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Thursday 1/31/13 Goal: to explain how the United States acquired Hawaii. Warm-up: Create a t-chart. On one side list reasons for acquiring Hawaii on the.

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Presentation on theme: "Thursday 1/31/13 Goal: to explain how the United States acquired Hawaii. Warm-up: Create a t-chart. On one side list reasons for acquiring Hawaii on the."— Presentation transcript:

1 Thursday 1/31/13 Goal: to explain how the United States acquired Hawaii. Warm-up: Create a t-chart. On one side list reasons for acquiring Hawaii on the other side list reasons against. (THINK)

2 Arguments For: Hawaii too small and weak to maintain independence No protest by any other government "Cordial consent" of both governments Strategic location to secure U.S. fleet and coastline Commercial interests "Outpost of Americanism against increasing Asiatic invasion" Arguments Against: Hawaiian people not consulted American people not consulted Unconstitutional method of increasing domain Too remote; too costly to defend Non-homogeneous population Not commercially necessary Not militarily necessary Secure independence of Hawaiian people with policy rather than takeover

3 1823- President James Monroe- The Monroe Doctrine The US would oppose the attempt of any European country to regain or establish colonies in the western hemisphere.

4 I. The Impulse of Imperialism A. Imperialism: The quest for colonial empires 1. Driven by a need for new markets (Africa, Asia, and South America) 2.Power and Prestige 3.Raw materials 4. Military outposts

5 B.Alfred Thayer Mahan 1. US Naval War College 2. Argued for the need for a strong navy to protect US interest in foreign markets C. Some felt it was our duty to speed democracy and Christianity

6 II. Acquiring Hawaii A. 1800’s American settlers, missionaries, and traders began going to Hawaii. 1. Brought disease 2. Population 300,000 in 1778. And 150,000 in 1819

7 B. American Influence 1. 1800’s – Sugar industry began in flourish. 2. Sugar planters brought in Japanese and Chinese workers. 3. By 1870, most of the Hawaiian sugar trade was controlled by the Americans 4. 1875 treaty- Exempted Hawaiian sugar from US tariffs  Hawaii promised not to grant territory or special privileges to other countries. 5. 1886- US demanded control of Pearl Harbor in order to renew tax exempt status. 6. Bayonet Constitution a. King Kalakaua – refuses to except tax exempt status – forced @ gunpoint to do so by “Secret Hawaiian League” b. Limits king’s power

8 7.Queen Liliuokalani – succeeds her brother as queen. Vows to have a “Hawaii for Hawaiians” 8. Supporters of US annexation occupy government buildings (us businessmen) 9. US orders Marines ashore to “protect American lives” a. No shots fired b. Liliuokalani relinquishes her throne – new govt. is set up w/ Sanford B. Dole as President 10.President G. Cleveland orders an investigation a. Condemns us role, but does nothing to reinstate Liliuokalani b. US annexes Hawaii under McKinley in 1898, becomes a territory in 1900, & becomes the 50 th state in 1959

9 Assignment As students we always want to use Wikipedia as a source. Imagine you are editing Wikipedia Write an entry on how and why the United States acquired Hawaii. Please take home and proofread. DUE ON MONDAY!

10 III.US involvement in China A. Spheres of influence 1. China attacked and weakened by Japan in 1895 2. Britain, France, Germany, & Russia start carving out spheres of influence throughout China

11 B. Open Door Policy - Sec. Of State John Hay asked European Powers and Japan to keep all ports open and to allow China to collect tariffs

12 C. The Boxer Rebellion 1. Chinese secret society – “The Fists of Righteous Harmony” or “Boxers” blame foreigners and missionaries for China’s troubles 2. Attacked missionaries and traders in northern China killing 200 3. Foreign countries sent troops to Beijing a. 8 week siege – European forces win b. China forced to pay $333 million for damages

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