy and Implementation Plan for South Asia

18 South Asia Social Accountability Network (SASANET) Back

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