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MICE Status & Plans MICE-UK paul drumm 15 th September 2004.

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Presentation on theme: "MICE Status & Plans MICE-UK paul drumm 15 th September 2004."— Presentation transcript:

1 MICE Status & Plans MICE-UK paul drumm 15 th September 2004

2 CM Highlights Cryo cooler decision –Not yet finalised –Looks good for magnets –Probably ok for absorber R&D for both absorber & magnets –Helium problem –Keen for VLPC cooling Shielding Resolution –Shielding between tracker & cavities –Shielding of photo tubes from magnets Absorber R&D –Liquid hydrogen filled absorber (MuCOOL) @ MTA

3 Beam Line Initial Assumptions Large  p Amplitude/Momentum Correlation Not so desirable! –Purity & Absolute rate is more important Beam line geometry is now fixed Matching is better understood; –Cannot use full  p or correlation!

4 Magnets & MICE Optics Better understanding of matching & cooling –  p issue –many configuration options Coil Spacing: –Tracker solenoid to focus coil –Tracker solenoid to photo tube shield –Resolved to the better!

5 MICE Hall Layout


7 Gate Valve Issue Module Connection Issue Shield Plates for photo tubes Forces – running; fault; quench

8 Absorber & Focus Coil Significant design progress Incorporated cryocoolers Magnets Absorber Window QA/QC - safety issue Liq. H filled absorber at MTA

9 Focus Coil

10 RF Cavity f m = 200.88 MHz (prior to welding) RF Cavity Progress – welding now done

11 RF Power RF Power baseline –MoU between CCLRC & LBNL Signed Waiting for DoE approval –MoU between CCLRC & LANL to be written HT Power Supplies Clearly not critical & could be delayed


13 Trouble at Mill! MICE Progress dependent on international collaborators This is not as strong as desired in proposal but designed to move MICE forward: –UK: Beam & Infrastructure (for beam line) –UK: Tracker contribution with JP & FNAL… –US: Tracker Solenoid

14 MICE & GW Gateway 0 & 1 spring 04 –Passed on amber scientific & technical international funding  Gateway 2: late December –JP $1M firm –US $2.5M vs $23-24M bid –INFN $? not very likely very soon –Gateway 2 chair positive: beam line decoupled from experiment = muon beam facility for other R&D –$2.5M will mean delay is inevitable; leverage for GW2 bring the 1 st piece of MICE to RAL

15 The positive outlook! Beam line is a valuable asset MICE is only one customer; In the future we might welcome –demonstration of large aperture magnets in particular the FFAG –demonstration of cooling rings, partial or full

16 What should we do? Beam & Infrastructure –Complete all work in synchrotron room; target –Try to complete work on PSI solenoid Cryogenic system expected to be a long delivery item Tracker Contribution –Not a large cost item –Build experience with KEK beam test & KEK magnet at RAL Absorber –Continue design effort –Clearly risk is larger – need to see US hardware being built before closing on tender –Hydride bed R&D – with out pressure!



19 Schedule… In doubt: PSI Solenoid MoU has not been signed – waiting for GW2 Need ~1 year to procure cryogenics Need ~6 months commissioning period (?) Possible that the beam line cannot be completed in time for 2006 shutdown


21 Key points Prepare section of ISIS ring to replace part of straight 7 Develop a target (Sheffield) Design beam line components: Stands Vac system Diagnostics Test – esp. magnets Shutdown 2006: Replace section of Straight 7 Install quad triplet on stands Install tilted dipole on stand run cables & services to magnets rearrange shielding

22 Operating MICE (2006?) MICE Base line –Target dips into beam 1 ms at 1 Hz – as late as possible before extraction –Target consumes ~2% of one pulse Limiting factors: –Limit of beam loss monitors –Limit of instantaneous data rate in MICE Alternative –<<1ms @ few (3) Hz

23 Aims for next CM@RAL Review cryo cooler choice Helium options Robust Cost of Beam & Infrastructure Finally get a tracker choice Examine MICE phase 0 within collaboration Muon beam Characterise beam Validate simulations

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