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Published byRobert Blake Modified over 9 years ago
SPORTSMANSHIP Sportsmanship is an integral part of Colgate Recreational Sports. Foul language, violent acts, or intimidation tactics directed towards Colgate officials WILL NOT BE TOLERATED! It is the responsibility of the team’s captain to make sure that his/her team abides by all rules and regulations set forth by Colgate Recreation.
OFFICIALS Come ready to work and have fun!!!. Come properly dressed to the game. Have an understanding of the rules and regulations of the game and be ready to enforce them! Call what you see! BE PROFESSIONAL!!!
LENGTH OF GAMES Games are to be 7 innings in length or up to 50 minutes. No innings will begin after the 50 minute mark If weather or darkness become an issue, a game will be considered finished if 4 innings have been completed, or if the home team is ahead and 3 ½ innings have been completed. Playoffs = every effort will be made to get the full 7 innings or 50 minutes played.
LENGTH OF GAMES cont’d MERCY RULE = after 3 ½ - 4 innings completed and a team has a 10 run lead, game shall be called. Any game that has been suspended before 3 ½ - 4 innings completed, shall be continued at the point of suspension with any eligible roster members. Each team is allowed 10 batters. The 10th batter CAN NOT be walked. INTERNATIONAL TIE RULE = At the start of the extra inning the last batter/runner will start on 2nd base. From here, the game will continue.
REASONS FOR EARLY END OF GAME Home team has more runs after 6 ½ innings. Home team takes the lead in the final inning. Umpire deems the conditions unplayable Darkness Weather
TEAMS Each team is allowed a maximum of 10 players in the line-up The positions are: Pitcher, Catcher, 1st baseman, 2nd baseman, 3rd baseman, Short-stop, and 4 Outfielders. A team can finish a game with a minimum of 8 players [must have a pitcher and catcher]. If a team has less than 8 players, it is considered a forfeit.
SUBSTITUTIONS A substitution can only be made during a dead ball [in between pitches or innings] A player that has been subbed out may re-enter the game ONE time. They will be put into their original batting position. A batter, runner, fielder, or pitcher can be replaced. The substitution is considered complete after the first pitch.
EQUIPMENT CLEATS Shoes (no open toe) or rubber cleats. Metal cleats are NOT PERMITTED! GLOVES Gloves must be worn by ALL defensive players. 1st Basemen gloves are okay to be used by all defensive players. HELMETS Optional MASKS Catcher and/umpire are allowed. Two will be provided to each field. BATS As long as both teams can use it. Some will be provided to each field.
RULES OF PITCHING The pitcher must begin with the ball in front and with both feet on the pitcher’s mound. The pitcher may grip the ball however the pitcher sees fit. Pitcher must use a definitive underhand motion. Pitcher may release the ball (delivery) however he/she sees fit.
PITCHING cont’d The ball must be delivered in an arc. Once the pitcher begins his/her motion, he/she must continue the motion through to delivery. Behind the back or between the legs deliveries ARE NOT PERMITTED. The pitcher has 10 seconds to deliver his/her pitch.
PITCHING cont’d The umpire has sole authority to judge whether the delivery, speed of pitch, and arc of pitch is legal. If deemed illegal, a ball is called and the pitcher is given a warning. If the pitcher repeats warned actions, then the pitcher shall be relieved of his/her duties for the remainder of the game. 5 warm-up pitches at the beginning of the 1st inning of action can be used.
PITCHING cont’d A “No Pitch” is called when: Pitch occurs while play is suspended. Runner is called out for trying to steal (leaving bag before the ball has crossed home plate, hit the ground before home plate, or batted). Before runner returns to the base during foul ball or dead ball. Ball slips from pitcher’s hand during delivery.
BATTING The batting order is determined at the beginning of the game by the team’s captain. This must be turned into the umpire. Substitutes must bat in the order of the player he/she replaces The first batter of an inning will be the batter following the batter that caused an out. Unless, the last out was gotten before a batter completed his/her at bat.
BATTING cont’d Batting out of order is appeals play. The defensive team may make the appeal. If this is caught during the at bat, the correct batter shall take over with the count continuing. If caught after the at bat has completed (one pitch to the following batter), then that accused batter is considered out and any score is reversed.
BATTING POSITION Must have 2 feet in the batters box Umpire can direct batter to get in the box if the umpire feels the batter is taking to long. The batter will then have 5 seconds to comply. A strike is assessed if the batter does not comply. Batter may not switch sides of the plate once the pitcher starts his/her motion. If this occurs, the batter is called out.
BALLS & STRIKES Each batter starts with 1 Ball and 1 Strike. The strike zone is an imaginary box that starts at the top of the batter’s knees and goes to the batter’s chest (arm pits). The umpire will determine if the pitch is a ball or strike.
