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The Parthenon (Athens) The styles and values of classical architecture would find a new home in the neo- classical atmosphere of the new American republic.

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Presentation on theme: "The Parthenon (Athens) The styles and values of classical architecture would find a new home in the neo- classical atmosphere of the new American republic."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Parthenon (Athens) The styles and values of classical architecture would find a new home in the neo- classical atmosphere of the new American republic.


3 The Pantheon (Rome) The styles and values of classical architecture would find a new home in the neo- classical atmosphere of the new American republic.


5 William Hogarth – Beer Street Satirical engravings, popular during the eighteenth century, frequently took aim at the social ills that were emerging in modern industrialized England.

6 William Hogarth – Gin Lane Satirical engravings, popular during the eighteenth century, frequently took aim at the social ills that were emerging in modern industrialized England.

7 William Hogarth – South Sea Scheme Satirical engravings, popular during the eighteenth century, often targeted scandals of the day involving public officials - as we do today.

8 William Hogarth – Some of the Principal Inhabitant of the Moon Satirical engravings often targeted public officials using symbolic representations that were familiar to the viewer.

9 William Hogarth – A Rakes Progress Hogarth produced a number of paintings satirizing the social failings of the emergent middle class – here, a young man about town.

10 William Hogarth – A Rakes Progress Hogarth’s Marriage a la Mode examines a contemporary social phenomenon: unions between the middle and upper classes.

11 Francisco Goya – Saturn Devouring His Son Goya’s paintings reflect the unsettled atmosphere of 19 th -century Europe and the violence that accompanied social change.

12 Francisco Goya – The Colossus Goya’s paintings reflect the unsettled atmosphere of 19 th -century Europe and the violence that accompanied social change.

13 Francisco Goya – The Shootings of May third 1808 Goya’s paintings reflect the unsettled atmosphere of 19 th -century Europe and the violence that accompanied social change.

14 Jacques-Louis David – The Lictors Bring to Brutus the Bodies of His Sons David employs allusions to classical themes and stories to comment on the self- sacrifice inherent in France’s revolution.

15 Jacques-Louis David – Marat Assassinated David’s representation of Marat’s death is a Romantic perception of the violence and self-destruction that defined the French Reign of Terror.

16 Jacques-Louis David – Napoleon at St. Bernard David’s portrait of the French emperor combines the historical realities of the man with the Romantic tastes of the time.

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