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Howard County Officials Training. Insurance COVERAGE APPLIES TO ANY SPORT YOU DO INCLUDES High School Softball College Softball.

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Presentation on theme: "Howard County Officials Training. Insurance COVERAGE APPLIES TO ANY SPORT YOU DO INCLUDES High School Softball College Softball."— Presentation transcript:

1 Howard County Officials Training

2 Insurance COVERAGE APPLIES TO ANY SPORT YOU DO INCLUDES High School Softball College Softball

3 Section 9. RUN AHEAD RULE A.A run ahead rule must be used at all National Tournaments. 1.Fast Pitch – 15 after three innings or 8 after five innings. 2.Modified Pitch – 10 after five innings. 3.Slow Pitch – 20 after four innings or 12 after five innings. 4.Sixteen-Inch Slow Pitch – 12 after four innings and 10 after five innings. Section 9. RUN AHEAD RULE A.A run ahead rule must be used at all National Tournaments. 1.Fast Pitch – 15 after three innings, 12 after four innings,or 8 after five innings. 2.Modified Pitch – 15 after three innings or 10 after five innings. 3.Slow Pitch – 20 after three innings, 15 after four innings, or 10 after five innings. 4.Sixteen-Inch Slow Pitch – 12 after four innings and 10 after five innings. 2007 Changes Rule 5 2007 Rule

4 Section 4. A STRIKE IS CALLED BY THE UMPIRE C.(Seniors) When the pitch touches home plate or the strike mat. Section 5. A BALL IS CALLED BY THE UMPIRE C.(Seniors) A legally pitched ball that does not touch home plate or the strike mat. 2007 Changes Rule 7


6 HCR&P Rule No Restrictions On Defensive Positioning ASA Rule Pitcher / Catcher 1 Male – 1 Female Infield 2 Males - 2 Females Outfield 2 Males - 2 Females NUMBER OF PLAYERS

7 Extra Player (EP) (Slow Pitch) DP / FLEX (Fast Pitch) LINE UPS

8 SHORTHANDED Rule Start Game 1 Player Less Than Required  Automatic Out in Empty Spot  Must be LAST Spot in Order  HCR&P  Men/Women – No Out  COED – Out in 10 th Spot Continue Game 1 Less Than Started Game  Automatic Out in Vacated Spot  Forfeit – Drop 2 Below


10 Greg Angela Mark Holly Curt Nancy Pete Lefty Brad Erin Rick Andrea Pete John 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 STARTERSUBS

11 Greg Angela Mark Holly Curt Nancy Pete Lefty Brad Erin Rick Andrea Angela Jennifer 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 STARTERSUBS

12 RE-ENTRY Rule

13 Removed Pitcher Unreported Substitute Re-Entry Rule Disqualified Player ILLEGAL PLAYER


15 Field Playability - Umpire’s Discretion Forfeit - Don’t Umpire Practice Keep Player’s and Equipment in Dugout



18 Not ChargedEjection 1 Per Inning Time Called for Offensive Representative Confer With Batter or Runner OFFENSIVE CONFERENCES DEFENSIVE Time Called for Defense Confer With ANY Defensive Player 3 Per Game 1 Per Each Extra Inning Pitcher Removal


20 Andrea Erin Angela Greg Hal Woody


22 TimMark Drew


24 Chris Brent Aaron

25 Fourth Out Appeal RULE 5 - THE GAME Section 5. SCORING OF RUNS B. No run shall be scored if a “fourth out” is the result of an appeal of a base missed or left too soon on a runner who has scored.

26 TIME LIMITS Game Ends Game Ends



29 BATTING OUT OF ORDER Assume Count Replace Batter AFTER Batter BEFORE Pitch AFTER Batter AFTER Pitch WHILE Batting

30 Greg Mary Mark Holly Curt Nancy Pete Lefty Brad Erin Rick Chelsea 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 STARTERSUBS Nancy 1 st 1.Curt on 1 st 2.Erin Comes to bat 3.A ball is thrown to Erin 4.Defense Appeals RULING a. Nancy Bats with 1-0 Count Curt Erin B B

31 Negate Advance Outs Stand Batter OUT Next Batter BATTING OUT OF ORDER Assume Count Replace Batter AFTER Batter BEFORE Pitch AFTER Batter AFTER Pitch WHILE Batting