BALLS A pitch that is not swung at and does not enter the strike zone. A pitch that is not swung at and hits the ground before crossing the plate. A pitch that hits in front of the plate, even if the batter has swung. Illegally pitched ball, not swung at. Pitch that hits the batter, not in the strike zone. If the catcher does not return the ball to the pitcher. Pitch is not thrown within 10 seconds after the batter has taken his/her position.
STRIKES A pitch that enters the strike zone and is not swung at by the batter. A pitch that has been swung at and missed. A pitch that has been hit foul, when the batter has one strike. A pitch that has been swung at and hits the batter. A pitch that hits the batter while the batter is standing in the strike zone. NOTE = any strike called, the ball is considered dead and the runners CAN NOT advance.
BATTER IS OUT WHEN Ball hits the batter while he/she is trying to hit strike three. Batter enters the batter’s box with a bat deemed illegal by umpire. The batter bunts or chops at the ball. The batter hits the ball and his/her foot is outside the batter’s box. The batter hits the ball and his/her foot is on home plate. The batter steps in front of the catcher, when the pitcher has started his/her motion. A member of the batter’s team interferes with a defensive player trying to make a play. The batter hits the ball for the second time in fair territory. The batted ball hits the batter outside the batter’s box. Infield Fly Rule
ON-DECK BATTER The player due up to hit after the current batter. He/She will set-up in front their teams dug-out. Inside On-Deck circle if available. This player may help direct base-runners, but may not interfere with fielder’s making a play. If this occurs, the base-runner closest to home plate is called out.
BASE RUNNING A base runner can advance or return to the base they left once the ball is put into play. No head first slides, unless you are returning to the base you left. You may stay on the base you currently hold until the batter forces you to advance. NO STEALING.
BECOMING A BASE-RUNNER Batting the ball into fair territory. Intentional Walk awarded by pitcher. Four balls have been called [unintentional walk]. If the catcher or another defensive player interferes with the batter’s attempt to hit a legal or illegal pitch.
BATTER-RUNNER IS OUT WHEN… Batter-runner is hit by a batted by in fair territory. Batter-runner drops bat in fair territory and hits a fair ball. A fielder catches a ball in air. A fielder with the ball beats the batter-runner to first base. After reaching first base, the batter-runner is tagged/put-out while attempting to advance to second base. Batter-runner runs out of the 3 foot running lane and interferes with a fielder making a play. Batter-runner advances to first base in fair territory. Must advance to first base in foul territory.
BASE-RUNNER IS OUT WHEN… Base-runner leaves a base before the ball is batted or crosses home plate. Base-runner interferes with a fielder making a play on a live ball. Base-runner is hit by a batted ball in fair territory. Base-runner intentionally kicks a ball in play. A coach interferes with a ball in play. Base-runner is about to score and another teammate interferes with this act. Fielder touches base- runner with the ball while the base- runner is not on a base. Fielder touches/tags the base that the base-runner is forced to advance to. [force out] Base-runner runs outside the 3 foot lane [base path] to dodge an attempted tag.
BASE-RUNNER cont’d Base-runner intentionally and forcefully runs into a defensive player holding the ball. Base-runner advances in front of base-runner in front of them. Base-runner does not return to the base they left after a dead ball. If a base-runner leaves their base before a fly ball has been caught and the base-runner does not return to that base after it is caught. The fielding team can appeal to the base that was left or tag the runner not on the correct base.
BASE-RUNNER APPEALS PLAYS The appeal must be made before the next pitch. Base-runner fails to touch a base before advancing to another base. If a base-runner leaves their base before a fly ball has been caught and the base-runner does not return to that base after it is caught. The fielding team can appeal to the base that was left or tag the runner not on the correct base.
APPEAL’S PLAYS cont’d If appeals play is third out = no preceding or succeeding runs can be scored. If appeals play is a force out = all base runners that score count…unless it is the third out.
BASE-RUNNER HAS LIABILITY WHILE ADVANCING The base-runner is risking an out during these scenarios. The ball is live play. A defender has overthrown a teammate and the ball is fair or foul territory. A defender has caught a fly ball. When a thrown ball hits a player, coach, or umpire. When a base-runner fails to touch a base.
BASE-RUNNER HAS ZERO LIABILITY WHILE ADVANCING When a fair batted ball rolls over, under, or through a fence, stands, or boundary each base- runner is awarded two bases. When forced to advance because the batter has been walked. If a base-runner is obstructed by a fielder not making a play on a live ball. The umpire awards all bases the base-runner would have obtained without the obstruction.
