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11 Saturation of MPPC detector Detector meeting 2010/11/18 M2 Hiroko Koike 090203_ikuno.ppt.

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Presentation on theme: "11 Saturation of MPPC detector Detector meeting 2010/11/18 M2 Hiroko Koike 090203_ikuno.ppt."— Presentation transcript:

1 11 Saturation of MPPC detector Detector meeting 2010/11/18 M2 Hiroko Koike 090203_ikuno.ppt

2 2 To solve theses problems.. MPPC PMT GATE MPPC PMT GATE Above figure : quantities of light are the maximum. Under figure :quantities of light are the maximum. The fiber was concealed.

3 gate オシロスコープ 3 80nsec 60nsec 160nsec 120nsec

4 Response curve 4 赤・・・ 200nsec 黄緑・・・ 160nsec 青・・・ 120nsec 黄色・・・ 80nsec ピンク・・・ 60nsec PMT ADC counts MPPC p.e.

5 Response curve(gate=80nsec) 5 PMT ADC counts MPPC p.e. Fit function (the most simple function) : p0*( 1- exp (- p1 *x /p0 )) p0 : All numbers of expiration pixel p1 : Response ratio

6 Response curve Quotation from master's thesis of ikuno My result of measurement is p0=3087 P1=16.51

7 Fit function(crosstalk )gate=80nsec 7 Fit function (effect of crosstalk is additional ) : p0*( 1- exp (- p1 *x /p0 ))* ( 1+p2*exp (- p1 *x /p0 )) p0 : All numbers of expiration pixel p1 : Response ratio p2 : cross talk probability Fit function (effect of crosstalk is additional ) : p0*( 1- exp (- p1 *x /p0 ))* ( 1+0.07252*exp (- p1 *x /p0 )) p0 : All numbers of expiration pixel p1 : Response ratio p2 : cross talk probability MPPC p.e. MPPC p.e. PMT ADC counts

8 Fit function (crosstalk and after pulse )gate=80nsec 8 MPPC p.e. MPPC p.e. PMT ADC counts Fit function (effect of crosstalk and afterpulse is additional ) : p0*( 1- exp (- p1 *x /p0 ))* ( 1+p2*exp (- p1 *x /p0 )) *(1+p3) p0 : All numbers of expiration pixel p1 : Response ratio p2 : cross talk probability p3 : after pulse Fit function (effect of crosstalk and afterpulse is additional ) : p0*( 1- exp (- p1 *x /p0 ))* ( 1+0.07252*exp (- p1 *x /p0 )) *(1+0.03) p0 : All numbers of expiration pixel p1 : Response ratio p2 : cross talk probability p3 : after pulse

9 plan Improvement of the fit function About measurement of response curve of source of light with laser+ scinti + WLS Evaluation of evaluation individual difference of reproducibility ・・・・ Match of fiber and scintillator /// I want to finish taking it by the end of this year. Evaluation of responsiveness curve by simulation ・・・ making it now. 9

10 10 Back up

11 11 Plan ( last time ) A receiving optical side was expanded more than before. 12mm MPPC PMT GATE The setup has not changed.

12 12 When quantities of light are the maximum MPPC signal MPPC pedestal PMT signal PMT pedestal

13 13 When quantities of light are the minimum MPPC signal PMT signal MPPC pedestal PMT pedestal 13

14 14 Angle dependence of polarizing plate to laser y : ADC pulse height x : rotation step of polarizer (°) Shape of MPPC looks like obviously thinner than PMT. MPPC PMT

15 response curve 15 PMT ADC counts MPPC p.e. Fit function (the most simple function) : p0*( 1- exp (- p1 *x /p0 )) p0 : All numbers of expiration pixel p1 : Response ratio

16 16 Fit function(crosstalk ) Fit function (effect of crosstalk is additional ) : p0*( 1- exp (- p1 *x /p0 ))* ( 1+p2*exp (- p1 *x /p0 )) p0 : All numbers of expiration pixel p1 : Response ratio p2 : cross talk probability PMT ADC counts MPPC p.e. MPPC p.e. Fit function (effect of crosstalk is additional ) : p0*( 1- exp (- p1 *x /p0 ))* ( 1+0.07252*exp (- p1 *x /p0 )) p0 : All numbers of expiration pixel p1 : Response ratio p2 : cross talk probability

17 Crosstalk and after pulse 17 Fit function (effect of crosstalk and afterpulse is additional ) : p0*( 1- exp (- p1 *x /p0 ))* ( 1+p2*exp (- p1 *x /p0 )) *(1+p3) p0 : All numbers of expiration pixel p1 : Response ratio p2 : cross talk probability p3 : after pulse Fit function (effect of crosstalk and afterpulse is additional ) : p0*( 1- exp (- p1 *x /p0 ))* ( 1+0.07252*exp (- p1 *x /p0 )) *(1+0.03) p0 : All numbers of expiration pixel p1 : Response ratio p2 : cross talk probability p3 : after pulse MPPC p.e. MPPC p.e. PMT ADC counts

18 18 Angle dependence of polarizing plate to laser Gate(200nsec) y : ADC pulse height x : rotation step of polarizer (°) Shape of MPPC looks like obviously thinner than PMT. MPPC PMT

19 Gate(160nsec) 19 PMT MPPC

20 Gate(120nsec) 20 PMT MPPC

21 Gate(80nsec) 21 PMT MPPC

22 Gate(60nsec) 22 MPPC PMT

23 Response curve(gate=160nsec) 23

24 Response curve(gate=120nsec) 24

25 Response curve(gate=60nsec) 25

26 Backup 前々回 26

27 27 Gain dのグラフと gain のグラフ Over +3V=72.44V Gain (over +3V)=3.5 ×10 5 d=13.7 counts d=14.1 counts 72.4V The value of gain is given as a parameter in the program.

28 28 When quantities of light are the maximum MPPC signal PMT signal PMT pedestal MPPC pedestal ?

29 29 response curve(last time) Fit function (the most simple function) : p0*( 1- exp (- p1 *x /p0 )) p0 : All numbers of expiration pixel p1 : Response ratio PMT ADC counts MPPC p.e. Accuracy of a fit is not good.

30 30 MPPC 応答曲線 ( 生野先輩 2009/02/03 ILC meeting より引用 )

31 31 MPPC 応答曲線 ( 生野先輩 2009/02/03 ILC meeting より引用 ) Npix=2424 ± 3 と求まった。

32 32 問題点2について ( 生野先輩 2009/0 1 /23 ILC meeting より引用 ) テスト @ 筑波大 シンチの光 ファイバー 直接 紫外光 レーザー MPP C Inside Laser+ シンチレータのシステムテスト(まだ光量変えられない) ビームテスト と同じスト リップ

33 33

34 34 Measuring imitative chart MPPC 単体 20mm MPPC + scintillator 30mm

35 35 前回 PMT side To bring the distance of the scintillator and the polarizing plate, the fiber was lengthened. MPPC side

36 36 Setup 180mm 10mm MPPC PMT GATE Signal of PMT and MPPC When seeing with the oscilloscope The fiber was extended.

37 37 When quantities of light are the minimum( 前回 ) MPPC signal MPPC pedestal PMT pedestal PMT signal

38 38 Angle dependence of polarizing plate to laser PMTMPPC y : ADC pulse height x : rotation step of polarizer (°) Shape of MPPC looks obviously thinner than PMT.

39 39 Response Curve (前々 回) Fit function (the most simple function) : p0*( 1- exp (- p1 *x /p0 )) p0 : All numbers of expiration pixel p1 : Response ratio PMT ADC counts MPPC p.e.

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