32 Holly 1.Greg on 2nd Mary on 1st 2.Curt Bats 3.Curt grounds to SS Greg to 3 rd Mary Out at 2 nd Curt Safe at 1st 4.Defense Appeals RULING a.Greg back to 2 nd b.Mary Stays Out c.Mark Out d.Holly Bats Greg Mary Mark Holly Curt Nancy Pete Lefty Brad Erin Rick Chelsea 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 STARTERSUBS Out Curt B Greg Mary Greg B 2 nd 1 st 3 rd 1 st 2 nd Out

33 Negate Advance Outs Stand Batter OUT Next Batter EXCEPTION BATTING OUT OF ORDER Assume Count Replace Batter AFTER Batter BEFORE Pitch AFTER Batter AFTER Pitch WHILE Batting

34 1.Greg on 2nd Mary on 1st 2.Holly Bats 3.Holly grounds to SS Greg to 3 rd Mary Out at 2 nd Holly Out at 1st 4.Defense Appeals RULING a.Greg back to 2 nd b.Mary Stays Out c.Mark Out d.Holly Stays Out e.Curt Bats Greg Mary Mark Holly Curt Nancy Pete Lefty Brad Erin Rick Chelsea 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 STARTERSUBS Out Curt B Greg Mary Greg B 2 nd 1 st 3 rd 2 nd Out Holly Out

35 BATTING OUT OF ORDER WHILE Batting Assume Count Replace Batter AFTER Batter BEFORE Pitch Negate Advance Outs Stand Batter OUT Next Batter EXCEPTION Play Stands Next Batter Runner On Base AFTER Batter AFTER Pitch

36 1.Chelsea on 1 st 2.Erin Bats 3.Erin Walks Chelsea to 2 nd 4.Rick Bats 5.Rick Hits Foul Ball 6.Defense Appeals RULING 7.Rick Stays at Bat 8.Rick Flies Out WHO’S UP? 9.Chelsea Stays at 2 nd 10.Greg Bats Greg Mary Mark Holly Curt Nancy Pete Lefty Brad Erin Rick Chelsea 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 STARTERSUBS Greg B Chelsea 1 st Erin 2 nd Rick B 1 st Out B

37 BATTING POSITION Time Batter’s Box

38 Batter’s Box – Before the Pitch Don’t call “Play Ball” until the batter is inside the lines of the batters box (can be on the lines) Illegal Legal

39 BATTING POSITION Time Batter’s Box Stay In Box

40 Illegally Batted Ball 1.Cannot Step Out of Box to Get Running Start 2.Can Step On Line 3.Cannot Step Entirely Out Of Box 4.Cannot Step on Plate 5.No Violation Unless Contact Made ILLEGAL ILLEGAL LEGAL

41 Step Across Plate BATTING POSITION Time Batter’s Box Stay In Box Step Across Plate

42 Seniors–Hits Plate or MatBall Through Strike Zone STRIKE ON BATTER Ball Through Strike Zone Swing and Miss Foul Tip Foul Ball Batter Hit In Strike Zone Batter Doesn’t Enter Box


44 Third Strike:  Fast Pitch – Caught  Slow Pitch BATTER IS OUT Ejection Enters Batter’s Box:  Illegal Bat AAltered Bat NNon-Approved Bat Batter’s Box Infraction Bunt:  Fast Pitch - 2 Strike Foul  Slow Pitch - Anytime Chopped Ball (Slow Pitch) Fly Ball Interference

45 BATTER OUT Batter’s Interference  Hinder Catcher By Stepping Out Of Box  In Box – Actively Hindering  Intentionally Interferes  Either In Or Out Of Box  Play At Home Bat Hits Ball 2 nd Time

46 Hitting Bat a Second Time (Rule 7, Section 6) Bat hitting ball in fair territory considered intentional and batter is called out. Ball touching bat (in batter’s hand) over fair territory (outside batter’s box) Ball is dead. Batter is not out if still in Batter’s Box. Ball hitting loose bat in fair territory is considered unintentional and batter is not out. Ball is fair until rolling foul or touched over foul territory. Ball hitting bat in foul territory is foul ball. FOUL BALL NOT OUT OUT 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 4

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