BASE-RUNNER IS EXEMPT FROM LIABILITY WHEN ADVANCING Base-runner does not touch the bases in the correct order [right = 1st, 2nd, 3rd, then home plate]. When the batter-runner’s momentum takes him/her past first base and they make a move towards 2nd base without returning to 1st base.
BASE-RUNNER MUST RETURN TO THEIR BASE When a foul ball is not legally caught. When an illegally batted ball is hit. When a proper batter is called out on appeal. When a player on the team at bat is called out for interference. When an umpire calls time-out. When a pitch is not batted it is a dead ball. AKA = NO STEALING! Must stay on base until the ball crosses the plate or is batted.
BASE RUNNER IS NOT OUT WHEN A batter-runner overruns or over-slides 1st base and immediately returns to base. A base runner has to return to their base, but is not given sufficient time to do so. A fielder does not have sufficient control of the ball or bag and makes a tag. The pitcher makes a pitch before a the defensive team is appeals the previous play. A base-runner runs out of the base path to avoid running into a fielder (in front or behind) making a play on the ball. A base-runner stays on base on a fly ball. A ball that has passed a fielder other than the pitcher and hits a base- runner.
BASE-RUNNER IS NOT OUT cont’d When a base-runner slides into a base and the base becomes dislodged. If the base has been dislodged a few feet from the original position, then the following base-runners should go to the original position of the base. When a batted ball hits a base-runner that is standing on a base. Unless, the umpire judges that the base-runner intentionally put themselves in that position. Then the base-runner is out.
COURTESY RUNNERS A courtesy runner may be used if a player has been injured and cannot run the bases safely. If no eligible courtesy runners are available, then the player who made the last out in the previous inning can be used. The umpire must be informed of this switch. It must be done during a dead ball and before the first pitch to a the next batter.
BALL IS IN PLAY WHEN Umpire calls, “Play Ball”. The pitcher has the ball on the pitchers plate. The batter legally hits a ball in fair territory. The batter drops the bat and the umpire deems not interference was intended. A defensive player overthrows a teammate in fair or foul territory. A THROWN ball hits an umpire or coach.
BALL IS IN PLAY cont’d A THROWN ball hits a base-runner. A batted ball hits a base- runner after passing a fielder other than the pitcher. The infield fly rule is in effect. A fielder does not make a play on an obstructed runner. A base-runner have reached a base they are entitled to after an illegally fielded ball or throw. The umpire calls a base- runner out for passing a base- runner in front of them.
BALL IS IN PLAY cont’d A base runner must return to a base in reverse order. A base-runner gains a right to a base by touching it before being put out. A base-runner runs out of the base path to avoid being tagged by a fielder. A base-runner is forced out or tagged out by a fielder. A base-runner is called out for failing to return to a base when play resumes after a suspension of play. A base is dislodged while a base runner is advancing.
DEAD BALL [BALL NOT IN PLAY] OCCURS WHEN The batter steps into the batter’s box with an altered or illegal bat. The umpire declares, “No Pitch”. A pitched ball hits any part of the batter, regardless if he/she swung. A pitched ball crosses home plate and the batter does not hit it. The umpire calls, “Time”.
DEAD BALL cont’d The batter bunts or chops the ball. The batter hits the ball and it strikes the batter while standing in fair territory. The batter hits the ball and it strikes the batter while standing in the batter’s box The batter enters in the opposite batter’s box once the pitcher is set or in the middle of pitching. The batter hits the ball illegally.
DEAD BALL cont’d The umpire declares that the fielder dropped an fly ball intentionally with runners on base with 0 to 1 outs. The offensive team causes an interference. A fielder is making a play on an obstructed base-runner or batter-runner. A fair batted ball hits someone not associated with the game [photographer, security officer, medic, etc]. The umpire calls a base-runner out for leaving a base too early.
DEAD BALL cont’d A spectator interferes with a batted ball or a ball in play. A coach intentionally interferes with a batted ball or a ball in play. The umpire declares a blocked ball. The ball goes outside the playing boundaries. A fielder carries a live ball into dead ball territory.
JUDGEMENTS Protests on the umpire’s judgment WILL NOT BE CONSIDERED. TYPES OF JUDGMENT CALLS Fair/Foul Balls Base-runner out/safe Touching/Not touching of base-runner/bag Legal/Illegal pitches Balls/Strikes Any other judgments from umpire
PROTESTS The team captain must initiate the protest. TYPES OF PROTESTS and TIME LIMITS MISINTERPRETATIONS OF RULES = This protest must be made before the next pitch, before all players leave fair territory, or before the umpire leaves the playing field. ILLEGAL PLAYER or PLAYERS = The protest must be made with 24 hours of the final out. INELIGIBLE PLAYER or PLAYERS = The protest must be made with 24 hours of the final out.
QUESTIONS/COMMENTS Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions. David Chapman
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